
lǎo wō
  • Laos
老挝[lǎo wō]
  1. 尽管偶尔出现一些小的磕碰,美国和老挝一直保持着很友好的关系。

    Despite the occasional hiccup , the US and Laos have had quite cordial relations .

  2. 法国人在越南面临彻底的失败后,接着又让老挝取得了完全的独立。

    Facing total defeat in Vietnam , the French subsequently conceded full independence to Laos .

  3. 五分之四的老挝人是农民。

    Four-fifths of Laotians are farmers .

  4. 20世纪70年代末,老挝被纳入了越南和苏联的势力范围。

    In the late 1970s Laos fell within the orbit of Vietnam and the Soviet Union .

  5. 老挝在越南西面。

    Laos is on the west of Vietnam .

  6. 建立了BP神经网络预测模型,运用MATLAB编程对老挝公路客、货运量进行了预测。

    Established a BP neural network prediction model , using MATLAB programming to Laos highway passenger and cargo were predicted .

  7. 老挝的货币是Kip(货币代码LAK)。

    Kip ( currency code LAK ) is the currency of Laos .

  8. 然后从投资规模、投资方式、投资行业和投资地区四个方面分别对老挝吸引世界FDI和中国FDI的现状进行了总结。

    Then from the investment scale , investment , trade and investment areas the theses described , respectively , the status of FDI from the world and China .

  9. 新出版的《环境监控》报告提出了一系列老挝必须采取的行动,以阻止被世行的老挝国家业务局局长IanC.Porter称为多年“管理不当的开采”。

    The newly published " Environment Monitor " describes a series of actions Lao has initiated to manage its resources sustainably .

  10. 他们的衣著近似传统的泰国服饰。时至今日,所有ODu人都采用了泰国与老挝的姓氏「Lo」。

    Their clothing often resembles traditional Thai clothing , and all O Du people now use the Thai and Lao family name of " Lo " .

  11. 由老挝流行病学家和泰国临床医生采集的样本经泰国国立卫生研究院检测H5N1感染呈阳性。

    Samples taken by Lao epidemiologists and Thai clinicians were tested by the National Institute of Health in Thailand and were positive for H5N1 infection .

  12. 今年10月13名中国海员在湄公河遇害后,中国向缅甸、老挝和泰国派出了武装巡逻队伍,这些难以控制的国家构成了著名的金三角(GoldenTriangle)。

    After the murder of 13 Chinese sailors on the Mekong river in October , China dispatched armed patrols into Burma , Laos and Thailand , the unruly states forming the notorious Golden Triangle .

  13. 有趣的是,在1991年,联合国农学家劳伦特·查斯(LaurentChazee)拍摄了一家老挝的中药房摆放的鹿角。

    Interestingly , in 1991 , UN agronomist Laurent Chazee photographed a pair of antlers at a traditional medicine shop in Laos .

  14. 盖茨引用的那句话,借自历史学家阿瑟施莱辛格(arthurschlesingerjr),讲述了麦克阿瑟1961年是如何建议总统约翰肯尼迪(johnf.kennedy)避免介入老挝的。

    The quote Mr Gates used was borrowed from the historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr , describing how Gen MacArthur in 1961 advised President John F. Kennedy to avoid intervention in Laos .

  15. 实证结果表明:CAFTA的建立显著促进了老挝对中国的出口,而老挝自中国进口量的增长并不显著。

    The results indicate that CAFTA only significantly affects the exports of Laos to China , but the imports of Laos from China is not significant .

  16. 时代属古近系古新统(E1),与老挝万象钾镁盐矿属同时代、同构造带。

    The age of this K-salt deposit belongs to Palaeogene Palaeocene ( N_1 ), which is formed in the same period and in the same structual zone as those of Vientiane K-Mg salt deposit of Laos .

  17. 接着,在二次世界大战期间,老挝又被日本所占领。该国在1949年独立,成为在琅勃拉邦希沙旺国王(KingSisavangVong)的领导下的老挝王国。

    Following a Japanese occupation during World War II , the country became independent in1949 as the Kingdom of Laos under the leadership of King Sisavang Vong .

  18. Beeline是我们在越南、老挝和柬埔寨最合适的合作伙伴&这是一个雄心勃勃的年轻组织,他们在短时间内就在当地做出了成绩。

    Beeline is the right partner for us in Vietnam , Laos and Cambodia – an ambitious young organisation which has already made a big impact locally in a short space of time .

  19. “核炸冰箱”在榜单中位列第三。克林特•伊斯特伍德主演的电影《老爷车》催生的新词Hmong紧随其后,它指的是生活在老挝山区的一个民族。

    The phrase came in third on the list , followed by " Hmong " a mountain dwelling people in Laos from the Clint Eastwood movie " Gran Torino " .

  20. UNODC与老挝政府不得不呼吁世界粮食计划署进行紧急粮食救助。

    UNODC and the Laotian government had to appeal to the World Food Programme for emergency food aid .

  21. 桑李是一个美国-老挝组织“Jhai基金会”的负责人,他在HinHeup地区已经工作了将近五年。

    Lee Thorn , the head of the Jhai Foundation , an American-Lao organisation , has been working for nearly five years in the Hin Heup district .

  22. 我还利用这个机会与WMPA和政府的朋友练了老挝语,这对我来说是个额外的收获。

    I also got to practice my Lao with my WMPA and government friends , which was a nice little extra benefit for me !

  23. 拟议中由中国出资建设的铁路线将自南向北,从泰国在罗勇(Rayong)的主要深水港通至泰国和老挝边境线上的廊开(NongKhai),并有一条支线连接到曼谷。

    The planned Chinese-backed railway will run north-south from Thailand 's main deep seaport in Rayong to the Laos border at Nong Khai , with a separate spur that connects to Bangkok .

  24. 昆明-曼谷高速公路(R3A或R3E)是一条建成于2008年的联结了中国、老挝和泰国的公路。

    Kunming-Bangkok Highway ( R3A or R3E ) is the road which has been connected South of China , Laos and Thailand in 2008 .

  25. 黑长臂猿(Nomascusconcolor)是世界上一种珍稀、濒危的树栖灵长类动物,主要分布于我国云南省境内,在国外仅越南北部、老挝西北部有分布。

    Black crested gibbon ( Nomascus concolor ) is one of the rare and endangered primates , which is only distributed in Yunnan China , Northern Vietnam and Northwestern laos .

  26. KTC在老挝开了一家工厂,但与晶苑集团的情况一样,那里的工人们生产的服装比鹤山工厂里生产的更简单,因为老挝工人的技术不如中国工人。

    KTC has opened a factory in Laos but , as in the case of Crystal Group , the workers there make less complicated garments than in Heshan because they do not have the same skills as their Chinese peers .

  27. 老挝的华文教育事业也迎来了前所未有的机遇与挑战。

    The Chinese education in Laos created a great opportunities andchallenges .

  28. 因此,老挝人民的生活水平不断提高。

    As a result , their living standard has gradually improved .

  29. 老挝是东盟国家和中国大市场的接壤中心。

    Laos is the center which connects China and ASEAN nations .

  30. 老挝人民革命党对社会主义的认识和实践

    Understanding and Practice of Lao People 's Revolutionary Party about Socialism