- relative humidity

Drilling mud additives , pH and relative humidity of atmosphere influence the corrosion rate .
Relative humidity effect on AFM anodic oxidation of metal film
This article studied the oxidation of Nd Dy Fe B coarse powder heat treated at different temperature after HD process .
Conditions such as temperature 25 ~ 35 ℃, pH 4.0 ~ 6.0 , light , 100 relative humidity and added water were beneficial to sclerotia germination .
The relationship between oscillation frequencies and relative humidities was measured with a RC oscillatory circuit for the polymeric humidity sensor .
The effects of solvent types , solvent composition , CA concentration and environmental relative humidity on the pore structure of CA fibers were studied .
The most favorable relative humidity ( RH ) for the mite was between 75 % and 90 % .
There are negative correlations between forest fire frequency and NDVI and average relative humidity .
With the decrease of humidity in the cockpit , PMV decreases .
The working principles of online inspection element taken the humidity sensor of high polymer film capacitance type as relative humidity ( RH ) were elaborated .
The study on factors effecting the evaporation of soil shows that the relative moisture , vapor pressure difference and radiation are major factors . They always connected water with their attitude . Study on the Relation between Specific Yield and Saturation Deficiency
Under weak light the order of effects of the environment factors on the net photosynthesis rate was light intensity , temperature , relative humidity , CO_ ( 2 ) concentration successively .
The peak potential E p and valley potential E v changed drastically with rapid change of relative humidity , while the potential of the metal matrix remained .
Moreover , there was a good negative correlation between the speed of wind and the total of bacteria or CO 2 concentration , the correlative coefficient of which had the significance among them .
The effects of ambient temperature , relative humidity , thickness of the slurry , concentration of the polymer and the LSM / YSZ powder on the pore size and pore distribution are observed by SEM .
The influence of NaCl and SO 2 on the initial atmospheric corrosion of Zn at 25 ℃ and 90 % RH was investigated by means of quartz crystal microbalance ( QCM ) .
The P n descended with ascending atmospheric relative humidity ( RH ) and the value of the P n was high when the RH was 65 % ~ 75 % .
As the relative humidity increasing , the curing speed became more and more faster , the curing speed was the best when relative humidity was 70 % .
The great differences of ATR ' linear equation parameters among plants were occurred , in response to air temperature , relative humidity and light intensity .
In north China area , the major ecological factors affecting the efficiency of grape Photosynthesis are CO 2 and moisture contents , especially , the relative humidity has a direct bearing on the efficiency of photosynthesis .
The X-ray diffraction patterns of composites , GTPS and starch indicated that the introduction of MMT effectively restrained the crystallization of GTPS at different relative humidities .
The results indicate that the electrical action is weak and charge structure is quasi reverted dipole and no relation to middle atmosphere average relation humidity when CAPE is small .
The results indicated that under strong light the order of effects of environment factors on the net photosynthesis rate was relative humidity , CO_ ( 2 ) concentration , temperature , light intensity , stomatal conductance successively .
The results showed that under high-temperature stress , LOX activity and membrane leakage decreased but 5 ' - nucleotidase activity increased as environmental relative humidity rose .
A technique of environment scanning electron microscope ( ESEM ) was used to in situ quantitatively observe and record the hydration process of K-PSDS geopolymer matrix under RH80 % .
Two pathogens grew well on PDA ( potato glucose agar ) with RH increment at RH 65 % ~ 98 % . Conidium had a highest germination in water drop with full RH .
The species richness of herb layer was fitted in the topographic and soil feature factors , as well as the topographic relative moisture index ( TRMI ) by the generalized linear models ( GLM ) .
The correlation was analysed between the cockroach density and the atmospheric temperature , relative humidity and rainfall with PENS statistic software .
The research results indicated that the former 10 days ' rainfall and temperature affected NDVI change and the higher NDVI lead to increase of relative moisture in the subsequent 10 days .
It contained the microclimate of workshops ( including temperature , relative humidity , wind speed , atmospheric presure , illumination , noise , air ionization , ambient air CO2 content and bacteria counts ) , health examinations on 57 VDT operators and 49 references .