
  • Xuanbin;【人名】Bin Hyeon
  1. 在长途汽车上,安娜为来自韩国的应召男郎勋(玄彬饰演)垫付了车费。

    On the bus , she lends the bus fare to a South Korean escort named Hoon ( Hyun ) .

  2. 在去年播出的电视剧《秘密花园》中,玄彬与银屏女友的“卡布奇诺之吻”引起媒体狂热报导

    Hyun Bin sparked a wave of media hysteria last year when he kissed the cappuccino mustache of his screen girlfriend during an episode of " Secret Garden . "

  3. 这部中国女星汤唯和韩国影星玄彬共同主演的电影《晚秋》讲述了一个引人入胜的故事:两个看起来完全无害的不被社会接受的人如何不顾一切地陷入爱河。

    Starring Chinese actress Tang Wei and South Korean actor Hyun Bin , Late Autumn is an enchanting tale of two unlikely misfits who fall in love , against all odds .