
mín fǎ diǎn
  • civil code;civil law
  1. 摘要婚姻家庭(亲属)编是民法典的重要组成部分。

    Marriage & family volume is a major part of the civil code .

  2. 在刑法典修改工作完成后,民法典的起草工作已经在悄悄的准备起来。

    After the criminal code was revised , the civil code was drafted .

  3. 产生于19世纪中期的高危险民事责任未能与近代民法典发生历史的机缘。腺样囊性癌组织中存在PTEN表达缺失,PTEN在部分腺样囊性癌病变发展中起一定作用。

    The liability for abnormally dangerous activities has not been a part of the modem civil code , though it appeared in the middle age of the nineteenth century . PTEN was abnormally expressed in SACC .

  4. 从对《德国民法典》第90a条的理解展开环境资源法学与民法学的对话

    Promoting the Communion of Environment and Resources Law with Civil Law Based on the Comprehension of the Number Ninety a Item in the German Civil Code

  5. 论《法国民法典》与法国大革命精神的契合与背离

    Agreement and Deviation : French Revolution Spirit and French Civil Statute

  6. 中国未来民法典的品格形成会受到诸多因素的影响。

    The civil code of China is implicated by many factors .

  7. 我国应该在未来的民法典中做出原则性的规定。

    We should made principle provision in the future civil code .

  8. 荷兰民法典的做法就是这一观念的明确体现。

    Dutch Civil Code approach is the concept of clear expression .

  9. 略论民法典中收养制度的设计

    Design of the Adoption System in the Civil Code of China

  10. 信托财产权、信托法与民法典

    Property Rights in Trust , Trust Law and Civil Code

  11. 人格权法与中国民法典的制定

    Law concerning Personal Rights and the Making of China 's Civil Code

  12. 民法典的形式理性

    Observations on Drafting a Civil Code China Formal Rationality of Civil Law

  13. 抽象人格演进的文化解释与民法典的整合和分解

    Culture Interpretation of Abstract Personality Evolution and Civil Code Integration and Decomposition

  14. 然而,2002年《德国民法典》的修订改变了这种状况。

    The Revision of German Civil Code in 2002 has changed it .

  15. 社会本位&民法典的最佳选择

    Social Priority & The Best Choice of Chinese Civil Code

  16. 论民法典视野下的情事变更原则

    Discussion on the Principles of Circumstance Alternation under Civil Law Visual Field

  17. 前面提到的1998年阿根廷民法典草案还处于议会讨论之中。

    The aforementioned Argentine Draft of1998 is still under the Congress analysis .

  18. 日本明治民法典研究(一)

    Studies of Meiji Civil Code of Japan ( To Be Continued )

  19. 松散式、汇编式的民法典不适合中国国情

    Incompact and Assembled Civil Code is Improper to the Situation of China

  20. 匈牙利民法典起草的若干问题

    On Problems Of Hungarian New Civil Law Being Drafted

  21. 中国民法典的编纂与比较法学

    The Compilation of Chinese Civil Law and Comparative Law

  22. 我国当前正在进行着物权法和民法典的立法工作。

    China now is conducting legislation of the Civil Code and Property Law .

  23. 未来中国民法典的特性探析

    Analyzing the Character of Civil Code in Future China

  24. 法律移植与法律文化&以民法典制订为中心

    Legal Transplantation and Legal Cultures with the Related Civil Codes as the Center

  25. 民法典制定中的几个重大问题

    Several Significant Issues in the Making of Civil Code

  26. 再论环境侵权&从制定中的民法典之角度

    Debate Environmental Tort Again & From Angles of the Civil Code in Drafting

  27. 对民法典中公共秩序保留条款的立法思考

    Some Ideas about the Provisions of Public Order in the Chinese Civil Code

  28. 民法典创制与应有权利认知

    Formulation of Civil Code and Recognition of Due Rights

  29. 《德国民法典》的演进及其分析

    The evolution and analysis of German Civil Code

  30. 1950年的印度宪法是致力于保护全体印度人而制定一部统一的民法典。

    The 1950 Constitution aims to secure for all Indians a uniform Civil Code .