
zhǒnɡ liú xué
  • oncology
  1. 肿瘤学是研究肿瘤的医学分支。

    Oncology is the branch of medicine dealing with tumors .

  2. 肺栓塞的诊断:妇科肿瘤学中螺旋CT肺动脉造影术的应用经验

    Diagnosing pulmonary embolism : Experience with spiral CT pulmonary angiography in gynecologic oncology

  3. 诱导分化治疗(differentiationtherapy)是肿瘤学治疗的一个新领域。

    Induction differentiation therapy is a new field in tumor therapy .

  4. 临床肿瘤学中CT的应用

    Application of CT in Clinical Oncology

  5. 靶向EGFR家族的抗肿瘤药物研究进展欧洲治疗辐射学和肿瘤学学会

    EGFR-targeted agents in cancer therapy European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology

  6. 近年来线粒体DNA(mitochondrialDNA,mtDNA)成为肿瘤学研究的热点之一,它是核基因组之外的一种重要的DNA物质,比核基因更容易受多种致癌因子的影响而发生突变。

    Recently , mitochondrial DNA ( mt DNA ) , an important group of gene outside nucleus , has become a hotspot in oncology .

  7. 免疫PCR技术在肿瘤学中的应用及融合蛋白的基因表达

    Application of immune-PCR technique in the detection of serological tumor associated antigen and genetical preparation of fusion protein of single chain antibody and streptavidin

  8. 保留NAC的改良乳癌根治术肿瘤学危险性研究

    Study of oncologic risk of modified radical mastectomy with NAC preservation

  9. 本文概述PET和PET/CT在肿瘤学方面的应用现状,分析PET/CT的优势与不足,并对这一技术未来的发展趋势进行展望。

    This review described the application of PET and PET / CT in oncology , and discussed the advantages and disadvantages of PET / CT .

  10. 这项研究发表在8月17日的《临床肿瘤学杂志》(TheJournalofClinicalOncology)上,共计随访了953名曾接受手术和化疗的3期结肠癌患者。

    The study , published Monday in The Journal of Clinical Oncology , followed 953 patients with Stage 3 colon cancer who had been treated with surgery and chemotherapy .

  11. 尽管FDG为肿瘤学的PET显像的主要放射性药物,但还有许多其他更有前途的显像剂正在开发中。

    Although FDG has emerged as the dominant radiopharmaceutical for PET in oncology , numerous other compounds of more promising are being evaluated .

  12. RNAi自诞生以来,不仅应用于基因功能分析,而且作为基因治疗的一种方法,在肿瘤学研究领域中获得了较大进展。

    Since the advent of RNAi approach , RNAi has been widely used for gene function analyzing and gene therapy .

  13. 他也是1月22日临床肿瘤学杂志在线版上第二篇论文的资深作者,这篇论文详解了PET整合进淋巴瘤反应评估。

    He also is senior author of a second paper in the Jan.22 online issue of the Journal of Clinical Oncology , which details the integration of PET into lymphoma response assessment .

  14. 该试验的结果于2010年发表在《临床肿瘤学杂志》(TheJournalofClinicalOncology)上,它表明,接受化疗的患者的平均存活时间是接受酶治疗者的三倍。

    The results , published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology in 2010 , showed that on average , the patients getting the chemotherapy lived three times as long than those getting the enzymes .

  15. DNA芯片是指固着在固相载体上的DNA微阵列,可在1个芯片上分析成千上万个肿瘤样本基因表达,现己广泛应用于肿瘤学研究。

    DNA chip ( microarray ) carrying high density DNA microarrays onto a solid platform can analyse the differences in gene expression of thousands of tumor samples . Nowadays the technology has been widely applied to the research on tumors .

  16. 然而冈萨雷斯博士在癌症界却因其游走于正统肿瘤学和替代医学(alternativemedicine,现在称为补充医学[complementarymedicine])之间的微妙边界上而十分引人注目。我曾在2003年采访过他。

    Yet Dr. Gonzalez , whom I interviewed in 2003 , was a fascinating figure in the world of cancer , walking a tenuous boundary between orthodox oncology and alternative medicine - or what is now called complementary medicine .

