
  • 网络SNDA
  1. 同时这也是盛大公司文化“合理行事”的最好体现。

    It is also a reflection of the Shanda culture : doing the reasonable thing .

  2. 主要的互动娱乐有限公司盛大公司宣布,按照政府的要求,它会在哀悼期过后重新开放他们的服务。

    Shanda , a leading interactive entertainment and media company , announced that in accordance with the government 's request , it will reconvene its online gaming after the period of mourning .

  3. 本文以盛大公司旗下的较具性别特色的红袖添香网站为例,针对近年以来较受关注的网络女性原创写作进行研究和分析。

    In this paper , with a relatively big of gender characteristics of " hongxiutianxiang " website as an example , this paper has in recent years more popular network women writing original research and analysis .

  4. 在线游戏运营商盛大互动娱乐有限公司(shandainteractiveentertainment)则推出韩国已经开发出来的游戏。

    Online games operator Shanda Interactive Entertainment introduced games that had already been developed in South Korea .

  5. 在排名前十的网络游戏中,时间收费型网游占据了4个席位,其中两款是今年才开始商业化运营的新游戏,包括盛大互动娱乐有限公司(ShandaInteractiveEntertainment)的主要新游戏《永恒之塔》(AION)。

    Among the top 10 games , four are subscription-based titles and two were commercially launched this year , including Shanda Interactive Entertainment Ltd. 's ( SNDA ) major new title , AION .

  6. SAIF在盛大娱乐互动有限公司的投资于2003被评选为“年度最佳投资案例”,并于2004年被评选为“年度最佳退出案例”。

    Yan 's leadership , AIF 's investment in Shanda Interactive Entertainment ( SNDA ) has been named " the Investment of the Year " in2003 and SAIF was voted as " VC Firm of the Year " .

  7. 一位盛大的发言人说公司意在控制新浪。

    A Shanda spokesman says the company wants control .