
jí xì bāo
  • prickle cell;bur cell
  1. 结果IGFIR蛋白与mRNA表达在银屑病患者基底层和棘细胞层,IGFIR蛋白与mRNA相对积分光密度值在正常对照组与银屑病组间存在极显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    Results The expressions of IGF IR protein and mRNA were located on the basal cell layers and prickle cell layers . There was significant difference of mRNA expression between the normal and psoriatic groups ( P < 0.01 ) .

  2. 在OLP组中,LC位于棘细胞层的中、下部及基底细胞层,有的标本中LC可见于棘细胞全层,固有层中多见。

    Whereas in OLP , they mainly located in the middle and lower regions of the prickle cell layer and the basal cell layer , but throughout the prickle cell layer in some .

  3. 与之相反,p53阳性反应主要在棘细胞层下部和基底细胞层。

    Maximum expression of p53 existed in the lower and basal layers of epidermis .

  4. 建筑的表皮LC主要位于表皮棘细胞层和毛囊根鞘;

    In the skin LC were located mainly in the stratum spinosum of the epidermis .

  5. 结果:(1)CA皮损基底细胞和棘细胞表达P53较正常皮肤显著增加;

    Results : ( 1 ) The expression of P53 was significantly increased in both basal and prickle cells of CA ;

  6. CA皮损基底细胞和棘细胞表达PCNA和Ki-67均显著高于正常皮肤。

    The expression of PCNA and Ki-67 was significantly increased in the prickle and basal cells of the CA.

  7. CA皮损棘细胞表达P21与正常皮肤无显著差异。

    There was no significant difference in the expression of P21 of the prickle cells of both normal skin and CA.

  8. 方法对角化囊肿、根尖囊肿、含牙囊肿上皮基底细胞和棘细胞及成釉细胞瘤外周柱状细胞和中央星网状细胞进行细胞核DNA含量测定,结合倍体和直方图分析。

    Methods DNA contents and ploidy of basal and spinous cells in keratocyst , radicular cyst , dentigerous cyst , and the peripheral column cells and central reticular cells in ameloblastoma were analysis respectively .

  9. 结果:在18例光暴露皮肤中P53表达均为阳性,阳性表达位于基底细胞及棘细胞全层,呈散在分布。

    Results : The expression of protein P53 was positive in all the 18 specimens , and the stain was distributed in basal cells and prick cells .

  10. ICAM1、HLADR以及β1整合素在表皮基底细胞层和棘细胞层诱导表达或增强表达。

    The expression of ICAM 1 and HLA DR was induced on basal keratinocytes , epidermal dendritic cells as well as endothelial cells in the dermis .

  11. 结果①P53蛋白在正常口腔粘膜中表达阴性,但可在OLP上皮基底细胞及部分棘细胞中表达。

    Results ① Prominent p53 protein expression was seen in 46.43 % of OLP , but negative in normal buccal mucosa .

  12. 结果可见:PCNA在不同的组织中分布及表达不同,随着病变程度的增加,PCNA分布由基底细胞层逐渐累及到棘细胞层,各组间PCNA阳性细胞百分数有显著性差异。

    The results showed that PCNA was not alike about distribution and expression in different group . There were statistical differences in different groups .

  13. 在增生食管上皮,底层细胞和棘细胞的一些胞核有丰富的ConA受体。

    Some nuclei on the basal and prickle cell layers of hyperplastic esophageal epithelia have abundant ConA receptors .

  14. 结果在正常皮肤组织中,Caspase-3的表达仅局限于表皮基底细胞层的细胞浆,在银屑病皮损中,Caspase-3表达弥散分布于增生表皮的基底细胞层、棘细胞层及颗粒细胞层;

    Results Immunohistochemical examination showed that the expression of Caspase-3 was positive only in basal layers of normal epidermis and positive in the suprabasal cell layers of psoriatic epidermis .

  15. 创伤组织EGFR的表达主要分布于创面边缘及移行区的表皮基底细胞、棘细胞、毛囊上皮、真皮成纤维细胞及血管内皮细胞、汗腺上皮的胞膜及胞浆中,坏死组织无表达。

    The expression of EGFR in trauma organizations mainly distribute in membrane and cytolymph of the epidermal basal cells , prickle cells , follicular epithelium , dermal fibroblasts and vascular endothelial cells , and sweat gland cells .

