
xiàn zhí
  • present value;current value;present worth
现值[xiàn zhí]
  1. MA(q)利率下企业生存年金精算现值模型

    Actuarial present value models of enterprise life annuity based on MA ( q ) interest rate

  2. 在以往研究中,对于项目组合的评价主要使用净现值(NPV)分析。

    In previous studies , the net present value ( NPV ) analysis had been used for the evaluation of the project portfolio .

  3. 这样的话,现值将不再可相加。

    So present values would no longer add .

  4. 调整pH值;基于风险的现值法

    Regulation of soil pH ; The Present Value Method with Risk

  5. 然而,A方案的净现值较高,而B方案的内含报酬率较高。

    However , project A has a higher NPV , whereas project B has a higher IRR .

  6. 在R&D决策过程中,现在普遍采用的是净现金流(NetCashFlow,简写为NCF)方法,亦称为净现值方法。

    In the decision process of R & D , Net Cash Flow method is adopted widely .

  7. UV消毒方式的费用现值约为其他消毒方式的1.3-2倍。

    And the NPV of UV disinfection is about 1.3 to 2 times than all other disinfection systems .

  8. 通过建立净收益现值法评价公式并用工程实例说明在旧房改造经济评价中的应用方法,证明其应用更为方便。Net的Web页面布局和装饰服务。

    An evaluation formula of net income approach is introduced in this paper , and its application to economic evaluation of old building reconstruction is explained with engineering cases .

  9. 关于第一个问题,据国际金融协会(instituteofinternationalfinance)估计,希腊债券净现值总共将减少21%。

    Regarding the first question , the Institute of international finance estimated the total reduction in the net present value of Greek debt to be 21 per cent .

  10. 基于MA(q)利息力下缴费预定型企业年金保险中生存年金精算现值模型

    The Life Annuity Actuarial Present Value Models of Defined Contributed Enterprise Annuity Insurance Based on MA ( q ) Force of Interest Rate

  11. NPV是一定时期内现金流入的现值减去现金流出的现值。

    NPV is the present value of cash inflows minus the present value of cash outflows over a period .

  12. 对于处理量较大、浓度较高的废水,采用络合萃取法能获得较大的净现值(NPV);

    For the wastewater with great quantity and high concentration , a larger NPV will be obtained if complexation extraction process is used .

  13. 目前企业在进行技术创新项目的评估时,所采用的大都是贴现净现值法,即NPV法。

    Currently , when the enterprises value the technique innovation items , they like to use the Discounted-Cash-Flow method , namely NPV method .

  14. 通过推导,得到了养老金给付现值的近似替代变量,采用MonteCarlo仿真的方法,得到了养老金给付现值及其近似替代变量的经验分布。

    The approximate random variable of the present value of the pension benefits is defined through derivation and the Monte Carlo method is used to get the empirical distributions of these two random variables .

  15. NPV是一种用于资本预算的方法,在预算中要从现金流入的现值中减去现金流出的现值。

    NPV is an approach used in capital budgeting where the present value of cash inflows is subtracted by the present value of cash outflows .

  16. 针对净现值(NPV)与内部收益率(IRR)的非自洽性问题,认为再投资收益率说并不能很好地解释NPV与IRR非自洽的原因。

    In allusion to the reason of the conflict between NPV and IRR , this paper thinks reinvestment rate theory cant explain it well .

  17. 会计利率(简写为ARI):用于将收益和成本的终值换算为相应现值的折现率。

    Accounting rate of interest - ARI : Discount rate used to convert future values of Benefits and costs into equivalent present values .

  18. IRR经常用于资本预算,它是使得所有现金流动的净现值为零的利率。

    Often used in capital budgeting , IRR is the interest rate that makes net present value of all cash flow equal zero .

  19. 特别地,当独立增量过程为Wiener过程,损失分布为Pareto分布的情形下,给出了总索赔额精算现值各阶矩的具体表达式。

    If the interest randomness is Wiener process and the loss of distribution is pareto distribution , then the expression of moments of the claim size is more concrete and practical .

  20. 传统的技术投资的决策准则是使用净现值(NPV)方法,这种方法会导致企业过早的投资于一项技术,也不能解释企业技术投资时间滞后的现象。

    The traditional decision rule of technology invest is NPV method , which will lead to early invest , and cannot interpret the phenomena of technology invest delay .

  21. 利用CAPM模型,引入项目资金结构的净现值模型对特许权期的求值是更能够准确反映项目成本和收益的科学方法。

    Using the CAPM model , the introduction in project 's capital structure model is a scientific method to reflect the cost accurately when it used to evaluate the concession period .

  22. 当然,您必须计算所有那些数字的净现值(NPV)以确保您是在逐个比较。

    And of course , you 'd naturally have to calculate the net present value ( NPV ) of all of those figures to ensure that you 're comparing apples to apples .

  23. 并且研究分析了倍率法、超额收益现值法这两种创新方法,以及可以应用于技术资产创新企业整体评估的期权定价法和EVA模型。

    This article analyses two innovative approaches : the net value of assets method and abnormal earnings present value method , and also analyses the option valuation method and EVA model , which apply to technology assets innovative business .

  24. 探讨了净现值(NPV)法在风险投资项目评价中应用的机理,并具体分析了NPV法运用的方法、步骤,最后给出该方法应用的实际案例。

    Application mechanism of Net Present Value ( NPV ) method in venture capital project appraisal is discussed , application procedure for NPV is analyzed , and concrete application case is also illustrated .

  25. 很长一段时间,以净现值(NPV)法为核心的传统财务分析方法一直是企业投资决策采取的主要分析工具。

    For a long time , the traditional financial analysis methods such as the net present value ( NPV ) method has been the main analytical tool used for corporate investment decisions taken .

  26. 在此基础上,运用二叉树方法等期权定价理论和现金流现值法对MBS进行定价。

    On these foundations , the thesis applies the theory of cash flow and option valuation to valuate the MBS . We introduce the Option-Adjusted Spreaded ( OAS ) method and Binomial Trees method .

  27. 据英国央行(boe)的安德鲁霍尔丹(andrewhaldane)估计,按净现值计算,英国经济累计损失的产出可能达到数万亿英镑。

    Andrew Haldane of the Bank of England has estimated that the cumulative loss of output in the UK economy , in net present value , could be several trillion pounds .

  28. 对于净现值折现法(NPV)研究折现率的较多,一般要求对折现率进行多方面的考虑调整,以期找到一个最准确的折现率,这当然是必要的。

    The research on net present value method is focused on how to adjust the discount rate , in order to find an accurate discount rate to calculate the cash flow of the project .

  29. 仪表盘可以利用各种模型,包括净现值(NPV)、附加经济值(EVA)和内部回报率(IRR)来执行详细的ROI、偿还,或收支平衡分析。

    The dashboard can perform a detailed ROI , payback or breakeven analyses using various models including Net Present Value ( NPV ), Economic Value Added ( EVA ) and Internal Rate of Return ( IRR ) .

  30. 运用现值法对EMAS进行了经济评价,给出了寿命周期费用的计算方法。

    Finally , the construction and maintenance cost of EMAS are evaluated by the Present Value Theory , and the computing methods of its life cycle costs are presented .