
  • 网络PHOENICIA;the Phoenician
  1. 把他们和希腊人和腓尼基人比较,阿夫纳·拉班教授受到了启发,

    and compare them to those of the Greeks and Phoenicians inspired Professor Avner Raban

  2. 开始!它是苏美尔人,腓尼基人,玛雅人还是维京人?

    Here we go , was it the Sumarians , Phoenicians , Maya or Vikings ?

  3. 后来做为腓尼基人航行了一段时间。

    And I sailed as a phoenician for a time .

  4. 腓尼基人和玻里尼西亚人航行超出陆地的视线,利用恒星来校正路线。

    The Phoenicians and Polynesians sailed out of sight of land and used the stars to set their course .

  5. 利比亚的首都之一和最大城市;是七世纪腓尼基人所建。

    The largest city one of the capital cities of Libya ; founded by the Phoenicians in the 7th century BC .

  6. 相传的故事大致就是这样,但是腓尼基人在公元前706年建造了迦太基城这件事儿的确是事实。

    These stories are most likely just that , but the fact that the Phoenicians built the city around 760 BC is true .

  7. 当雅典城刚由腓尼基人建立起来时,波塞冬和雅典娜都争着为这座城市命名。

    When the city of Athens was first built by a Phoenician , both Poseidon and Athena vied for the honour of naming it .

  8. 艾略特腓尼基人弗莱巴斯,死了已两星期,忘记了水鸥的鸣叫,深海的浪涛利润与亏损。

    Eliot Phlebas the Phoenician , a fortnight dead , Forgot the cry of gulls , and the deep sea swell And the profit and loss .

  9. 瓦莱塔相继由腓尼基人、希腊人、迦太基人、罗马人、拜占廷人及圣约翰骑士团统治。

    It was ruled successively by the Phoenicians , Greeks , Carthaginians , Romans , Byzantines , Arabs and the Order of the Knights of St John .

  10. 装饰船舶的习俗大概起源于古代埃及或印度,后来中国人、腓尼基人、希腊人及罗马人也有这种习俗。

    The custom of decorating a ship probably began in ancient Egypt or India and was followed by the Chinese , Phoenicians , Greeks , and Romans .

  11. 西西里岛居住着腓尼基人,迦太基人,斯瓦比亚,这里的人民和阿拉贡一起创造了西西里的历史。

    The Phoenicians , Carthaginians , Swabians , Angevins and Aragonese made Sicily their own , leaving behind an eclectic history that you can still touch today .

  12. 通过梳理大量错综复杂的细枝末节,阿布拉菲亚先生在本书中带领读者从腓尼基人和特洛伊人的时代一直走到现代旅游业的出现。

    Marshalling a vast array of intricate detail , Mr abulafia takes the reader from the age of the Phoenicians and Trojans to the advent of modern tourism .

  13. 虽然这些结果年龄考古,它被认为是撒丁岛藤介绍了腓尼基人,在这期间,他们占领了该岛。

    Despite the age of these archaeological findings , it is believed vine was introduced in Sardinia by Phoenicians , during the period in which they occupied the island .

  14. 字母的创造与古代地中海的商业文化有重大关系,腓尼基人因贸易的需要而发明了字母;

    The creation of alphabets is closely related to the commercial culture in ancient Middle East , as Phoenicians have invented alphabets for the purpose of carrying out the trade .

  15. 不过凯库先生有一个目标,那就是重振橄榄园和黎巴嫩长期休眠的橄榄油产业,而其根源可以追溯到腓尼基人。

    But Mr Kaakour had a goal , to reinvigorate the groves - and Lebanon 's longdormant olive-oil industry , which traces its roots all the way back to the Phoenicians .

  16. 该地区在公元前12世纪有腓尼基人居住,后来双陆续被罗马人,迦太基人和土耳人控制,最后,于1881年成为法国的保护国。

    The region was settled in the12th century bc by Phoenicians , was later controlled by Romans , Carthaginians , and Turks , among others , and became a French protectorate in1881 .

  17. 这座城市供奉了三座神灵。起先由腓尼基人建造。但它的鼎盛时期却在凯撒大帝殖民。

    The city , where a triad of deities was worshipped , was originally founded by the Phoenicians . But its golden age began after Julius Caesar made it a Roman colony .

  18. 西西里岛居住着腓尼基人,迦太基人,斯瓦比亚,这里的人民和阿拉贡一起创造了西西里的历史。在今天,你仍然可以触碰这段折中的历史,西西里岛也能来触摸你。

    The Phoenicians , Carthaginians , Swabians , Angevins and Aragonese made Sicily their own , leaving behind an eclectic history that you can still touch today . And Sicily will touch you .

  19. 其主要种族是马耳他人(古代迦太基人和腓尼基人的后裔,有意大利和其他地中海祖先的血统),其他包括阿拉伯人、意大利人和英国人。

    The main ethnic group is Maltese ( descendants of ancient Carthaginians and Phoenicians , with strong elements of Italian and other Mediterranean stock ) . Other includes Arabs , Italians , and the British .

  20. 腓尼基人、迦太基人、罗马人、拜占庭人、法蒂玛王朝、诺曼人、西西里人、西班牙人、法国人、一个欧洲世俗宗教修道会和英国人都曾想征服或统治马耳他,其中很多成功了。

    The Phoenicians , Carthaginians , Romans , Byzantines , Fatimids , Normans , Sicilians , Spanish , French , a European lay religious order and the British all tried to conquer or rule Malta , and many succeeded .

  21. 人们认为给蛋染色的习俗是在中世纪由十字军战士传入欧洲的,因为埃及人、波斯人、腓尼基人、希腊人和罗马人惯常为庆祝其春节而将蛋染色。

    It is thought the custom of dyeing eggs was brought to Europe during the Middle Ages by the crusaders , as it was common practice among the egyptians , persians , phoenicians , Greeks and Romans to dye eggs for their spring festivals .

  22. 然而,他仅同意给他们一块儿牛皮大小的土地。但是聪明的腓尼基人把牛皮切成了许多细条,然后把它们连在一起,圈出了一块儿不小的地皮。

    He offered to give them land in order to build a settlement , but no bigger than the surface covered by the hide of an ox. They cleverly cut the hide into thin strips and were able to enclose a fairly large area of land .