
mín shì zhǔ tǐ
  • civil subject
  1. 因而,个人从本质上不同于民事主体。

    Therefore , a person is essentially different from civil subject .

  2. 通过对民间环保社团能否成为民事主体?

    We will discuss can environmental protection NGOs be a civil subject ?

  3. WTO要求我国内外资企业立法一体化,内资企业立法平等化,企业立法模式统一化、内容系统化。改造我国企业立法要确立非法人企业的民事主体资格;

    The process of the entry of WTO makes it necessary for our country to ensure an equal and integrated legislation of domestic and foreign enterprises , unified modes and systematic contents of legislation .

  4. 民事主体自主形成的法律关系;

    Legal relationship that the civil subjects form with free will ;

  5. 业主与物业管理企业之间是平等的民事主体之间的关系。

    The property management enterprise represents the will of all proprietors .

  6. 衡平方法正是用来纠正法律的这种不合目的性。民事主体制度是公司人格否认的制度基础。

    Justice is the chief value of the law system .

  7. 对我国民事主体资格理论的反思

    Turn Over to Think about the Qualification of Civil Principle Part Theory

  8. 第三章、非法人团体的民事主体地位。

    Chapter three discusses the status of non-legal entity of civil law .

  9. 我国民事主体若干法律问题的探讨

    Views on several problems in our law about civil subject

  10. 商主体与民事主体法律特征的差异

    The Difference Between the Legal Characteristic of Commercial Subject and Civil Law Subject

  11. 第二部分是对死者的民事主体地位研究。

    The second part writes the deceased civil status of the main study .

  12. 连体人属于民事主体中自然人的范畴。

    Siamese twins as civil subjects belong to the category of natural persons .

  13. 债务人首先要具备民事主体资格,其资格的取得、丧失与否,直接关系到债权利益实现的问题。

    First of all , a obligator must have qualification of civil subject .

  14. 合伙民事主体资格探究

    On the Qualification of Partnership 's Civil Subject

  15. 论其他组织的法律地位:兼论民事主体标准

    The Legal Status of Miscellaneous Organisation : Also on the Criterion of Civil Subject

  16. 隐私权是民事主体基本权利不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    Privacy is an indispensable part of the basic rights of the civil subject .

  17. 建筑施工合同项目部签章民事主体资格认定之我见

    On the Decision of Civil Subject Qualification of Project Department of Architectural Construction Contract

  18. 论民事主体资格的扩张与多元化标准&兼论动物的民事主体资格

    A Study on the Expansion and Variable Standards of Civil main - body Qualification

  19. 家庭的民事主体地位

    Status of a Family as a Body with Rights and Obligations in Civil Law

  20. 论我国民事主体的多元结构

    Multi - element Formation of Civil Subject

  21. 挑战民事主体二元结构的帝王之位

    Challenge to Binary Structure of Civil Subject

  22. 论合伙的民事主体地位

    On the Civil Subjective Status of Partnership

  23. 对于合伙是否具有民事主体地位这一问题,民法学界一直有争议。

    It has always been a controversial issue whether partnership has the civil subjective status .

  24. 现代社会中,公司无疑是重要的民事主体。

    It is undoubtedly that the company is an important civil subject in modern society .

  25. 业主委员会尚不具有独立民事主体资格;

    That the owners committee does not have the qualification of independent subject of the civil .

  26. 原因是:(1)商事主体的基础理论脱胎于民事主体制度;

    The causes : 1.the basic theory of commercial main-body came from the system of civil ;

  27. 关于民事主体的内涵与外延的立法思考

    As for the Content of the Civil Case Corpus and the Lawmaking Thinking that Postpone Outside

  28. 对我国民法典中应否设定第三类民事主体的思考

    A Proposal of the Establishment of the Third Genus of Civil Body in Chinese Civil Law

  29. 民法典应确立二元民事主体结构&以非法人团体问题为中心

    Double Civil Subject Should Be Established in Civil Lawbook ── Focus on " None-juristic Person "

  30. 近代民事主体理念超越了具体平等而实现于抽象平等。

    The concept of modern civil subject transcends the concrete equality and realizes the abstract equality .