
  • 网络histopathology;pathological histology
  1. 以ELISA检测外周血中抗CCⅡ抗体的水平;用病理组织学方法对炎性关节进行分析。

    The level of anti CC ⅱ anti body and the degree of disease were analyzed by ELISA and pathological histology , respectively .

  2. 绵羊人工感染BVDV病理组织学研究

    Study on Pathological Histology of Ewe Infected Artificially by BVDV

  3. 载脂蛋白E基因缺陷(C57BL/6J-ApoE)小鼠血脂及病理组织学观察

    Observations of Serum lipid and Histopathological Status in ApoE Gene Knockout Mice

  4. 早期中央型肺癌CT诊断与支气管镜及病理组织学对照

    Diagnosis of early central lung cancer with CT : correlation with bronchoscopic and histopathologic findings

  5. 脑肿瘤、肺肿瘤及骨骼肌肉系统的肿瘤冷冻治疗术开始前同时先行MR导引下穿刺活检术,明确病理组织学诊断。

    MR-guided biopsy was performed before treatment for intracranial tumors , lung tumors and skeletal musculature tumors .

  6. 以一定的时间间隔(3天~4周)分别作CT检查,取出病变组织作病理组织学检查。

    Sequential CT scanning was performed at regular intervals ( 3 days to 4 weeks ) .

  7. 目的探讨肝内脂肪瘤和血管平滑肌脂肪瘤的CT和MRI表现及其相应病理组织学基础。

    Objective To evaluate the imaging ( CT and MRI ) features of hepatic lipoma and angiomyolipoma .

  8. 目的:探讨MRI在评价骨肉瘤侵袭骨骺中的价值。方法:复习13例骺板未闭骨肉瘤的MRI、X线平片所见,与病理组织学相对比。

    Objective : To study the value of MRI for detecting the epiphyseal extension of osteosarcoma .

  9. 结论不同病理组织学亚型的脂肪肉瘤,其CT和MRI表现有所不同,这取决于肿瘤所含的主要组织学成分。

    Conclusion Different subtypes of retroperitoneal liposarcoma show different CT and MRI features relating to their major histologic components .

  10. 不同时间兔短暂性局灶脑缺血MRI动态演变和病理组织学改变

    Ischemic lesions on Magnetic Resonance Imaging and histological outcomes after different transient periods of focal ischemia in rabbits

  11. 四种检测幽门螺杆菌感染方法的评价&病理组织学、血清学、~(13)C呼气试验和快速尿素酶试验

    Evaluation of detecting methods of Helicobacter pylori infection-histology , serology , ~ ( 13 ) C urea breath test , and Rapid urease tests

  12. 家兔早期放射性肝损伤MRI、SPECT及病理组织学相关分析

    MRI 、 SPECT Study and Pathologic Analysis of Early Radiation-Induced Hepatic Injury in Rabbits

  13. 结果:本组所有患者骺板未闭合,与病理组织学所见比较,发现MR诊断骨肉瘤侵袭骨骺的准确率为100%;

    Results : The ( epiphyseal ) plates were not closed in all the cases , and the diagnosis rate of MRI was 100 % .

  14. 结果A组(NACT组)客观有效率为75.0%,而且A组病理组织学改变较B组明显。

    Results The response rate in group A was 75.0 % .

  15. 结论B细胞恶性肿瘤美罗华治疗后复发患者应重新进行病理组织学、免疫表型和细胞/分子遗传学检测。

    Conclusion It is necessary to perform new biopsies , immunophenotyping and genetics examination in replase of B - cell neoplasm ( s ) after rituximab treatment .

  16. 目的评价CT或MRI引导立体定向活检术在确定脑深部病变的病理组织学诊断及选择适宜的治疗方法中的作用。

    Objective To evaluate the accuracy of CT or MRI-guided stereotactic biopsy in making correct pathological diagnosis and choosing corresponding management of brain tumors .

  17. 目的探讨蕈样肉芽肿(亦称蕈样霉菌病MycosisFungdes,MF)的病理组织学结构特点,寻找MF的诊断和早期诊断指标。

    Objective TO explore the histopathological configuration and diagnostic criteria for mycosis fungoides .

  18. 572例MB麻风用MDT后五年的病理组织学观察

    Histopathological Features Five Years after MDT in 572 Cases of MB Leprosy

  19. 乳腺浸润性导管癌超声征象与病理组织学分级及ER、PR表达的相关性研究

    Correlation Ultrasonographic Features and the Expression of ER , PR , Pathologic Histology Grading in Breast Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Between

  20. 对照组SPF鸭病理组织学观察未见损伤。

    Histopathology of control group was not observed .

  21. 结论严重烧伤早期脑水肿模型兼有血管源性和细胞毒性脑水肿的MRI及病理组织学特征。

    Conclusion The model of the brain edema after severe burn had the feature of both vasogenic edema and cellular edema in the MRI and pathology .

  22. [方法]将大鼠随机分组,观察大鼠肾脏病理组织学变化,用免疫组织化学方法检测不同灌注时间蛋白激酶C水平。

    METHODS Rats were randomly divided into three groups , the pathological changes of renal tissue were observed and the expression of protein kinase C in different reperfusion time was measured by immunohistochemistry .

  23. 病理组织学检查显示轻度浅表性胃炎和中重度浅表性胃炎Hp感染率分别为33.20%和83.97%。

    Histological examination showed that Hp infection rates were 33.20 % and 83.97 % in mild and moderate or severe gastritis , respectively .

  24. 依据血清ALT、AST,肝、脾脏器指数以及病理组织学变化进行评价。

    Evaluation was done based on the serum ALT , AST , the weights and the histopathological change .

  25. 提示为了提高尖锐湿疣的正确诊断率,须将传统的病理组织学检查与现代的PCR技术结合运用。

    It was suggested that in order to increase the correct diagnosis rate , it was necessary to combine the traditional histological examination with the current PCR technique .

  26. 东方次睾吸虫电镜研究(吸虫纲:后睾科)V.雌性生殖器官人工感染鸭东方次睾吸虫病的病理组织学研究

    Electron microscope studies on Metorchis orientalis ( trematode : ophisthochiidae ) v. ultrastructure of the female reproductive organs

  27. 综述了慢性BuddChiari综合征肝内再生结节的CT、MRI表现及其病理组织学基础及主要的鉴别诊断。

    We reviewed the histopathologic and CT 、 MRI features , the main differential diagnosis of regenerative nodules in chronic Budd-Chiari syndrome .

  28. 滑膜炎症,滑膜组织增生和血管翳形成,关节软骨和骨组织结构的破坏,是RA的主要病理组织学改变。

    Synovitis , the hyperplasia of synovium , pannus formation and the destruction of cartilage and bone are the main pathohistological properties of RA .

  29. 于末次接种后4、8、12周处死小鼠,胃黏膜行快速尿素酶检测、HP培养以及病理组织学检查。

    At 4,8,12 weeks after the last inoculation , mice were sacrificed and their stomaches were removed for rapid urease test , bacterial culture and pathological examination .

  30. 目的探讨细胞角蛋白(CK)20mRNA在胃癌组织中的表达情况及与病理组织学类型的关系。

    Objective To investigate the expression of cytokeratin ( CK ) 20 mRNA in gastric carcinoma tissue and its relation with the pathological classifications .