
  • 网络Cash price
  1. 惠特尼公司开出每股21.50美元的现金价收购4,950万股普赖姆公司的股票。

    Whitney has offered $ 21.50 a share in cash for 49.5 million Prime shares

  2. 现金结算价与股指期货操纵

    Index Futures Manipulation with " Cash Settlement "

  3. 股指期货采用的现金结算价计算方式因市场而异,套期保值决策也应该相应调整。

    The cash settlement of index futures is different among differrent countries , so is the decision of hedging .

  4. 中医药中心以现金优惠价向有效的医疗咭持有人提供服务。

    The Chinese Medicine Centre provide cash payment preferred rates to all UMP members who preset eligible medical cards .

  5. 商业银行并购贷款是指商业银行为企业并购交易提供的用于支付并购交易现金对价的贷款资金。

    The M & A loans of Commercial bank is the cash that commercial bank provides for the payment of mergers and acquisitions .

  6. 可口可乐去年9月提出的现金收购价为每股12.20港元,几乎是交易提议宣布前汇源上一个收盘价的3倍。

    Coke offered HK $ 12.20 a share in cash , almost treble Huiyuan 's last closing price ahead of the announcement of the proposed deal in September last year .

  7. 为此,本文选择股指期货现金结算价确定作为研究对象,具有理论背景和现实需要,即丰富了股指期货合约设计的相关研究,也为中国股指期货合约设计提供理论依据。

    So the cash settlement as the research objective is very significant , which will rich the literatures of index futures design and supply the index futures design of China with theory basis and implementation reference .

  8. 我们100美元的现金买人价是1345日元。

    Our buying rate for notes is1345 yen for100 dollars .

  9. 现金与有价证券:816亿美元

    Cash and marketable securities : $ 81.6 billion

  10. 苹果在季度末拥有2330亿美元的现金和有价证券。

    The company ended the quarter with $ 233 billion in cash and marketable securities .

  11. 现金与有价证券:1110亿美元,与上一财季相比,增长125亿美元

    Cash and marketable securities : $ 110 billion , up $ 12.5 billion from Q1

  12. 我们100美元现金的买入价为827港元。

    Our buying rate for notes is 827 Hong Kong dollars for 100 US dollars .

  13. 根据规定保管公司库存现金,有价证券及文件。

    According to the rules , taking care of the cash in hand and the documents of value .

  14. 保管库存现金,有价证券和票据,以及空白银行支票等,并对其安全与完整负责。

    Safekeeping cash on hand , securities , bank cheque and notes , responsible for their safety and integrity .

  15. 截至去年9月,苹果持有的现金和有价证券价值815.7亿美元,且没有债务。

    As of September , it had $ 81.57 billion in cash and marketable securities in the bank and zero debt .

  16. 买家不会获得任何保证,一般会被迫支付现金,对价不得延期。

    The buyer receives no warranties and is generally obliged to pay in cash , with no deferred element to the consideration .

  17. 但是,我们手里握着980亿美元的现金和有价证券,所以我们可以比任何一个对手消灭更多潜在的威胁。

    But the $ 98bn of cash and marketable securities at our disposal means that we are able to cover more potential threats than any of our rivals .

  18. 本文认为现金折扣是价、税合计的折扣,现行处理是与税法相协调的结果;

    This paper maintains that cash discount is a discount based on the sum of price and tax , and our current way of its process is a result of being in line with the tax statutes .

  19. 因此应收账款被划分为流动资产,在资产负债表中仪排在现金和短期有价证券之后。

    Therefore , accounts receivable from customers are classified as current assets , appearing in the balance sheet immediately after cash and short-term investments in marketable securities .

  20. 付现金价格、现金支付价

    For which money has been paid . Cash price