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  • national characteristics
  1. 俄汉比喻的民族特点

    A Tentative Study of the National Characteristics of Russian and Chinese Figurative Expressions

  2. 因此,必须寻找适合本民族特点的发展道路。

    Therefore , we must find the right path of development of the national characteristics .

  3. Rh系统中CDe染色体频率(0.8146)极高,而cDe频率(0.0232)较低,符合南方民族特点。

    The CDe chromosome frequency ( 0.8146 ) is very high while that of cDe ( 0.0232 ) is quite low , which tallies with the characteristics of southern ethnic groups in China .

  4. 这些民族特点对于我们搞好今天的企业经营管理仍具有重要的借鉴作用。

    All these characteristics are still useful to our management today .

  5. 论电影《成吉思汗》中音乐的民族特点

    The National Feature of the Music of the Film Genghis khan

  6. 谈诗歌民族特点的制约因素

    A Trial Talk on the Restrained Factor of Poems ' National Features

  7. 也是新疆最具有维吾尔民族特点的城市。

    Kashgar is Xinjiang most Uyghur characteristics of cities .

  8. 因为越具有民族特点的艺术才越具有世界性的意义。

    National characteristics as the more artistic with the more cosmopolitan sense only .

  9. 英语谚语的民族特点探析

    An Analysis on the National Features of English Proverbs

  10. 试论英汉谚语的民族特点

    On the national traits in English and Chinese proverbs

  11. 建筑与城市环境中的民族特点

    Thw National Style in Building and City environment

  12. 中国纪实摄影发展具有本土特色和民族特点。

    Chinese documentary photography is developing with the local special features and national personalities .

  13. 中国书画是具有鲜明民族特点的文化艺术形式。

    Chinese calligraphy and painting are the artistic forms characteristic of its national character .

  14. 穆索尔斯基艺术风格上有浓郁的俄罗斯民族特点和独特个性,在音乐语言和艺术形式上有大胆的创新。

    The artistic style of Moussorgsky had a strong Russian national characteristics and unique personality .

  15. 略论道教的民族特点

    The National Characteristics of the Taoist Religion

  16. 中国钢琴曲的民族特点

    The National Character of Chinese Piano Music

  17. 加快地区农业结构调整,创造湖区富有地域特色和民族特点的社会经济发展模式;

    Adjusting the regional agricultural structure and creating the regional-featured , ethical socio-economic developing models ;

  18. 中国美学民族特点的形成与这一命题有密切关系,它对中国美学的历史发展也有影响作用。

    The forming of the national characteristics of Chinese aesthetics is closely related to this proposition .

  19. 英语如何发展成为国际语言,它有哪些民族特点。

    This article shows how English became an international language and what national features it has .

  20. 他总是愿意看到机构发展鲜明的民族特点和民族传统了。

    He always preferred to see institutions developing out of distinctive national traits and national traditions .

  21. 中国民间文化学是一门具有鲜明民族特点的人文学科,徐华龙是其学者群体中的一位佼佼者。

    Xu Hua-long is one of the most talented scholars in the field of Chinese Folk Culture .

  22. 在照顾民族特点与维护国家法律统一之间&从赔命价谈起

    Between Considering Ethnic Characteristics and Safeguarding Consolidation of State Laws & Discussing from Damages of Compensating Lives

  23. 移植法律与本地民族特点的冲突;

    The conflict between ″ transplant - ed ″ law and the features of the local nationality ;

  24. 二胡是最具民族特点的乐器,它有着非常深厚的民族民间音乐文化基础。

    Erhu is a musical instrument with national characteristics , and it has a deep cultural foundation .

  25. 那么你认为学生的作品能反映出很强烈的民族特点嘛?

    So do you think there are some obvious national characteristic which reflected in the design work ?

  26. 委婉语作为语言使用过程中的普遍手段,反映出社会和民族特点。

    As a common means of language use , euphemism reflects the characteristics of a society or a nation .

  27. 艺术歌曲作为声乐作品中特定的一部分,在具有不同民族特点的同时又体现出共同的属性。

    As a special part of vocal music works , art songs have different national characteristics and common attribute .

  28. 本文通过对布依戏的戏剧特点和民族特点的分析,试图挖掘出这一民族艺术形式形成的内在和外在的文化因素。

    This paper tries to discover the culture conditions for Bouyei-drama forming by analyzing its drama and ethnic features .

  29. 平安时代,在咀嚼消化、融会贯通中华文明的基础上,形成了具有民族特点的国风文化。

    Safe era , on the basis of absorbing the Chinese civilization , formed country 's wind culture with national characteristic .

  30. 这类商品具有鲜明的民族特点,明确的消费群体,地域性强,历史文化悠久。

    This kind of goods have a long history with distinctive national features , clear consumer groups and strong regional feature .