
  • 网络Huangtaiji;hong taiji
  1. 皇太极的汉族文人政策评述

    Policy Comment about the Han Nationality Scholar of Huang Taiji

  2. 皇太极时期,战争仍然是满洲的主题。

    During Huang taiji , the war still is the subject of Manchuria .

  3. 1636年,皇太极改国号为清。

    In1636 , he changed into clear .

  4. 因此,皇太极于1636年建立了清朝,也就是元朝的后一任帝国。

    As a result , Huangtaiji established the new dynasty of Qing as the successor of the Yuan Dynasty in 1636 .

  5. 皇太极时期是清朝政权由武治向文治转变的重要阶段。

    The Huang Taiji Period was the important stage that the Qing Dynasty political power turned from armed administration to literary administration .

  6. 皇太极对后金的生产关系进行了重大改革,封建生产方式得以确立,为生产力的空前发展开拓了道路。

    Huangtaiji reformed the relations of production of Houjin Dynasty , which made the feudal mode of production form and extremely developed productive forces .

  7. 皇太极去世后,围绕皇位继承权展开了激烈的斗争。

    A sharp struggle centred on the succession to the throne came along with the death of emperor Tai Zong ( Huang Tai Ji ) .

  8. 皇太极在承袭前朝惩治逃人和窝逃者规定的基础上,作出了一些适应当时状态的转变。

    Huang taiji inherited the former punish people escape and Wo escape on the basis of those provisions , made an adaptation of the State was changed .

  9. 但是皇太极对于汉族文人的重视并不是从即位之初就开始的,而是存在着一个逐渐转变的过程。

    The importance to the Han nationality scholar Huang Taiji put wasn 't from the beginning of his ascending the throne , but existing a process of gradual transformation .

  10. 天聪九年,皇太极下诏以“满洲”来称呼被他统治的全体“诸申”部众。

    In the year of1635 , Huang Taiji ordered to give the name of Manchu to all the people who were ruled by him and who were originally called as Jushen .

  11. 到1636年时,满族的领袖皇太极已经足够有自信在沈阳(1621年被满族政府)建立大清帝国,立年号为崇德。

    By 1636 the Manchu ruler Huangtaiji was confident enough to proclaim the Imperial Qing Dynasty at Shenyang , which had fallen to the Manchu in 1621 , taking the Imperial title Chongde .

  12. 吴三桂被夹在两个敌人中间,最终决定将赌注下在清朝身上并与6岁顺治帝的摄政王多尔衮结成联盟,顺治帝是皇太极的儿子,皇太极于前一年驾崩。

    Wu caught between two enemies decided to cast his lots with the Manchus and made an alliance with Dorgon , regent to the then six-year old Shunzhi , son of Huangtaiji who had passed away the year before .

  13. 皇太极所做的文化贡献完成了将满族文化纳入中国传统文化体系的历史任务,并保存了满族文化鲜明的民族特色。

    Changing the title of the dynasty into Qing . His contribution in culture accomplished the historical mission of putting the Manchu culture into the system of the traditional Chinese culture and preserving the brilliant national characteristics of the Manchu culture .