
  1. 卡福集团先后在新西兰、土库曼斯坦设立了分公司,卡福公司是继海尔集团在国外设立分公司的企业,同时弘扬民族的品牌。

    Cafu Group has been in New Zealand , Turkmenistan established a branch office , Cafu is the Haier Group , following the establishment of branch companies abroad , while developing national brand .

  2. 我们的营销目标,并不是追求轰轰烈烈、好大喜功的所谓爆炸式增长,而是注重稳健型发展,先将珠江三角洲的一线市场做深做透,再在长江三角洲和国外开设分公司和办事处。

    Our marketing goal does not lie in pursuing so-called explosive growth , but concentrating on steady development , cultivating the markets in the Pearl River delta , and then opening branches and offices in the Yangze River Delta and foreign countries .

  3. 申请人可以委托商标代理组织,或者委托国外代表人或者律师事务所,或者其在国外的分公司代为办理。

    The applicant may entrust a trademark agency organization , or a foreign representative or law firm , or its branch company abroad to make the registration .