
lǎo nián yī xué
  • geriatrics;gerontology
  1. 她5月5日在西雅图举行的美国老年医学会的年度会议上介绍了她的发现。

    She presented her findings May5 at the American Geriatrics Society 's annual meeting in Seattle .

  2. 根据全国老年医学会1982年拟定的健康老年人的五项标准,从1982~1983年参加体检的郑州地区1068名老年人中确定了470名健康老年人。

    From 1982 to 1983 , the health of 1068 aged person in Zhengzhou region were examined . 470 people of them were considered to be healthy according to the fire standards made by the Chinese Geriatrics ASsociation in 1982 for healthy aged person .

  3. 其中一项最新的研究发表在了《应用老年医学杂志》上,该研究调查了来自康涅狄格州的老年生活助理中心、养老院和较小的安老院(在一些州被称为膳食及护理机构或成人护理机构)的150位居民。

    The most recent of these studies , published in The journal of Applied Gerontology , surveyed 150 Connecticut residents of assisted living , nursing homes and smaller residential care homes ( known in some states as board and care homes or adult care homes ) .

  4. 动物模型SAM小鼠及其在老年医学研究中的应用

    Senescence-Accelerated Mouse ( SAM ): An Animal Model and Its Application in Gerontological Studies

  5. 英国老年医学研究专家奥布里•德格雷(AubreydeGrey)表示,是时候突破人类关于衰老的自我否定了。德格雷对于如何延缓死亡的提议曾引起广泛的争议。

    ' It 's time to break out of our denial about aging , 'said Aubrey de Grey , a British gerontologist who has drawn controversy for his suggestions on how to forestall death .

  6. 南加州大学(UniversityofSouthernCalifornia)老年医学和生物科学教授、上述人类研究的首席作者瓦尔特12539;D12539;隆戈(ValterD.Longo)说:那些高蛋白饮食的发展伴随着一种短视现象。

    ' Those high-protein diets were developed with a shortsighted vision , ' said Valter D. Longo , a University of Southern California professor of gerontology and biological sciences and the lead author of the human study .

  7. Dosa是罗得岛州布朗大学WarrenAlpert医学院的内科教授,也是该疗养院的老年医学顾问医生。

    Dosa is professor of medicine at Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University , Rhode Island , and a geriatric consultant at the nursing home .

  8. 美国国家老年医学研究中心行为与社会研究部门负责人RichardSuzman博士说,“我们才刚刚开始了解它的转化和应用方面。”

    Richard Suzman , director of the division of behavioral and social research at the National Institute on Aging . " We are barely beginning to understand its translational and applied aspects . "

  9. 纽约阿尔伯特爱因斯坦医学院的老年医学家尼尔巴尔齐莱(nirbarzilai)说,他研究的百岁老人使他相信,基因比饮食和生活方式更重要。

    NIR Barzilai , a gerontologistat Albert Einstein College of medicine in New York , says that the centenarianshe studies have led him to believe that genetics is more important than dietand lifestyle .

  10. 方法采用中华医学会老年医学组设计的老年生存质量调查问卷对555例60岁以上企业职工中有无心脑血管疾病者进行比较研究,数据通过IBM-PC/XT微机作统计学处理。

    Methods Using the Questionnaire of survival quality of old people designed by CMA gerontology section , a comparative investigation was carried out in 555 enterprise staff above sixty . The data was disposed by IBM PC / XT with statistic methodology .

  11. 活动的主旨演讲嘉宾包括老年医学专家奥布里·德·格雷(AubreyDeGrey,这名字对研究衰老真是再合适不过,因为Grey本身就有头发花白之意)。格雷认为人类不出25年就有50%的机会可以把寿命延长30年。

    Among the keynote speakers at the events was gerontologist Aubrey De Grey . ( What an apt name for an expert on aging : " Grey " ) In his view , there is a 50-50 chance that within 25 years we 'll be able to extend people 's lifespans by 30 years .

  12. 所以,是老年医学的一个似是而非的追求?

    So , is the field of gerontology a plausible pursuit ?

  13. 21世纪老年医学伦理学之探讨

    Study on the Aged Medical Ethics at 21 st Century

  14. 我国老年医学的文献计量学分析

    A quantitative analysis of literatures on geriatric medicine in China

  15. 这项研究发表在美国老年医学会期刊上。

    The study is in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society .

  16. 老年医学医生会在一个人老化过程的后段,

    The geriatrician will intervene late in the day ,

  17. 试论老年医学伦理学研究的对象与内容

    Treatise of Medical Ethics For the Aged

  18. 血液流变学测定在老年医学中的应用

    The Application of Rheology Measurement to Geriatrics

  19. 《实用老年医学》引文分析及评价

    Citation analysis and appraisement of Practical Geriatrics

  20. 迎接新世纪老龄社会对老年医学的挑战

    Let 's Meet the Challenges of Aged Society to Gerontology and Geriatrics in the New Millennium

  21. 但在老年医学中,蛋白质摄取对寿命的影响是一个热门话题。

    But in gerontology , the influence of protein consumption on longevity is a hot topic .

  22. 对中医消渴病名的商榷单位:上海市中医老年医学研究所。

    Discussion on TCM Diseases Name of Xiao-ke SETTING Shanghai Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Geriatrics .

  23. 目的通过评价《实用老年医学》引文情况,旨在揭示我国老年医学期刊领域引文的一般资料,了解和分析著者吸收利用科技文献的实际情况。

    Objective To investigate the literature utilization in the field of geriatrics through analyzing the quotations of Practical Geriatrics .

  24. 老年医学心智状态和认知功能的测量可说是临床实务和长期照护上重要的议题。

    Measurement of mental status and cognitive function in the elderly is important in clinical practice and long-term care .

  25. 中医药用于阿尔茨海默病的预防和治疗,业已成为老年医学研究的热点之一。

    Preventing and treating Alzheimer 's Disease ( AD ) has been one of the research focuses in Geriatrics .

  26. 老年医学家和科学家们探讨了药物的未来,环球健康隐忧和人类寿命等问题。

    A panel of gerontologists and scientists discussed the future of medicine , global health concerns and life expectancy .

  27. 这两种方法就是老年学和老年医学。

    They 're what I 'm calling here the " gerontology approach " and the " geriatrics approach . "

  28. 最近的地方是新泽西州州立格伦加德纳老年医学中心的电工室。

    The nearest place was the powerhouse of New Jersey 's Glen Gardner Center for Geriatrics , a state institution .

  29. 随着人口平均寿命显著延长,世界上许多国家与我国对老年医学已极为重视。

    There are many countries take the Geriatrics seriously for the sake of much longer average life span of modern people .

  30. 为了解山东省城乡老年医学人口学的特点,本文对山东省疾病监测点老年人口资料作了分析。

    In order to explore the Characteristics of old population medicine , the data from desease surveillance points in Shandong province was analysed .