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xuán xué
  • metaphysics;a philosophical sect in the Wei and Jin dynasties;a philosophical sect in the Wei (220-265)and Jin (265-420) dynasties
玄学 [xuán xué]
  • (1) [metaphysics]∶形而上学的另一译名。凡涉及超物理的或超经验的东西的某些事物,如深奥难懂的哲学科学

  • (2) [a philosophical sect in the Wei (220-265)and Jin (265-420) dynasties]∶中国魏晋时代,向秀何晏、王弼等运用道家的老庄思想揉合儒家经义而形成的一种唯心主义哲学思潮

玄学[xuán xué]
  1. 玄学思潮下的魏晋山水文学之一瞥

    Landscape Literature in Wei and Jin Dynasties : Influence of Metaphysics

  2. 第二节讨论了佛教、玄学思想对文学的影响。

    Section ⅱ discuss impact of Buddhism and Metaphysics on Literature .

  3. 约翰·邓恩(JohnDonne)被誉为17世纪英国玄学诗派的鼻祖。

    John Donne is highly reputed as the forefather of the seventeenth century metaphysical school in England .

  4. 玄学家们主张弃礼法而求自然。

    The metaphysicians advocated abandoning etiquette for the sake of nature .

  5. 经学与魏晋玄学的结合;

    The study of Confucianism combined with the study of metaphsics ;

  6. 对于生命特别是人的生命,玄学给予了空前的重视与前所未有的讨论。

    It discuss pays more attention to life especially human life .

  7. 安德鲁·马韦尔是英国玄学派诗人中非常重要的代表人物。

    Andrew Marvel is an important Metaphysical poets in English literature .

  8. 英国十七世纪玄学派诗人乔治·赫伯特以写宗教诗著称。

    George Hebert belongs to the metaphysical school of the seventeenth century .

  9. 胡适与科学、玄学之论争

    Hu Shi relation with the contention between science and metaphysics

  10. 由此可见,玄学美学是道家美学向禅宗美学转向的审美中介。

    So , Metaphysics aesthetics is the guide of Zen Buddhism aesthetics .

  11. 魏晋玄学对陶诗创作方式的影响

    Effect of the Wei-jin Metaphysics Upon the Tao 's Poetry

  12. 魏晋玄学对绘画创造的影响

    Painting Creativity Influenced by Metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasty

  13. 玄学的兴盛与论说文的繁荣&正始论说文的文化学阐释

    The Prosperity of Neo - Taoism and Flourishing of Argumentation

  14. 玄学从理论形态和思维方式上促进了正统法律思想的发展;

    Metaphysics prompted the development on the theory and made of thinking ;

  15. 他们生逢玄学发展的黄金时期,又经历了魏晋之际改朝换代的动荡,其文学创作带有鲜明的时代特色。

    They were born at the peak of metaphysics development .

  16. 魏晋以来,社会上尤尚玄学清谈之风。

    Wei has been especially Shangxuan school community talk in the breeze .

  17. 那时候我对玄学丝毫不感兴趣。

    At the time I was not at all interested in metaphysics .

  18. 英国玄学派诗歌与中国玄言诗的不同玄机

    Different Essence of English Metaphysics Poetry and Chinese Xuan Poetry

  19. 多恩是17世纪英国玄学派诗人的代表,人们对他的奇思妙想褒贬不一。

    John Donne is the representative of British metaphysical poets .

  20. 埋藏在人们苦难深处的玄学真谛。

    The metaphysical truths which lay at the root of human suffering .

  21. 于是清谈、玄学之风一时大盛。

    Hence metaphysical discourse and learning flourished amongst the literati .

  22. 后现代主义精神与魏晋玄学

    The Essence of Post Modernism and the Metaphysics During Wei and Jin Dynasties

  23. 玄学是魏晋时期兴起的一种影响深远的社会思潮,两晋之际玄学在理论上发展到极至,其影响开始渗入社会生活的各个方面。

    Metaphysics was a far-reaching ethos which appeared in Wei and Jin period .

  24. 英国玄学派诗人约翰·多恩爱情诗歌中的意象群赏析

    Appreciation of the Conceits in the Love Poems of Metaphysical Poet John Donne

  25. 理性的超越与感性的生动&魏晋玄学与自然审美意识关系论

    On the Relationship Between Metaphysics and Natural Aesthetic Consciousness in Wei Jin Periods

  26. 王弼、何晏一派的思想被称为玄学。

    The thought of Wang Bi and He Yan was called for Metaphysics .

  27. 我只是在大学教玄学的一个诡异女人罢了

    I 'm just a cooky lady that teaches occult at the university .

  28. 约翰·邓恩是十七世纪最有影响力的玄学派作家之一。

    John Donne is the most influential metaphysical poet in the 17th century .

  29. 玄学和诗歌是我衷爱的学科(塞缪尔泰勒科尔里奇)

    Metaphysics and poetry ... are my darling studies ( Samuel Taylor Coleridge )

  30. 而玄学的理想人格,则体现着对于审美理想的追求。

    The ideal personality of Wei-Jin metaphysics embodies the pursuit for the aesthetic ideal .