
lǎo nián bìnɡ
  • senility
  1. 大小便失禁不仅仅是一种老年病。

    Incontinence is not just a condition of old age .

  2. 美国老年病学会志》上面的一项新研究通过检验246人的性格特征来研究这个问题,这些人都是寿命在100岁以上的老人的子女。

    A new study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society looked at this question by examining the personality characteristics of 246 children of people who had lived to be at least 100 .

  3. 此外,老年病在新陈代谢变慢时到来“绝非偶然”。

    And it " cannot be a coincidence " diseases of old age kicked in as the metabolism fell .

  4. 还有人甚至在讨论调节新陈代谢的药物是否能推迟老年病的到来。

    And there is even discussion about whether drugs that modify the metabolism could slow diseases of old age .

  5. 到了去年,只有177名艾滋病病毒感染者死亡,而且其中大多数实际上是死于心脏病、癌症或其他老年病,旧金山市卫生部H.I.V.预防研究的负责人苏珊·布赫宾德(SusanBuchbinder)博士如是说。

    Last year , just 177 San Franciscans with H.I.V. died , and most of them actually succumbed to heart disease , cancer or other old-age ills , said Dr. Susan Buchbinder , the head of H.I.V. prevention research for the city health department .

  6. 老年病患较常合并身体疾病,但较少有药物滥用。

    Elderly patients had more physical illnesses but less substance abuse .

  7. 中医抗衰老理论及老年病防治规律

    Anti-Senile theory of TCM and Rule of Preventing and Curing Senile Disease

  8. 血小板体积及分布宽度与老年病血瘀证关系的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Relationship of MPV , PDW and Blood Stasis Syndrome

  9. 颜德馨教授善用膏方治疗老年病。

    Professor Yan Dexin is good at the treatment for senile diseases .

  10. 北京一所老年病医院住院病人医院感染情况分析

    A study on nosocomial infection among inpatients in Beijing Hospital for elderly

  11. 老年病的证候特点是临床表现错综复杂。

    The characteristic of its syndrome is the complexity of clinical manifestations .

  12. 某些癌症和老年病患者血液自由基含量的检测

    Measurement of Blood Free Radical in the Patients of Senile Diseases and Cancers

  13. 从而为康复老年病提供有利的条件。

    Geriatric rehabilitation so as to provide favorable conditions .

  14. 彩色多普勒超声对118例老年病患者周围血管病变的观察

    Observation on peripheral vessel lesions of 118 aged patients by color Doppler ultrasound

  15. 衰老与老年病形成的关系及干预

    Relationship Between Ageing and Aged Diseases Forming and Intervention

  16. 关于衰老与老年病中医机制的探讨

    Exploring of Traditional Chinese Medicine Mechanisms of Senility

  17. 老年病护理缺陷调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Nursing Defect for Geriatrics

  18. 含微量元素的中药对老年病的治疗

    Treating the Disease of the Old with Traditional Chinese Medicine which Contain Trace Elements

  19. 我妹妹是一个老年病护士。

    My sister is a geriatric nurse .

  20. 结论老年病和急性疾病是甘肃省贫困农村地区主要的医疗卫生服务需求;

    CONCLUSIONS The aged disease and EDTS is the urgent need in poor rural area ;

  21. 肾虚与老年病非糖尿病性肾脏疾病;

    Non - diabetic related renal diseases ;

  22. 专科、专病、专护在老年病病房的应用与研究

    Application and study on specialized , particular disease and special nursing for patients in geriatric ward

  23. 老年病患者用药个体化

    Old-age paTienT use The medicine individuaTion

  24. 目的培养具有全科护士素质的老年病护理人才,提高老年科护理工作质量。

    Objective To cultivate nursing personal with comprehensive capability and improve nursing quality in geriatrics department .

  25. 其他的老年病专家更加直言不讳。

    Other geriatricians are more blunt .

  26. 气亏血虚是衰老的基础,也是老年病发生的病理基础;

    Insufficiency of QI and XUE is the basis of ageing and pathology of aged diseases occuring .

  27. 宠物被越来越多地用来治疗老年病和老年痴呆证的疾病。

    Pets are increasingly being used in therapy for the elderly and those who have Alzheimer 's disease .

  28. [结论]康复医学科应将更多的注意力放到老年病康复及预防上;

    [ Conclusion ] First , more attention should be paid to the rehabilitation and prevention of gerontology .

  29. 各专科医院。如:康复医院、骨科医院、老年病医院、偏瘫康复医院。

    Special hospitals , such as rehabilitation hospital , bone injury hospital , frontal hospital and hemiparalysis rehabilitation hospital .

  30. 于是,在大周末前,有时你会遇到急诊,特别是在老年病楼层。

    So then , before an extended weekend , sometimes you hae a surge , especially in the geriatrics floors .