
jī dǐ cénɡ
  • basal layer;basal lamina
  1. [结果]在IP中p53和PCNA的阳性细胞表达大多分布于上皮巢的基底层细胞,而在STCC和ITCC内的阳性细胞表达呈散在或弥漫分布。

    Positive stainings for p53 and PCNA were observed predominantly in the basal layer epithelial nest in IPs , but scattered or diffuse distribution in STCC and ITCC .

  2. 暴露于气液面后,培养的角膜缘上皮细胞形成3-5层结构,外皮蛋白在外层细胞表达阳性,连接蛋白43在基底层的细胞中表达,而K3阳性的细胞很稀疏。

    After airlifting , involucrin showed positive staining in cells on the upper part of the cell sheet while staining for connexin 43 was observed in the basal layer . The staining of K3 remained sparse .

  3. 正常皮肤组织中p53蛋白主要分布于表皮基底层细胞的胞质和胞核中;

    In normal skins , p53 was mainly located in the cytoplasm and nucleus of epithelial basal cells .

  4. 结果LN在正常大鼠角膜仅在基底层柱状上皮细胞胞浆和胞间以及基底膜有少许表达;

    Results In normal corneas , LN was expressed only in the basal column cells .

  5. 寻常型银屑病皮损中,Bcl-2蛋白基本不表达,与正常皮肤组织中的表达相似(P>0.05),局限于基底层黑素细胞,角质形成细胞未见阳性表达。

    And the expression of Bcl-2 protein was like normal epidermis ( P > 0.05 ) , restricted only in melanocytes of the basal layer .

  6. 扁桃体、子宫颈和食道复层上皮中,LC主要分布于上皮基底层上方和中间层。

    In the tonsil , ectocervix and esophagus , LC were located mainly in the middle layer of epithelia .

  7. CD34在表皮基底层阴性表达,而在毛囊隆突区阳性表达;

    CD34 were expressed in the hair follicle bulge cells while not in the basal layer cells .

  8. 结果:(1)在正常鼻咽粘膜中,Bcl-2蛋白主要分布在基底层细胞,而Bax蛋白分布在基底层以上细胞;

    Results : Bcl-2 protein was expressed in the basal cells and Bax protein in the suprabasal cell of NNE .

  9. 结果MMP-2在胆脂瘤上皮各层细胞中均有表达,基底层表达最强,棘层次之,颗粒层及角质层细胞表达较弱;

    Results The expression of MMP-2 in all epithelial layers of cholesteatoma was stained , especially in the basement membrane .

  10. 结果:BAXmRNA在流产胎盘中的表达量明显高于对照组胎盘。在胎盘绒毛滋养层细胞可见明显表达,基底层蜕膜细胞也有表达。

    Results : The mRNA of Bax and Bcl-2 were identified obviously in the trophoblast cells of placenta and were visible in deciduas cells of basal line .

  11. 结果正常皮肤组织基底层和棘层的角朊细胞及真皮的成纤维细胞可合成bFGF;

    Basal cell ; Results The observation of bFGF production was appeared in basal and spinous KC and dermal fibroblasts of normal skin .

  12. 在表皮基底层及反应区可见S-100蛋白阳性的朗格汉斯细胞。

    Langerhans cells with positive S-100 protein were observed in basal layer of the epidermis and reaction area .

  13. TSP-1主要表达在正常子宫颈组织基底层。

    TSP-1 was mainly expressed at the normal cervical basal epithelial cell layer .

  14. Bcl2蛋白则分布于表皮基底层细胞的胞浆内。

    Bcl 2 was mostly distributed in epidermal basal cells .

  15. 方法使用免疫组化技术,观察正常人角膜缘上皮基底层细胞与其他层细胞FasL蛋白的表达情况。

    Methods Immunohistochemistry was used to detect the expression and distribution of FasL protein in basal cells and other cells in human limbal epithelium .

  16. 采用鼠抗PCNA单克隆抗体,ABC法,对11例正常口腔粘膜及29例口腔鳞癌进行了染色。结果表明:正常粘膜仅在基底层中有少量的PCNA阳性细胞,其阳性分级为1级。

    The oral mucosa cells of 11 healthy subjects and 29 patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma were stained with ABC method using mouse anti PCNA monoclonal antigen .

