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  • 网络Shengjing;Mukden
  1. 全文分作如下五章:第一章,清代盛京地区自然灾害综述。

    Text divided into the following five chapters : Chapter ⅰ, Summary of Natural Disasters in the Qing Dynasty Mukden .

  2. 为研究清代皇室经济,特别是盛京的皇室庄园经济的研究提供了丰富的史料。

    For the study of the Qing Dynasty royal family economy , in particular , provides a wealth of historical data of the Mukden royal manor economy .

  3. 他的怀孕的妻子盛京(Seong-kyeong)被广受欢迎的韩国独立电影女演员郑有美(Seong-Yumi)所饰演,这个角色也展现了孕妇的力量。

    His pregnant wife Seong-kyeong was played by acclaimed Korean indie film actress Jung Yu-mi , conveying strength in her delicate condition .

  4. 这座城市也被称为盛京或奉天。

    The city was also known as Shengjing or Fengtian .

  5. 在政治制度上,清廷一方面根据盛京及东北的特殊情况,设盛京将军等;

    Politically , Qing government set up Shengjing General to govern Shengjing and the northeast area .

  6. 皇姑区政府同时改造舍利塔周边环境,恢复塔寺原始风貌,重现盛京八景之一“塔湾夕照”。

    In the mean time , District Government of Huanggu will engage in improving the surroundings to restore the original environment of Dagoba .

  7. 盛京是清入关前的都城,是在明沈阳中卫的基础上改造、增拓而成。

    Sheng Jing is enters the pass front clear the capital city , is transforms in the bright Shenyang center half back 's foundation , increases develops becomes .

  8. 作为满族的故乡,东北受清朝历任统治者的重视,清初尤其以盛京为要地,黑龙江地区则次之。

    As the hometown of Man Race , northeast was paid more attention by the emperor of Qing Dynasty , especially Shengjing area , followed is Heilongjiang area .

  9. 清入关前在盛京地区设置旗地,并有所发展,包括“计丁授田”与旗地配置。

    Before the armies of Qing Dynasty occupied Shanhaiguan , land was allocated to Bannermen in Shengjing , including per capita allocation of land which helped prosper land cultivation .

  10. 结论中国医科大学附属盛京医院儿科门急诊就诊的2~12岁儿童睡眠障碍发生率非常高。

    Conclusion There is a higher prevalence rate of sleep disorders in2 ~ 12-year old children receiving medical treatment in the Department of Pediatrics in the city of Shenyang .

  11. 这些政治机构的设置与政治制度的确立,既是清朝陪都制度的具体表现,同时也充分体现了盛京陪都地位的与众不同。

    The establishment of political institutions and political system embodies the system of assistant capital in Qing Dynasty and shows the distinguished position of the assistant capital of Qing Dynasty .

  12. 收集山东济宁医学院附属医院、青岛大学医学院附属医院、浙江台州医院、中国医科大学盛京医院等临床路径管理试点医院的相关规章制度、变异记录程序及指标等二手资料,了解变异管理现状。

    The clinical pathway management related rules and regulation , variation methods and indicators were collected from affiliated hospital of Jining Medical College , affiliated hospitals of Medical College Qingdao University .

  13. 盛京作为我国古代都城规划建设史上最后一个范例,也极大地丰富了中国都城规划史的宝库。

    Sheng Jing took our country ancient times in the capital city plan construction history the last model , also has enormously enriched the Chinese capital city plan history treasure house .

  14. 顺治年时,“龙兴之地”的盛京地区农业歉收,清廷为恢复生产,采取了重新分配旗地,鼓励满族返回盛京,招汉人出关开垦等措施。

    The imperial government during Shunzhi 's time reallocated land to Bannermen , encouraged Manchus to return to Shengjing , and called for Han Chinese to open up land outside of Shanhaiguan .

  15. 迁至盛京及北京后,锡伯族人则被拆散而散编入满洲八旗、蒙古八旗各佐领之中,而且散居多处驻防点的各村屯,这对其民族属性不无影响。

    When they move to Shengjing and Beijing , Xibe nationality are broken up into the " Eight Banners " of Manchu and Monggol and they station in many villages as defence forces .

  16. 清王朝是中国历史上的最后一个封建王朝,作为其发祥重地的盛京,在清代历史发展过程中有着极其重要的地位与作用。

    Qing Dynasty in Chinese history of the last feudal dynasty , as the birthplace of Mukden , in Qing Dynasty in the history of the development process has an extremely important position and role .

  17. 摘要通过对《盛京时报》洋货广告的介绍,阐释广告文化中的殖民文化现象,进而解读这种文化现象背后的文化霸权及其对中国固有的民族文化造成的严重冲击。

    In the paper , the author introduces the advertisement for foreign goods in Shengjing times , expounds the colonial culture phenomenon and interprets cultural hegemony behind colonial civilization and its great impact on the national culture of china .

  18. 有清一代,盛京地区的自然灾害屡有发生,不仅影响到清代盛京地区的生产和生活,而且对清代政治、经济、文化的发展造成了重大的影响。

    Qing Dynasty , Mukden area of natural disasters have repeatedly occurred in areas not only affects the production of the Qing Dynasty and life Mukden , and the Qing political , economic and cultural development has had a major impact .