
ā lā bó shù zì
  • Arabic numerals;Arabic number;hindu-arabic numerals;Arabian cypher
阿拉伯数字 [ā lā bó shù zì]
  • [Arabic numeral (figures)] 0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9这十个数字符号,是为了计数和算术运算而采用的约定写法,是国际通用的数码,也称为阿拉伯数码

  1. 这款钟有带罗马数字的,也有带阿拉伯数字的。

    The clock is available with either Roman or Arabic numerals .

  2. 介绍了在提取穿越次数特征、粗网格特征以及密度特征提取的基础上,应用SVM进行手写体阿拉伯数字识别的方法。

    The paper introduces a script arabic numerals recognition method applied SVM based on drawing out Traversing-times character and Wide-gridding character .

  3. 在此基础上,使用C语言编写程序,把文本中实数范围内的阿拉伯数字串转换为相应的汉字数字串。

    Further more , provide a designed programme in C to convert the Arabian Number Strings to Chinese Number Strings in real texts .

  4. 实际上,作为一个内置的类型,整数用不加任何修饰的阿拉伯数字表示,而不使用大写的类型初始器(比如LONG)。

    In particular , as a built-in , integers are represented with bare digits , rather than with a capitalized type initializer ( for example , LONG ) .

  5. 基于SVM的手写体阿拉伯数字识别

    Handwriting Numerals Recognition based on SVM

  6. 设此有限字符集合为X,它含有26个英文字母、10个阿拉伯数字以及30个中国的省市地名,总共有66个字符。

    Set ⅹ with 66 characters consists of 26 English letters , 10 Arabic figures and 30 Chinese province and capital city names .

  7. 有一组庞大的Java类型,它们的行为类似于阿拉伯数字9,这些类型确实可以映射到WSDL。

    There is a large set of Java types which behave like the Arabic numeral nine , types which do map to WSDL .

  8. 船舶识别号由英文字母CN和11位阿拉伯数字组成。

    The ship identification number shall comprise English letters " CN " and11 Arabic numerals .

  9. 如果元素有type属性,则用这个值来决定应该如何格式化每个列表项的数字(罗马数字、阿拉伯数字或按字母次序的字符)。

    If the element has a type attribute , use its value to figure out how the number of each list item should be formatted ( Roman numerals , Arabic numerals , or alphabetic characters ) .

  10. 在分析阿拉伯数字以及大写英文字母的形状特征后,提出了一种适于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)实现的图像实时识别算法。

    A real-time recognization algorithm of Arabic numerals and English letters based on field-programmable gate array ( FPGA ) was proposed after analyzing the features of the numerals and letters .

  11. 这之所以是毫无疑问的,是因为从阿拉伯数字映射到罗马数字,然后再映射回来,这在数学上称为是一对一的(one-to-one)和映成的(onto)关系。

    It is no surprise because the mapping from Arabic to Roman numerals , and back again , is what is mathematically known as one-to-one and onto .

  12. 手写字符识别是OCR的一个分支,它的研究对象是:如何利用电子计算机自动辨认手写的英文字符和阿拉伯数字。

    Handwritten Character Recognition research is a branch of the area of Optical Character Recognition ( OCR ), which deals with the recognition of handwritten English character or digits using computer .

  13. 第二部分通过数字的Stroop实验范式考察了经过珠心算训练后儿童对阿拉伯数字和珠像数字的自动加工。

    In the second part , we investigated the automatic process to Arabic numbers and abacus numbers of children after AMC trainings by adopting the numerical Stroop paradigm .

  14. 材料和方法:6个青年和3个老年被试者参加了有关正序和反序记忆阿拉伯数字的工作记忆实验,同时,fMRI被用来记录大脑的反应。

    Materials and Methods : Six younger adults and three older adults participated in the test of auditory digital memory task ( forward or backward ), while the fMRI was used to record the reactivity of brain .

  15. 通过模式,验证解析器可以检查元素InvoiceNo是否是正整数,元素ProductID的首字符是否为A到Z之间的字母,后面为六个阿拉伯数字。

    Through the schema , a validating parser can verify that the element InvoiceNo is a positive integer and the element ProductID consists of one letter between A and Z followed by six digits .

  16. 在一般的情况下,常常用阿拉伯数字来表示数量。

    In general , Arabic Numbers are used to count quantities .

  17. 金额是要用文字而不是阿拉伯数字写么?

    Should I write the money with words or digits ?

  18. 阿拉伯数字0不能映射到罗马数字系统。

    The Arabic numeral zero cannot map to the Roman numeral system .

  19. 阿拉伯数字串到汉字数字串的自动转换

    Auto Conversion from Arabian Numerical Strings to Chinese Numerical Strings

  20. 我爸爸手表上的数字是罗马数字,而不是阿拉伯数字。

    My dad 's watch has Roman numerals instead of real numbers .

  21. 阿拉伯数字之所以得到使用是因为它们很方便。

    Arabic numerals are used because of their great convenience .

  22. 根据下列阿拉伯数字写出中文。

    Write the proper sums of money according to the Arabian numbers .

  23. 表必须有一个适当的标题,必须负担连贯阿拉伯数字。

    Tables must have an appropriate heading and must bear consecutive Arabic numerals .

  24. 写数目时要文字和阿拉伯数字并用,如:拾(10)。

    Write numbers as both words and numerals : ten ( 10 ) .

  25. 将阿拉伯数字转换成文本式罗马数字

    Converts an arabic numeral to roman , as text

  26. 用文字和阿拉伯数字写出这个数。

    Write the number in words and in figures .

  27. 这对于从阿拉伯数字到罗马数字的映射同样成立。

    The same is true for the mapping of Arabic to Roman numerals .

  28. 基于阿拉伯数字中介的汉蒙数词对齐策略

    Chinese Mongolian numerals alignment based on Arabic numerals transformation

  29. 对体育科技期刊中阿拉伯数字写法的探讨

    Study On Writing Of The Arabic Numerals In The Journals Of Sports Science

  30. 阿拉伯数字标记的第3和第6点钟位置。

    Arabic numerals mark the3 and6 o'clock positions .