  17. 扁平苔藓皮损中VIP弥漫表达于整个表皮,正常皮肤中不表达或表达于基底层细胞;

    Positive staining of VIP was distributed in the epidermis , while no expression or few expression mainly in basal cell layer was in normal skin .

  18. 皮肤组织具有很强的再生能力,基底层中的表皮干细胞(keratinocytestemcells,KSC)在组织自我更新、损伤修复和肿瘤发生中起重要作用。

    The keratinocyte stem cells ( KSC ) are located in epidermal basal layer and play a central role in tissue self-renewal , wound healing and neoplasm formation .

  19. BPH标本具有完整基底层细胞,34βE12呈阳性表达;

    The specimens of BPH cases had a complete basal cell layer and were positive for 34 β E 12 ;

  20. 结果EGF促进小鼠舌上皮增厚、基底层细胞数增多、EGF-R表达增多。

    RESULT EGF could promote the thickening of the mice tongue epithelium and increase the number of basal cells and EGF-R expression .

  21. CK19主要分布在汗腺、毛囊外根鞘最外层和皮肤的基底层;

    CK19 mainly expressed in the sweat gland , the out layer of outer root sheath and the basal layer of skin .

  22. 结果健康人正常皮肤基底层细胞ICAM-1可低表达,烧伤病人正常皮肤基底层细胞ICAM-1可表达增强。

    Results There was poor expression of ICAM-1 on basal cells in normal skins of healthy volunteers , while the expression of ICAM-1 enhanced in normal skins of burn patients .

  23. c-Ha-ras癌基因在正常皮肤表皮主要表达于部分基底层细胞,而在进行期银屑病皮损内则可见于除角质层外其余各层表皮细胞,且以棘层细胞为主。

    In normal epidermis , only a few basal cells expressed ras gene , however , the ras gene was expressed throughout all layers of epidermis of active psoriatic lesions except horny layer and predominantly in prickle cells .

  24. 结果在白癜风白斑区表皮内,每100个表皮基底层细胞中MC平均数量为0,4种MC特异性标志物表达均为阴性。

    Results In the depigmented macules of vitiligo , the average number of MC in every 100 basal layer cells was 0 . No expressions of all the 4 MC specific markers were observed .

  25. 结果IGFIR蛋白与mRNA表达在银屑病患者基底层和棘细胞层,IGFIR蛋白与mRNA相对积分光密度值在正常对照组与银屑病组间存在极显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    Results The expressions of IGF IR protein and mRNA were located on the basal cell layers and prickle cell layers . There was significant difference of mRNA expression between the normal and psoriatic groups ( P < 0.01 ) .

  26. 他扎罗汀治疗后14d全层几乎无PMLmRNA表达(基底层为8.69%,基底上层为4.35%)。

    After tazarotene treatment , virtually no PML mRNA expression could be detected in the psoriatic lesions ( 8.69 % in the basal layer and 4.35 % in the suprabasal layers ) .

  27. 结果:正常皮肤组织EGF表达于基底层(+:100%),基底上层几乎不表达;

    RESULTS : In normal tissues , the stain of EGF was located in the basal layer of epidermis ( + : 100 % ) and almost no expression in the supera basal layer s.

  28. 它的子公司ClearEarth,也把这种材料用作人行道与汽车停车场的基底层,它能把污染物从雨水中过滤掉,并使水有足够时间渗透到地下水中,而不是从下水道流走。

    Its subsidiary , Clear Earth , will also use the material as an underlying layer for pavements and car parks , where it filters contaminants out of water run-off and allows the water time to filter back to the ground water rather than running off down the drain .

  29. 结果正常人角膜缘上皮基底层细胞FasL蛋白的表达强度为119.39±9.97,高于其他层细胞FasL的表达强度(85.71±8.32),差异具有显著性(P<0.01);

    Results The expression of FasL in basal cells ( 119.39 ± 9.97 ) was higher than that in other cells ( 85.71 ± 8.32 ) in limbal epithelium ( P < 0.01 ) .

  30. 结果:正常口腔粘膜Ag-NOR颗粒主要见于上皮基底层,形态学分型为单一型;

    Results : AgNOR was found to locate in the basal cell layer of normal mucosa , mainly in a single form .