  16. 肿块活检提示Castleman病,直接免疫荧光示基底膜C3线状沉着,间接免疫荧光示抗棘细胞间桥粒IgG阳性阳性,均支持副肿瘤性天疱疮。

    The clinicopathologic diagnosis of paraneoplastic pemphigus was confirmed by biopsy of tumor for Castleman 's disease , direct immunofluorescence staining of linear C3 deposition in the cutaneous basal layer and indirect immunofluorescence staining of IgG against desmosome between keratinocytes .

  17. 结果①nestin在8例正常皮肤组织中表皮基底细胞和棘细胞、汗腺、毛囊、皮脂腺、血管内皮细胞和7例成纤维细胞的胞浆中表达。

    Results ① Nestin expression was detected in basal cells , prickle cells , sweat glands , hair follicles , sebaceous glands , and vascular endothelial cells in 8 samples of normal skin , and in fibroblasts in 7 of them .

  18. 正常宫颈上皮未见明显着色;CIN组阳性表达见于基底层和棘细胞层,着色较深;宫颈癌组主要在癌巢周边表达,着色深,血管及腺体周围也有表达。

    Normal cervical epithelium was negative staining ; CIN group was weak staining in basal layer and / or prickle cell layer ; In cervical carcinoma group , the positive granulas were strongly staining around cancer nests , blood vessels and glands .

  19. 结果电镜下银屑病表皮颗粒层中细胞凋亡并不常见,在棘细胞层与基底层则更少,但TUNEL染色见阳性细胞广泛分布于表皮各层。

    Results The electron microscopic findings revealed that apoptosis is not a common phenomenon in the granular layer and even more rare in the basal and spinous layers of psoriatic skin , while TUNEL staining showed numerous positive cells in all layers of psoriatic epidermis .

  20. 结果IL8免疫反应主要定位于表皮的基层、棘细胞层和颗粒层、血管内皮细胞及间质细胞;

    Results IL 8 was mainly localized at the basal cell layer , spinous cell layer and granular cell layer of the epidermis , the endothelium of the blood vessels and interstitial cells ;

  21. 结果:进行期银屑病患者皮损处棘细胞,汗腺腺细胞,皮脂腺细胞,毛囊壁细胞浆中5HT表达呈中等以上阳性,静止期减弱。

    Results : In the active psoriatic lesions the expression of 5 HT showed a moderate positive in prickle cells , sebaceous gland cells , eccrine gland cells and the cytoplasm of hair follicle wall , but decreased in the static stage of the disease .

  22. 发现棘细胞具有粗大突起和微绒毛。

    It was revealed that prickle cells possess thick processes and microvilli ;

  23. 阳性细胞主要分布于棘细胞层。

    The positive cells mainly distributed in spinous layers , especially in koilacytes .

  24. 角化囊肿棘细胞增殖较基底细胞活跃。

    The spinous cells showed more active proliferating growth than the basal cells of keratocyst .

  25. 上皮的变化包括棘细胞增生,空泡变性,不全角化,过度角化和坏死等。

    Epidermal changes consist of acanthosis , vacuolar degeneration , parakeratosis , hyperkeratosis and necrosis .

  26. 在正常食管上皮,表浅细胞及棘细胞的质膜上可见受体。

    Receptors were found on the plasmalemma of superficial and prickle cells of normal esophageal epithelia .

  27. 肺腺棘细胞癌的X线分析

    Radiographic Analyses of Pulmonary Adenoacanthoma

  28. 结论:肺腺棘细胞癌以周围型多见,其X线表现介于周围型肺鳞癌和肺腺癌之间的一些特点。

    Most of pulmonary adenoacanthoma were peripheral type , the X-ray features were between those of pulmonary squamous carcinoma and pulmonary adenocarcinoma .

  29. 阳性信号主要位于表皮棘细胞层,尤以挖空细胞和异型核细胞著明。

    The positive singals mainly located in the spinous cells of epidermis , markedly positive in the nuclei of koilocytes and anaplastic cell .

  30. 本型组织病理改变,主要是表皮角质层有显著角化不全,棘细胞层增厚,表皮突向下延展,深入真皮。

    Pathological changes of the organization , mainly the epidermal cuticle significant parakeratosis , acanthosis cell layer thickening , epidermal sudden downward extension of in-depth dermis .