
  • 网络Roman;ancient romans
  1. 那条峡谷上的桥最初是古罗马人修建的。

    The valley was originally bridged by the Romans .

  2. 古罗马人在织物和墙壁上使用天然颜料。

    The Romans used natural pigments on their fabrics and walls .

  3. 古罗马人最先种植莴苣。

    Lettuce was grown by the Ancient Romans .

  4. 有许多古罗马人已改信基督教。

    There were many conversions to Christianity among the ancient romans .

  5. 古罗马人把罗马帝国扩张到亚洲境内。

    The ancient Romans extended their empire into asia .

  6. 古罗马人喜欢庆祝活动。

    Ancient Romans liked a celebration .

  7. 版本一:有人认为VALENTINE是一个古罗马人的名字。

    Edition one : Somebody thinks that VALENTINE is a Ancient Roman 's name .

  8. 古罗马人崇尚nomenestomen的观念,意思是名字就是命运。

    The Ancient Romans promoted the concept ` nomenest omen ` , meaning ` name is destiny . `

  9. 古罗马人崇尚nomenestomen的观念,意思是“名字就是命运”。

    The Ancient Romans promoted the concept " nomenest omen , " meaning " name is destiny . "

  10. 我找到一栋历史建筑里的小套房公寓,和西班牙阶梯(SpanishSteps)相隔短短几条街,被博盖塞花园(BorgheseGardens)典雅的阴影所笼罩,就在人民广场(PiazzadelPopolo)街上,古罗马人从前在这广场举办战车比赛。

    The apartment I 've found is a quiet studio in a historic building , located just a few narrow blocks from the Spanish Steps , draped beneath the graceful shadows of the elegant Borghese Gardens , right up the street from the Piazza del Popolo , where the ancient Romans used to race their chariots .

  11. 古罗马人非常注重保持牙齿的清洁。

    The ancient Romans were careful about keeping their teeth clean .

  12. 嗯,我年轻的时候,古罗马人说过些什么?

    What was it the Romans said when I was younger ?

  13. 古罗马人已经发现火山灰制作的水泥质量更好。

    The ancient Romans discovered that volcanic ash made better cement .

  14. 大庄园大庄园,尤指古罗马人的。

    A great landed estate , especially of the ancient romans .

  15. 从前这里有过一所古罗马人盖的房屋。

    A house built by the Romans once stood here .

  16. 这种社会风貌更多地使人联想起古罗马人。

    The social landscape is more reminiscent of the latins .

  17. 这个班遮绝行一项贺于古罗马人占领不列颠的研究。

    The class doing a project on the Roman occupation of Britain .

  18. 那部书对古罗马人的日常生活描写得很生动。

    The book gives a good picture of everyday life in ancient Rome .

  19. 如果说古罗马人带来了文明,那么德意志部落带来的则是礼仪的规范。

    If the Romans brought civilization , the German tribes brought ritual codes .

  20. 古罗马人穿的一种到脚踝的鞋。

    An ankle-length shoe worn by ancient Romans .

  21. 古罗马人在整个欧洲建立了殖民地。

    The ancient Romans founded colonies throughout Europe .

  22. 2000多年前,古罗马人就开始庆祝情人们的节日。

    The ancient Romans celebrated a holiday for lovers more than 2000 years ago .

  23. 古罗马人用石头修建了第一个漫长的道路系统。

    The ancient Romans constructed the first lengthy network of roads paved with stone .

  24. 它很可能是由古罗马人从它的地中海原始产地引种到此地的。

    It was probably brought here from its native Mediterranean habitat by the romans .

  25. 古罗马人是何时侵略英国的?

    When did the Romans invade Britain ?

  26. 古罗马人相信一旦有人听见猫头鹰的叫声,不久就会死掉。

    The ancient Romans believed if someone heard an owl hoot , he would soon die .

  27. 古罗马人很喜欢这一类料理,还将比萨发扬光大,成为风靡现代意大利一带的美食。

    The Romans enjoyed similar dishes , and made pizza popular all over what is now Italy .

  28. 古罗马人还给现代爱情提供名字。

    The ancient Romans may also be responsible for the name of our modern day of love .

  29. 坎斯帕尼亚区的说欧斯干语并且和古罗马人不断发生冲突的远古民族的人。

    An Oscan-speaking member of an ancient people of Campania who clashed repeatedly with the early Romans .

  30. 要找那些有趣的东西你得去古老的、比较小些的城镇,它们最初是由古罗马人建造的。

    For those you have to go to older but smaller towns first built by the Romans .