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  • stratum spinosum
  1. 结果:在正常口腔粘膜中Fas表达于棘层和粒层细胞的胞膜;

    Results : In the NOM , the Fas expression was stained on the stratum spinosum and the stratum granulosum cells .

  2. 101例扁平苔藓中36例表达Cox-2,阳性率为35.6%,病变表现为上皮棘层细胞、粒层细胞和表层细胞呈阳性表达,基底细胞呈阴性表达。

    Cox-2 was expressed in 36 cases out of 101 cases of OLP , the positive ratio was 35.6 % , which both pathological changes showed Cox-2 over-expressed in the cytoplasm of stratum spinosum cells and stratum granulosum cells , basal cells submitted negative expression .

  3. BP,水泡上方及附近的棘层细胞;

    BP , found in spinous layer cells attached on the blisters or nearby .

  4. TGF-β1在颗粒层和棘层有染色。

    TGF β 1 was detected in the granular and spinous layer .

  5. 目的:天疱疮是一种自身抗体介导的器官特异性、自身免疫性大疱性皮肤病,以出现针对角质形成细胞表面桥粒成分的特异性IgG抗体引起棘层细胞松解为特征。

    Objective : Pemphigus is an organ-specific autoimmune blistering skin disease , which specific auto-antibodies to keratinocyte desmosome component could be detected in serum .

  6. 结果正常皮肤组织基底层和棘层的角朊细胞及真皮的成纤维细胞可合成bFGF;

    Basal cell ; Results The observation of bFGF production was appeared in basal and spinous KC and dermal fibroblasts of normal skin .

  7. 结论在寻常型银屑病、脂溢性角化症(棘层肥厚型、角化过度型及腺样型)、日光性角化症和鳞状细胞癌,Survivin表达阳性,呈现不同程度的染色;

    Conclusion : Survivin expression is observed in psoriasis vulgaris 、 seborrheic keratosis ( acanthotie type 、 hyperkeratotic type and adenoid type )、 solar keratosis and squamous cell carcinoma .

  8. c-Ha-ras癌基因在正常皮肤表皮主要表达于部分基底层细胞,而在进行期银屑病皮损内则可见于除角质层外其余各层表皮细胞,且以棘层细胞为主。

    In normal epidermis , only a few basal cells expressed ras gene , however , the ras gene was expressed throughout all layers of epidermis of active psoriatic lesions except horny layer and predominantly in prickle cells .

  9. 将按无毒限量稀释的天疱疮Ⅰ号与HC同时加入此模型中,观察天疱疮Ⅰ号有无抑制棘层细胞松解的作用。

    Furthermore , CTM was also added into the cultured skin organ model of pemphigus in vitro to observing its effect on the inhibition of acantholysis by hydro cortisone ( HC ) .

  10. 报道1例IgA型天疱疮,以水疱和脓疱为主要临床表现,病理见表皮细胞间嗜中性粒细胞和棘层松解细胞,直接免疫荧光见棘细胞间IgA沉积。

    Report a case of IgA pemphigus whose clinical manifestation is vesicles and pustules ; histologic examination shows intraepidermal neutrophils and acantholytic keratinocytes ; direct immunoelectron microscopy finds IgA deposits within the intercellular spaces .

  11. HBD-2蛋白表达可见于牙龈复层鳞状上皮全层,主要位于棘层以上细胞胞质内。

    The expression of HBD-2 peptides were mainly confined to the granular and spinous layers of the gingival epithelium , in which HBD-2 was detected in the cytoplasm .

  12. 结果:HPV-DNA阳性率为94.7%(90/95),阳性反应由鳞状上皮表层的空泡细胞核内延伸至棘层中下部近基底层的细胞核内;

    Result : Positive ratio of HPV-DNA is 94.8 % ( 90 / 95 ) dectected by ISH . positive reaction extends from vacuole nucleus in surface layer of squamous epithelium to that of close basal layer in middle and lower part of stratum spinosum ;

  13. 结果纯化的抗体亚类在浓度达到0.5mg/mL时均能在器官培养模型上致表皮产生棘层松解,并能与角质形成细胞膜表面相对分子质量为100000和15000蛋白结合。

    Results The acantholysis was induced when the concentration of IgG subclasses reached to 0.5 mg / mL in pemphigus organ culture system . All four subclasses of IgG were reacted with 100 kD and 15 kD proteins on the surface of keratinocytes .