  17. 近年来,流式细胞计量术(flowCytometry,FCM)在细胞生物学、分子生物学、免疫学、血液学及肿瘤学等学科领域中已经得到了广泛的应用。

    Flow cytometry is becoming an important tool in basic and clinical medicine . For example , flow cytometry has been useful in cell biology , molecular biology , immunology , hematology , oncology widely .

  18. 循证医学以及Cochrane协作网和其它多种循证资源,作为一种新的获得高质量医学证据的方法和途径,在肿瘤学研究中起到了重要作用。

    Evidence-based medicine , the cochrane collaboration and many resoures : A new approach to medical decision-making in oncology .

  19. 但如今,他的主治医生、纽约市纪念斯隆·凯特琳癌症中心(MemorialSloanKetteringCancerCenter)的肿瘤学医师马修·D·霍尔曼博士(Dr.MatthewD.Hellmann)推荐了尚在实验中的免疫疗法。

    Instead , his oncologist , Dr. Matthew D. Hellmann of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City , recommended an experimental treatment : immunotherapy .

  20. 同时,Alu家族是人类群体遗传学、法医学、肿瘤学等的重要研究手段。

    At the same time , Alu family is an important research method in human population genetics , forensic , and oncology , etc.

  21. 最近,在《美国医学会期刊·肿瘤学》(JAMAOncology)上发表的论文显示,研究者试图量化健康的生活方式可以如何实质性地改变罹患癌症的风险。

    Most recently , in JAMA Oncology , researchers sought to quantify how a healthful lifestyle might actually alter the risk of cancer .

  22. 最近几年,具有高性能PET和CT的同机PET/CT已投入临床,其在肿瘤学中的应用呈迅速增长之势。

    Positron emission tomography ( PET ) / computed tomography ( CT ) inline scanner combined with high performance PET and CT have been introduced to clinical in recent years . The application of PET / CT in oncology are rapid increasing .

  23. 从经典的三维适形放射治疗技术发展到现在的调强放射治疗技术(intensity-modulatedradiotherapy,IMRT),是放射肿瘤学史上的一次重大变革。

    It is a historic advancement for tumor treatment that the classical three-dimensional ( 3D ) conformal radiotherapy ( 3DCRT ) evolved into the intensity-modulated radiotherapy ( IMRT ) .

  24. 随着分子生物学、分子肿瘤学的飞速发展,EC发生的分子机制不断被阐明,同时也为EC的治疗提供了许多新的靶点。

    With the rapid development of molecular biology and molecular oncology , the molecular mechanism of carcinogenesis of esophagus is clarifyed continuously . At the same time , it provides many new targets for anticancer treatment .

  25. 这种变化的步伐之快在本周举行的美国放射肿瘤学学会(ASTRO)年会上则表现得最为突出。

    Nowhere was the rapid pace of change more evident than at the recent American Society for Radiation Oncology ( ASTRO ) meeting .

  26. AOS就是这样的一个渠道,另外一个渠道就是例如《肿瘤与血液病学》这样的杂志,也辟出专门的板块介绍亚洲地区肿瘤学研究的资讯。

    AOS is one such channel , and a publication such as Oncology & Haematology News , which has a section dedicated to Asian oncology news , is another .

  27. FDA的决策朝着个体化医疗迈出重大的一步,(澄清了)一个概念,基因组研究作为其存在的理由之一只是因为来自分子肿瘤学的呼声。

    The FDA 's decision is a major step towards the idea of personalised medicine , a concept that genomic research hails as one of its reasons for existence but one that has come from molecular oncology .

  28. 结论胶体32P肿瘤间质内注射对胰腺癌是一种介入放射肿瘤学有效的治疗方法,最佳剂量范围应在185~37MBq/cm3之间,临床实验正在逐步进行中。

    Conclusion Intratumoral injection with colloidal 32 P is effective in treatment of pancreatic cancer , and the recommended dose is 18 5 ~ 37MBq / cm 3 .

  29. 《柳叶刀肿瘤学》杂志(Elsevier出版)以及新加坡肿瘤学会邀请了顶尖的肿瘤专家及科学家共同参加此次AOS会议。

    The Lancet Oncology published by Elsevier , and the Singapore Society of Oncology have worked to bring leading cancer experts and societies together at the AOS .

  30. 影像引导放射治疗(IGRT)是近年来放射肿瘤学领域最先进的治疗技术。

    Image - guided radiotherapy ( IGRT ) system has been the most advanced treatment technique in radiation oncology in recent years .