
  1. 我们可将一个盛水的密闭容器置于恒温槽内。

    We might put a sealed container of water in a constant-temperature bath .

  2. 父亲接着说,读书就像拿篮子盛水。

    The father continued , Reading is like holding water with the basket .

  3. 村民们用葫芦盛水

    The villagers use gourds for holding water .

  4. 直到八年前,在Meskerem,一家位于亚当斯摩根区的衣索比亚餐厅,服务员会提供肥皂,一盆温水以及盛水的碗让每位顾客洗手。

    Until eight years ago , at Meskerem , an Ethiopian restaurant in Adams Morgan , waiters took soap , a pitcher of warm water and bowls to pour water over people 's hands .

  5. 皮被用来制作帐蓬和盛水的容器。

    The skins were used for making tents and water containers .

  6. 在游览故宫时,有一次,我的一个朋友问了一个问题,是关于火灾时用来盛水的金属大缸的。

    My friend used the word'urn'instead of'pot'or'vat'when he asked his question .

  7. 而其他族群则用树叶碾碎昆虫或盛水。

    Yet other groups use leaves to crush insects or gather water .

  8. 哪个东西能盛水多,是杯子还是水桶?

    Which can hold more water , a cup or a bucket ?

  9. 使用大的盛水的容器以使取水的次数减到最少。

    Minimize the number of trips to water by carrying water containers .

  10. 钢筋混凝土盛水构筑物的裂缝控制措施

    Crack Control Measure of Reinforced Concrete Structure Containing Water

  11. 事实上我是来盛水的。

    I actually came to fill my water bag .

  12. 她举行盛大的宴会。那个桶还能盛水,不会漏。

    She has a big dinner party . That pail still holds water .

  13. 如何防治盛水构筑物的渗漏

    Measures to prevent leakage of structure containing water

  14. 这个容器不能盛水。

    This vessel will not retain water .

  15. 有桶盛水的车(尤其是为了卖水)。

    Cart with a tank for water ( especially with fresh water for sale ) .

  16. 此外,试验中还发现盛水容器的选择对试验结果有影响。

    Otherwise , it is found that the choice of the container affects the experimental results .

  17. 那个桶还能盛水,不会漏。

    That pail still holds water .

  18. 用胶盆盛水洗濯蔬果,再用这些水浇盆栽。

    Wash your vegetables and fruits in a bowl and save it for watering your household plants .

  19. 要将盆放在会幕和坛的中间,在盆里盛水。

    Place it between the Tent of Meeting and the altar , and put water in it .

  20. 如今用水桶(以及盆)盛水便于清洁都是很常见的。

    Buckets ( as well as bowls ) are now more commonly used for carrying water for cleaning purposes .

  21. 取水前一定要洗手,盛水容器中的剩水不能倒回井里。

    Must wash their hands before fetch water , left water in containers can not back down the well .

  22. 然后,我用自己认为是盛水的大褐色瓶子里的水把白兰地瓶子倒满。

    Then I filled up the brandy bottle with what I thought was water from a big brown bottle .

  23. 多孔(透水)的土壤盛水的通过蒸发制冷的多孔深水的包(通常是帆布的)。

    A porous soil a porous bag ( usually of canvas ) that holds water and cools it by evaporation .

  24. 一种用金属或塑料制成的用来盛水或油或气体的长管。

    A long tube made of metal or plastic that is used to carry water or oil or gas etc. .

  25. 为了巩固爱情而送礼物给女性就像试图用筛子盛水一样徒劳无功。

    Giving presents to a woman to secure her love is as vain as endeavoring to fill a sieve with water .

  26. 我想用它来盛水,可是它太重了,我根本抬不动;

    When I want to use it to contain water , however , it is too heavy for me to carry .

  27. 拚命追忆,只像把筛子去盛水。

    He searched his memory for all he was worth , but it was like trying to hold water in a sieve .

  28. 洗脸盆可以盛水用来洗脸或洗手等的盆这些手绣织品都是一等品。

    A basin that can be filled with water for use in washing oneself . These hand embroider one is all first class goods .

  29. 早期的(莱顿瓶)只是由一个盛水(或酒精、或水银)的瓶子和一个浸入液体的长钉子组成。

    An early type consisted merely of a bottle containing water ( or alcohol or mercury ) with a long nail dipping into the liquid .

  30. 方法采用可控式电温热器盛水、烧杯盛过氧乙酸消毒剂进行隔水传热熏蒸消毒。

    METHODS Put some water in the controllable electric heater and put the beaker with the peracetic acid in the water , and then fumigate it .