
xiānɡ hù jiāo huàn
  • Mutual exchange;reciprocal interchange
  1. 所有的组员都相互交换了电子邮件地址。

    Everyone in the group exchanged email addresses .

  2. 协议是计算机网络中各种通信实体相互交换信息时必须遵守的一组规则,它是Internet的灵魂。

    As the sole of Internet , protocol is the special syntactic and semantic set of rules or conventions for exchanging information among communicating devices .

  3. HSB使用通用的XML格式相互交换消息。

    The HSB uses the popular XML format for interoperable exchange of messages .

  4. 各种不同的CAD系统都有其特殊的存储图形数据格式,各CAD系统间难以相互交换图形数据。

    All sorts of different CAD system has its own data format of memory graphics , mutual exchange of graphical data is difficult between CAD systems .

  5. 面向服务架构(Service-orientedarchitecture,SOA)是一种提供系统开发和集成方法的架构风格,它允许不同的应用程序相互交换数据。

    Service-Oriented Architecture ( SOA ) is an architectural style that provides methods for systems development and integration , allowing different applications to exchange data with one another .

  6. 可以将SCA组件组合在一起,并且通过传递SDO来以一种中立的方式相互交换数据。

    SCA components can be composed and can exchange data with each other in a neutral fashion by passing SDOs .

  7. 一些EA建模工具基于标准的OMGUML标准,这些工具可以通过相互交换XMI文件而被集成在一起。

    Some EA modeling tools are based on the OMG 's UML standard , which allows integration via exchange of XMI files .

  8. 讨论了利用数字信号处理技术实现A律PCM编码与ADM编码的相互交换,给出了相应的模拟计算结果。

    In this paper , the transform between A-PCM and ADM coding using digital signal processing technique is studied , imitation result is given .

  9. 协议是在计算机网络和分布系统中两个或多个主体(Principals)为相互交换信息而规定的一组信息交换规则和约定。

    Protocol is a group of rules and promises that two principals or multi-principals exchange messages each other in the computer network and a distributing system .

  10. 从编程的角度来看,HTK和Julius格式的结构类似,但是二者也有不同之处,不可相互交换。

    The HTK and Julius formats share structural similarities from a programming viewpoint , but they are sufficiently different that they are not interchangeable .

  11. 1971年,汤姆林森写出一个程序,允许Arpanet计算机网上的不同计算机相互交换信息。Arpanet是互联网的前身。

    Tomlinson wrote a program in 1971 that allowed messages to be exchanged between different computers on the ArpaNet , the precursor to the internet .

  12. 该系统用于对车辆状态的监控,通过CAN总线与来自现场的各种智能节点进行通信,并经RS-232与GPS卫星定位导航系统相互交换信息;使车辆的位置和姿态信息也进入监控范围。

    The system is used for monitoring vehicle status , it communicates with various intelligent nodes coming from the field through CAN bus and exchanges information with GPS satellite positioning navigation system through RS-232 port to obtain information of positions and status of vehicle .

  13. 加密器逐帧将标准电视图像(PAL制或NTSC制)扫描行的有效图像部分按预定的随机次序相互交换,获得无法辨认画面内容的加密电视信号,但信号本身仍符合原制式标准;

    The encryption apparatus exchanges the video information portion of TV horizontal line per frame by pseudo random sequence which is stored in ROM beforehand , obtaining encrypted standard TV signal which content can 't be understood .

  14. 他们经常相互交换学习心得。

    They often compare notes with each other on their studies .

  15. 女母战孩子之间需供更多的相互交换。

    There is a need for more interaction between parents and children .

  16. 这种自然的基因交换既安全,又具有相当的可预见性。基因工程是在彼此毫无关系的物种之间,相互交换在自然条件下无法交换的基因。

    This type of natural gene exchange is safe and fairly predictable .

  17. 可以相互交换的特性。

    The quality of being capable of exchange or interchange .

  18. 鼓励会员们相互交换书籍。

    Members are encouraged to swap books with each other .

  19. 术语“星型模型”和“星型模式”是可以相互交换的。

    The terms star model and star schema are interchangeable .

  20. 所有飞鸽用户之间可以相互交换信息。

    You can exchange messages between all IPMsg members .

  21. 首先双方父母会相互交换可以表明身份的信物。

    First both sets of parents exchanged family credentials as tokens of intention .

  22. 他人们写完之后,佛让他们相互交换纸条。

    After writing , the Buddha made them exchange their notes with each other .

  23. 相互交换意见是有益的。

    An exchange of opinions is helpful .

  24. 电传一词是电传打字机之间相互交换信息的缩写。

    The word telex is the abbreviation of the term Tele-printer exchange or teletypewriter exchange .

  25. 他们相互交换了人质。

    They exchanged hostages with each other .

  26. 各高校之间将相互交换不同类型的影片进行观摩学习,同时进行沟通和交流。

    The schools will swap programs with each other and carry out communications and discussions .

  27. 有时人们还相互交换或买卖邮票。

    Sometimes they trade them too .

  28. 国际税收情报是缔约国的主管机关相互交换的税收信息。

    International tax information is referred to mutually exchanged tax information by authorities of contracting states .

  29. 设计过程的可控性表现在模拟和设计的相互交换过程中。

    In the design process , the controllability is the interchange process of simulation and design .

  30. 逆转平行生命,并将非物质梦想与物质层梦想相互交换,是无法为所有人终止痛苦的。

    Reversing parallel lives and trading nonphysical for physical dreams cannot end the suffering for all ;