
  • 网络inventory on hand;on-hand balance
  1. 第三步则根据产品ABC分类的结果,对现有库存量和存储容器进行测算,计算出需要的各类产品的储位总量。

    The third step according to the ABC classification results , the writer estimated the storage container and the existing inventory to calculate the amount of storage required .

  2. 我刚刚接获通知我们现有库存量。

    I just got an answer about the stock we have on hand .

  3. 在此基础上,结合现有图书库存量和灰预测得到的预期借阅率,共同得出预期图书的建议购买量,并由此组成了预期图书的建议采购方案。

    In this foundation , according to the present book stock and the anticipated borrowing rate , the book purchasing amount was obtained and the procurement scheme of .