
mín fǎ
  • civil law
民法 [mín fǎ]
  • [civil law] 规定并调整平等主体的公民间、法人间及公民与法人间的财产关系和人身关系的法律规范的总称

民法[mín fǎ]
  1. 反映科技发展对民法的要求;

    To reflect the need of civil law in technological development ;

  2. 传统民法规定共同危险行为人承担连带责任。

    Traditional civil law provides joint and several liability for actors .

  3. 中国民法的发展和外国的影响——走进中国的本土民法

    Civil Codification and Foreign Influence in China-Towards China 's Own Civil Code ?

  4. 意见强调,要加强宪法、民法典等普法宣传力度。

    It emphasized the need to boost the public 's familiarity with laws and regulations such as the Constitution and the Civil Code .

  5. 一旦民法宣布动物不再是物品,法官和检察官在裁决时将有更多选择。

    Once the Civil Act declares animals are no longer simply things , judges and prosecutors will have more options when determining sentences , he said .

  6. 民法典总则与民法典立法体系模式

    On the General Part of Civil Code and its Legislation Pattern

  7. 继承回复请求权源于罗马法继承回复诉权制度,现代大陆法国家民法多有规定。

    The requesting right of recovering inheritance originates from Roman laws .

  8. 循环经济立法中的民法机制

    The Mechanism of Civil Laws in the Legislation of Circular Economy

  9. 权利能力与未出生者的民法地位

    The Position of Capacity of Civil Rights and the Unbirth Person

  10. 法国民法广泛承认精神损害赔偿。

    French civil law is widely recognized moral damage compensation .

  11. 经济法主体与民法主体的比较研究

    Comparative Research on Subject of Economic Law and Subject of Civil Law

  12. 我国民法中的法律拟制与注意规定

    Legal Fiction and Provision of Attention in our Civil Law

  13. 德国民法对中国民法的影响在德国打工

    Germany Influence of German Civil Law on Chinese Civil Law

  14. 市民社会、市民人性与中国民法典思考

    Civil Society , Civil Humanity and Reflection on China 's Civil Code

  15. 民法案例分析的基本方法探讨

    Discussion on the Basic Methods of Civil Law Case Analysis

  16. 第一部分主要对股东有限责任制度的概念进行了分析,指出股东有限责任制度有其自身的含义,并不是民法中所指的有限责任。

    Chapter one discusses the conception of the limited liability of shareholders .

  17. 商法与民法关系研究

    Studies on the Relation of Commercial Law and Civil Law

  18. 民法是市场经济的基本法,是市场调节机制发挥作用的法律保障。

    Civil law is the basic law of market economy .

  19. 反诉类型化研究类型化与民法解释

    The necessary research of counteraccusation classification Typology and Interpretation of Civil Law

  20. 配偶权的民法保护及完善

    The Protection of Spouse 's Right Through Civil Law and Its Perfection

  21. 论民法与经济法历史发展之比较

    Comparison of civil law and economic law in historical development

  22. 从自理到宪律:对清代民法与民事诉讼的考察&以《刑案汇览》中的坟山争讼为中心

    Inspect on Civil Law and Civil Action in Qing Dynasty

  23. 论信用权的民法保护

    The Protection of the Credit Right by the Civil Law

  24. 中国民法现代化的目标与实现途径

    The Goal and the Realization way of the Chinese Civil law Modernization

  25. 在民法现代化进程中谈未来我国民法典的品格

    The Characters of the Civil Code of Our Country in the Future

  26. 与民法的发展相比,环境法学的发展较晚。

    Compares with civil law development , environmental law development is later .

  27. 中国移植苏联民法模式考

    Transplanting the Soviet Model of Civil Law Code to China

  28. 什么是法学研究&民法学习的一点体会

    What the Jurisprudential Study Means & Some Personnel Concept About Civil Law Learning

  29. 民法典草案学者建议稿人格权编述评

    On the Law of the Right of Personality in the Civil Code Recommendation

  30. 论民法和经济法的关系

    On the Relationship between Economic Law and Civil Law