
  • 网络akio morita
  1. 1994年,索尼的创始人盛田昭夫宣布他将退出身处困境的公司的首席执行官一职。

    1994-Sony founder Akio Morita announces he will be stepping down as CEO of the floundering company .

  2. 但40年前,索尼公司创始人之一盛田昭夫做出一项英明决策:买下了晶体管的使用权,并弄清了它的用途。

    But four decades ago Sony co-founder Akio Morita was smart enough to buy rights to the device and figure out what to do with it .

  3. 那天早晨用餐时假如盛田昭夫没有向委员会成员表示遗憾的话这件事情本应就这么完毕了。

    That would have been the end of it had Morita not voiced regret over dinner that evening with the committee members .

  4. 甚至那时担任索尼公司主席和首席执行管的盛田昭夫也认为哥伦比亚的标价(开始是35美元一股)太昂贵。

    Even Morita , then Sony 's chairman and CEO , believed that Columbia 's price tag , originally $ 35 per share , was exorbitant .