
  • 网络Pathoanatomy;morbid anatomy;pathological anatomy
  1. 奇静脉病变的影像表现及其病理解剖学基础

    The imaging feature of Azygos Vein disease and its pathoanatomy foundation

  2. 方法16例急性吸入性汞中毒病例均摄胸片,其中尸解1例,进行病理解剖学诊断。

    Methods All cases of acute inhaled mercury vapour poisoning underwent radiograph image of the chest , one case corpse underwent morbid anatomy .

  3. 目的通过对跟骨关节内骨折的病理解剖学研究,探讨其CT分型与疗法的改进。

    Objective : To explore the CT typing and internal fixation of the intra articular fracture of calcaneus through substantially study on it 's pathologic anatomy .

  4. 急性心肌梗死(acutemyocardialinfarction,AMI)早期最显而易见的病理解剖学现象为梗死相关血管的完全闭塞,心肌梗死发生后心外膜冠状动脉完全闭塞。

    The obvious pathological and anatomical phenomenon in early stage of acute myocardial infarction ( AMI ) is the total occlusion of infarction related artery in epicardium .

  5. 目的:探讨Chiari畸形的病理解剖学特征及临床意义。

    Objective : To explore the pathological anatomy of Chiari malformation and discuss its clinical significance .

  6. 猪红皮病的病理解剖学研究

    Study on Pathological Anatomy of Red Skin Disease of Swine

  7. 猝死病例127例的病理解剖学分析

    Pathological analysis of 127 cases of sudden unexpected natural death

  8. 美国病理解剖学和临床病理学的训练

    Pathology ; Training in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology in the United States

  9. 小儿急性血源性骨髓炎分型的病理解剖学基础

    Anatomical and Pathological Bases of the Classification for Acute Hematogenous Osteomyelitis in Children

  10. 58例心脏性猝死病例的病理解剖学分析

    Pathological analysis of 58 cases of sudden cardiac death

  11. 病理解剖学教学改革探讨

    Discussion of teaching reform of pathological anatomy

  12. 稻瘟病病程中的病理解剖学及过氧化物酶的细胞化学研究

    Studies on the Pathological Anatomy and Cytochemistry of Peroxidase during the Course of Rice Blast

  13. 兽医病理解剖学传统的教学模式存在诸多弊端,其教学改革已成为必然。

    The disadvantages of traditional teaching pattern of veterinary anatomicpathology have made its teaching reforming inevitable .

  14. 并从病理解剖学角度对右心室异常肌束进行讨论,提出诊断与手术要点。

    The pathology about anomalous muscle bundle of right ventricle , cruxes of diagnosis and surgical management were discussed .

  15. 病理解剖学:研究疾病过程的科学,旨在理解疾病的性质和原因。

    Pathologie ( pathological anatomy / pathology ): The study of disease processes with the aim of understanding their nature and causes .

  16. 结论单侧唇裂形成时这些周边连接组织的组织学差异可能对鼻翼软骨各段扭曲与移位施加了不同的影响,是形成单侧唇裂鼻畸形特征性形态的内在病理解剖学基础。

    Conclusion the authors suggest that the surrounding connective tissues of the atar cartilage play an important role and be the intrinsic basis to produce the characteristic deformities of the cleft lip nose .

  17. 结论急性中央颈脊髓损伤的临床表现在一定程度上取决于脊髓的解剖学特点,应根据急性中央颈脊髓损伤的病理解剖学特点对病情作出正确的诊断。

    Conclusion Clinical manifestations of acute central cord injury is determined , to a certain degree , by the anatomy of . spinal cord , so correct diagnosis should be made based upon the pathoanatomical features of the acute central cervical cord injury .

  18. 猪圆环病毒感染,猪生殖-呼吸道综合症和猪链球菌病是近年来我省猪群中经常发生的几种疾病,本文对这三种疾病的临床症状,病理解剖学变化和防治措施进行了介绍。

    Type 2 porcine circovirus infections , porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome and streptococcus suis infections were commonly seen at present in our province . This article simply introduce that those diseases of clinical symptoms , pathological changes , prevention and treatment measures .

  19. 目的:探讨颈动脉间隙肿瘤的MRI影象特征及其病理、解剖学基础和诊断价值。

    Purpose : To study the MRI features of the carotid space tumors and their pathologic changes and anatomical positions .

  20. 目的分析盆部原发肿瘤CT增强表现特征,探讨产生各种影像表现的病理学和解剖学基础。

    Objective To analyze the CT contrast enhanced features of the extra-organic primary tumors in pelvis and to evaluate anatomic bases of these imaging characteristics .

  21. 方法收集经手术或随访证实的隐匿性额叶底部脑挫裂伤患者124例,对CT、MRI影像进行回顾性分析,探讨其病理基础及解剖学机制。

    Methods Clinical data of 120 cases of latent cerebral laceration of lower frontal lobe confirmed through operations or follow-up surveys were collected and these patients ' CT or MRI imaging findings were analyzed retrospectively to explore the pathological and anatomic mechanisms .

  22. 结论:①创伤病理特点以及解剖学特点决定了各型损伤的血供代偿情况均较丰富。

    Conclusion : ( 1 ) The wound pathological peculiarity and the anatomical peculiarity of plantar fat pad have decided that every type of this kind of wound has rich blood circuitous compensation .

  23. 引起肺栓塞动脉低氧血症、呼吸困难的主要原因是肺通气/灌注比例失调及血液右向左分流,而肺水肿、肺泡萎陷、肺不张是其病理生理改变的解剖学基础。

    The main causes of hypoxemia are lung ventilation / perfusion imbalance and right to left shunt , and the anatomy basis of pathological changes are pulmonary edema , alveolus trap and pulmonary atelectasis .

  24. 结果介绍小针刀治疗扳机指的操作方法多数有误,也不符合扳机指的病理特征和临床解剖学规律。

    Results Most of operating procedures of treating trigger finger with small needle knife introduced in the literatures have the flaws and do not conform to the pathological characteristic of trigger finger and the rule of the clinical anatomy .

  25. 用常规病理学方法,对人工感染2.4×105个混合球虫卵囊的雏鸡进行病理解剖学和病理组织学观察。

    Chickens artificially infected with 2.4 × 10 5 mixed spores were examined using routine pathological methods .