  14. HPV-Ag阳性率为63.1%(60/95),阳性反应主要位于鳞状上皮表层的空泡细胞核内及角质层内,个别阳性细胞可在棘层出现。

    Positive ratio of HPV-Ag is 63.1 % ( 60 / 95 ) dectected by IHC . positive reaction is mainly in vacuole nucleus in surface layer of squamous epithelium and cuticular layer , a few exist in stratum spinosum .

  15. 组织病理学显示棘层松解、苔藓样皮炎或角质形成细胞坏死。

    Histopathology shows acantholysis with lichenoid dermatitis or keratinocyte necrosis .

  16. 结论抗天疱疮抗体与天疱疮抗体结合后能有效地减轻或阻断棘层松解的发生。

    Conclusion The anti PAb antibodies can reduce or block the acantholysis effectively .

  17. 抗天疱疮抗体阻断棘层松解的实验研究

    Experimental study on the block of acantholysis by anti pemphigus antibody in vitro

  18. 白介素2、干扰素γ、白介素10对天疱疮棘层松解影响的研究

    The Role of IL-2 , IFN - γ and IL-10 in Pemphigus Acantholysis

  19. 用形态定量学方法研究颊粘膜上皮棘层细胞在良、恶性病变中的变化

    Quantitative alterations of spinous cells from benign and malignant epithelial lesions of human cheek

  20. 棘层松解角化不良性表皮痣并发色素性毛表皮痣

    A case report of acantholytic dyskeratotic epidermal naevus complicated by pigmented hairy epidermal nevus

  21. 正常皮肤组织表皮基底层和棘层呈弱阳性或阴性表达。

    Basal lamina and spinous in normal cutaneous architecture were stained as weakly positive .

  22. 扁平苔藓伴上皮轻度不典型增生的病变中,阳性的棘层细胞增多,并具有异型性。

    OLP with epithelial dysplasia , the positive spinosum cells increased markedly with slight malignancy .

  23. 穿孔部位邻近皮肤则在基底层和棘层细胞中等表达;

    The basal and spinous layers were moderate stained in the adjacent skin around perforation ;

  24. 本病的一个显著的特征是表皮细胞间的连结松弛,即表皮发生棘层松解。

    It is characterized by intra-epidermal acantholysis .

  25. 病猪组织病理变化主要表现在皮肤和皮肤粘膜的棘层细胞肿大,随着病程发展,肿大的棘细胞发生溶解性坏死和直至完全溶解。

    It was tumefaction of skin and cells of the stratum spinosum of skin mucosa of pigs inoculated .

  26. 因而凋亡细胞应表达在颗粒层,胆脂瘤上皮凋亡细胞不仅出现在颗粒层,而且出现在棘层,表明胆脂瘤上皮棘层细胞已开始凋亡过程,这可能是凋亡增强的组织学基础。

    It indicated that cell apoptosis had began in the spinous cell layer in the cholesteatoma tissue samples .

  27. 龈牙纤维所承受的牵引力,通过棘层的上皮细胞,向较大范围广泛分散传递。

    It is observed that the tens of the dentogingival fibers extend widely to the epithelial cell of the stratum spinosum .

  28. 目的研究抗天疱疮抗体对天疱疮抗体致棘层松解的阻断作用,探讨天疱疮治疗的新途径。

    Objective To study the blocking effect of anti pemphigus antibodies on acantholysis for finding a new way to treat pemphigus .

  29. 表皮是皮肤重要的组成部分,由内向外分为基底层、棘层、颗粒层、透明层和角质层。

    Epidermis is an important part of skin , composed of basal lamina , stratum spinosum , granular layer , stratum lucidum , horny layer .

  30. 11例非光暴露皮肤中,仅4例弱阳性,阳性表达位于棘层上方只见于孤立棘细胞,其它部位未发现阳性表达。

    A weak stain was only seen in 4 non-sun exposed specimens and was located in few prick cells on the top layer of prick cells .