
xuán wǔ bō li
  • Basalt glass;wichtisite;tachylite;sordawalite;sordavalite
玄武玻璃[xuán wǔ bō li]
  1. 大别造山带东部假玄武玻璃及其围岩的K-Ar和~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar年龄及地质意义

    K-Ar and ~ ( 40 ) Ar - ~ ( 39 ) Ar Ages of Pseudotachylites and Their Wall Rocks from the Eastern Dabie Mountains and Their Implications

  2. 假玄武玻璃的研究进展与现状

    Advance and the Status quo of the Research on Pseudotachylites

  3. 一种基性或玄武玻璃。

    A basic or basalt glass .

  4. 本文通过普通光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察分析,详细研究对比了不同断裂带内部发育的假玄武玻璃及其围岩在显微构造特征上的差异及联系。

    This paper mainly discusses the characteristics of microstructures between the pseudotachylites and their host rocks through observed mainly by optical microscope and SEM imaging .

  5. 标志性构造形迹拆离断层产状平缓,倾角10°~15°,其间发育黄白色或蛋青色微角砾岩、假玄武玻璃、断层泥等构造岩。

    The detachment fault dips gently at10 ~ 15 °, in which there occur such tectonites as yellowish white or egg-green microbreccia , pseudotachylite and fault gouges .