
luó mǎ dì guó
  • the Roman Empire;Caesar;Ancient Rome;Rome Empire
  1. 罗马帝国把欧洲多数地区置于自己的统治之下。

    The Roman Empire subjected most of Europe to its rule .

  2. 罗马帝国于公元4世纪分裂。

    The Roman Empire was divided in the fourth century AD.

  3. 罗马帝国被日耳曼的野蛮人推翻了。

    The Roman Empire was overrun by Nordic barbarians .

  4. 我们在欧洲的时候看过未删节版《罗马帝国艳情史》。

    We saw the uncut version of ' Caligula ' when we were in Europe .

  5. 看了这个罐子之后,福克纳赞成罐子属于罗马帝国晚期的说法,即3或4世纪。

    After looking at the jug , Faulkner concurred that it was late Roman , third or fourth century

  6. 我们生活的这个时期所经历的变革可能是罗马帝国灭亡以来最巨大的。

    Our lives have straddled a period of greater change than perhaps any since the end of the Roman Empire

  7. 罗马帝国开始衰败。

    The Roman Empire began to decay .

  8. 罗马帝国在防务上很大程度依靠雇佣军。

    The Roman Empire depended largely on auxiliaries for its defense .

  9. 到了公元五世纪,罗马帝国迅速衰落。

    The Roman Empire rapidly waned in power in the5th century .

  10. 古罗马人把罗马帝国扩张到亚洲境内。

    The ancient Romans extended their empire into asia .

  11. 在罗马帝国时期(公元前37年至公元476年),紫色染料的制作非常困难。

    During the time of the roman Empire ( 37 BC-476 AD ) , it was very difficult to make purple dye .

  12. 慢慢的,salarium(源于拉丁语salarius,指“盐的”)一词逐渐用来指代发给士兵的军饷以及发给罗马帝国所有官员的钱资,直至后来,用来统指“薪水、薪资”。

    Over time , salarium ( from the Latin3 salarius , ' of salt ' ) came to refer simply to money paid the soldiers , and then to monies paid to any official of the Roman Empire , and eventually to wages in general .

  13. 商业秘密(TradeSecrets)作为市场竞争的自发产物,最早可以追溯到古罗马帝国时期。

    The trade secrets , as the spontaneous product of the market competition , may trace to the ancient Rome Empire .

  14. 几个世纪中,神圣罗马帝国(HolyRomanEmpire)将权力分配给少数几个收费点,以此获取资助。

    For centuries , the Holy Roman Empire derived patronage by assigning rights to a limited number of toll points .

  15. 虽然我们一直把romantic这个词与“甜蜜、爱情”相联系,但是这个词却来自于罗马帝国的强大的征服力。

    We associate this word with sweetness and love , but it emerged from the conquering powers of the Roman Empire .

  16. 不过,最近DNA证据显示罗马帝国的祖先—伊楚利亚人和古利迪亚人拥有相同的基因。

    But recently , DNA evidence has shown that the Etruscans , who then led to the Roman Empire , actually share the same DNA as the ancient Lydians .

  17. 西欧是从古罗马帝国的第五代皇帝尼禄(Nero)时期(公元54&68年)掘坑后覆盖云母或滑石板片进行保护地栽培。

    In west since the sth emperor-Nero time of the Roman Empire , mica sheet and talcum sheet were used to cover the digged pit where the protective culture was carried on .

  18. 正如斯坦福大学(stanforduniversity)的沃尔特沙伊德尔(walterscheidel)在一篇精彩的文章中所指出的:“2000年前,整个物种中大概有一半处在两大帝国的控制之下:罗马帝国和汉帝国。”

    As Walter Scheidel of Stanford University notes in a fascinating essay : " two thousand years ago , perhaps half of the entire species had come under the control of just two powers , the Roman and Han empires . "

  19. 狄奥多拉18岁找到信仰之后,东罗马帝国的皇帝查士丁尼一世(JustinianI)被她的美貌迷住了,为了能够娶她为妻,查士丁尼一世甚至修改了法律。

    After finding religion at 18 , the emperor Justinian I was struck with her beauty , so much so that he changed the law just so that he could marry her .

  20. 凯撒的格言“Divedeetimpera”4也适用于今天的系统和软件开发,因为它是两千年以前用来管理罗马帝国的。

    The motto attributed to Caesar ," Divede et impera ," 4 is as applicable to systems and software development today , as it was for managing the Roman empire two thousand years ago .

  21. 基督教与西罗马帝国衰亡辨析

    On Christianity the Decline and Fall of the West Roman Empire

  22. 在整个罗马帝国境内,到处是惊恐、难以置信和愤怒的情绪。

    There was horror , disbelief and anger throughout the Empire .

  23. 伟大的罗马帝国东征西战,创下了辉煌的战绩。

    The mighty Roman Empire gained tremendous glory from its conquers .

  24. 影片一开始描述的是罗马帝国时期。

    The film begins at the time of the Roman empire .

  25. 罗马帝国的全盛期是在奥古斯都时代。

    Rome was in its prime in the age of Augustus .

  26. 罗马帝国毕竟是一个十分原始的组织;

    The Roman Empire was after all a very primitive organization ;

  27. 他们在阿拉里克一世的领导下入侵了罗马帝国。

    They invaded the Roman Empire under the leadership of Alaric I.

  28. 罗马帝国在那时已经衰亡。

    At that time , the Roman Empire had already decayed .

  29. 他们在整个罗马帝国中应用这一原则。

    They applied this principle all across the Roman Empire .

  30. 军队堕落与罗马帝国三世纪危机

    Degeneration of the army and the Third-Century Crisis in the Roman Empire