
huáng tài hòu
  • empress dowager;queen mother
皇太后 [huáng tài hòu]
  • [empress dowager] 皇帝的母亲

皇太后[huáng tài hòu]
  1. 这场免职之后由皇太后隆裕领导。

    This removal later proceeded with directions from Empress Dowager Longyu .

  2. 册封她?皇太后。

    He confers on her the title of empress dowager .

  3. 皇太后不过是在男人怀里的一个女人。

    Mother queen & just a woman in a mans arms .

  4. 皇太后传旨杀掉皇太子。

    The empress dowager gave orders to snuff out the crown prince .

  5. 皇太后——不过是在男人怀里的一个女人。

    Mother queen -- just a woman in a man 's arms .

  6. 皇太后会出面保护你。

    The emperor 's mother herself will protect you .

  7. 皇太后价值九百万的发簪在哪儿?

    The Empress pin valued at 9 million sterling .

  8. 皇太后价值九百万的发簪在哪儿

    The Empress pin valued at 9 million sterling ?

  9. 皇太后问我圣诞快乐呢。

    Merry Christmas from the queen mother .

  10. 皇太后的花园及行宫是从不曾凋谢的一支带露玫瑰。

    Empress Dowager of the palace and gardens from the withers not a dewy rose .

  11. 她那派头仍然带有高傲的自尊,具有皇太后一般的尊严。

    Here was still a lofty self-regard in her bearing the dignity of a dowager empress .

  12. 它是建在丛林深谷中的泰欧式结合的建筑,每年雨季皇太后都要在这里居住一段时间。

    It is built deep in the jungle in Thailand and Europe-with the construction , the annual rainy season Empress Dowager have lived here for some time .

  13. 在第二章中,笔者从意识形态的角度入手,论证了拜占廷人心目中的皇太后、皇后以及公主角色。

    In the second chapter , the author analyzes according to the ideology what Byzantine people expected to the roles of the empress dowager , queen and Princess .

  14. 安娜·帕夫洛夫娜几乎阖上了眼睛,暗示无论是她,或是任何人都不能断定,皇太后乐。

    Anna Pavlovna almost closed her eyes to indicate that neither she nor anyone else had a right to criticize what the Empress desired or was pleased with .

  15. 颐和园、万寿山、昆明湖这些名字,都是清朝那些“皇帝”和皇帝的妈妈“皇太后”给起的。

    Summer Palace , Longevity Hill , Kunming Lake these names are the Qing Dynasty those " emperor " and the emperor 's mother ," Queen Mother " to the date .

  16. 老皇太后和皇后千方百计让李信和彩静二人合房,但二人却没有发生关系。

    With empress dowager 's special arrangement , Li Xin and Caijing have to spend an entire night in the same bedroom . however , they have no intimate relationship during that night .

  17. 可是,颟顸的霍氏集团对皇帝的新动向毫无察觉,反而依仗皇太后、皇后的特殊关系,变本加厉地专横跋扈、奢靡越制。

    However , the Khodorkovsky 's Group of the emperor 's new trends without notice , but relied on the Empress Dowager , Queen 's special relationship intensify their efforts to Shemi the system .

  18. 慈禧在16岁时以贵人的身份进宫,十年后她5岁的儿子登上皇位,她便成为了皇太后。

    At the other was the Empress Dowager Cixi . Entering the palace at sixteen years old as a concubine , Cixi became a dowager empress ten years later when her five-year-old son assumed the throne .