
xiānɡ duì jià ɡé
  • relative price
  1. 本文重点研究的是相对价格因素部分的VaRs、VaAs、VaBs,并认为该部分是可以控制的因素(股票自身的个别因素)。

    The emphases of the paper are parts of relative price - VaR & S 、 VaA_S 、 VaB_S , and we take they as the controllable factors ( individual factors of stock itself ) .

  2. 商品和制成品的相对价格趋势;

    Relative price trends of commodities and manufactured products ;

  3. 很多商人认为,一个相对价格从不变化的地方会是极乐世界。

    Many businessmen think that a world where relative prices never varied would be nirvana .

  4. MBHA树脂相对价格便宜,此方法是制备人胰岛素原C肽的另一种尝试。

    MBHA resin is relatively inexpensive . The new method is another way for the preparation of human proinsulin C-peptide .

  5. 自威尔第(verdi)时代以来,相对价格已发生了改变,这意味着,如今大歌剧的演出成本非常高。

    Changes in relative prices since the time of Verdi mean that grand opera is now very expensive to perform .

  6. 国内外能源相对价格与中国的能源效率

    Chinese and overseas relative energy prices and Chinese energy efficiency

  7. 是什么无形之手在操纵着这二者之间的相对价格?

    What invisible hand decreed this set of relative prices ?

  8. 分项扣除改变税后相对价格,这常常影响经济行为。

    Itemized deductions change after-tax relative prices , which often affects economic behavior .

  9. 汇率的变化对经济是一种有益的调节机制,能实现相对价格变动和反映资源的稀缺。

    Changing of exchange rate is a useful mechanism to allocate economic resources .

  10. 而且相对价格需要改变,特别是自然资源的价格。

    Also , relative prices need to change , notably those of natural resources .

  11. 相对价格的变化是市场化发展与制度变迁的中介。

    The variety of relative price is the media of marketing evolution and institutional change .

  12. 新的国际货币的引入自然会引起需求变化,并改变相对价格。

    The introduction of new international currencies would naturally shift demand and alter relative prices .

  13. 也随着相对价格的变化而变化;

    and with changes in relative prices ;

  14. 外国生产增加带来相对价格效应,进而降低了美国低技能工人的工资。

    The relative price effects of greater foreign production have decreased wages of low-wage US workers .

  15. 这会引起非贸易产品对贸易产品的相对价格上升。

    This will lead to a rise of relative price between non-trade products and traded goods .

  16. 煤炭与天然气的相对价格【注释2】对欧洲公共事业的健康发展至关重要。

    The relative price of coal and gas is crucial to the health of European utilities .

  17. 当市场或资源条件发生变化后,即要素相对价格发生变化后,应适时进行制度方面的改革;

    Reform of the system should be performed with the change of market or resources conditions ;

  18. 农产品和工业品的相对价格波动与货币供给

    Study on Relationship between Fluctuation of Relative Price of Agricultural Product and Industrial Product and Money Supply

  19. 首先,事实可能会证明,相对价格的潜在变化是一个很难处理的问题。

    First , the potential shift in relative prices might prove to be very difficult to handle .

  20. 中国物价总指数变动中的相对价格调整及其宏观调控含义

    Regulation of Relative Price in the Variability of China General Price Index and Implications of Macro-economy Control

  21. 我国丝绸出口的相对价格弹性系数为-0.3825,属于低弹性的商品。

    The results indicate that the elasticity of China 's silk relative export price is - 0.3825 ;

  22. 本章重点研究了相对价格水平和利率水平对人民币实际汇率的影响。

    The study aims at influence of relative price level and interest rate on real exchange rate .

  23. 另外,基本面趋势表明,未来的粮食价格处于较高的相对价格一方。

    And the fundamentals are on the side of higher relative prices for grains in the future .

  24. 在国际贸易中,汇率和贸易条件是两个很重要的相对价格指标。

    In international trade , exchange rate and terms of trade are two important indicators of relative price .

  25. 但大宗商品相对价格的持续上涨则是一场通胀的征兆。

    But a continuous rise in the relative price of commodities is a symptom of an inflationary process .

  26. 汇率的一个重要职能就是价格转换功能,它是形成各种相对价格的基础。

    An important role of exchange rates is price transfering , which is the foundation of comparative price .

  27. 同时,制度变革引发了相对价格的变化,推动了经济结构的调整。

    Meanwhile , institutional reform can produce the change of relative price , promote the adjustment of economy structure .

  28. 在总量理论中最难处理的是总量与相对价格的关系问题。

    The most difficult problem in aggregate theory is to deal with the relation between aggregation and relative price .

  29. 与美元挂钩的人民币汇率,其波动已扭曲了该地区的相对价格。

    The swings of the renminbi , pegged to the dollar , have juggled relative prices in the region .

  30. 消费者不仅仅会对商品的绝对价格做出反应,而且还会对商品的相对价格做出反应。

    Not only will consumers respond to the absolute prices of commodities , but also on the price perception .