
  • 网络Site Management;Scene management
  1. 本文将仅限于施工进度管理来进行阐述,以现场管理(SiteManagement)为主,按现场施工的顺序研究说明石化行业基础建设施工的进度管理。

    This paper will only study the progress management of petrochemical construction , given prior to site management , and will describe it according to the order of site construction .

  2. 谈5S在现场管理中的应用

    Applying 5S to Site Management

  3. 实现精益生产的手段和工具种类较多,如程序分析、工作研究(WorkStudy)、现场管理、柔性制造、全面生产管理(TPM)、6σ等。

    There are many ways and tools to implement LP , such as procedure analysis , work study , worksite management , flexible manufacture , TPM and 6 σ etc. .

  4. 论文围绕基于内部营销的GP公司现场管理研究这个核心,分三部分展开论述。首先叙述了内部营销和现场管理相关理论。

    Paper has falled into three parts . Firstly , this paper introduces the theory of production management and the knowledge of internal marketing .

  5. 根据系统的总体建设目标,该系统主要功能包括数据采集、现场管理、过程监控以及MES集成与执行。

    Ac - cording to the overall target , the system functions mainly include data collection , working site management , process supervision and MES integration .

  6. 并从公司的车间设备布局、工艺流程和现场管理等方面对ADL公司生产管理的影响因素进行分析。

    Following by workshop layout , production process and on-site management , to analysis the related factors of the ADL company implementation of lean production methods .

  7. 本文通过对传统工程现场管理的深入分析,针对PDA资源有限的特点进行了合理的功能模块设置。

    In this paper , the traditional management of in-depth analysis of the project site for PDA with limited resources , the characteristics of a reasonable set of functional modules .

  8. 第三部分相关理论综述。阐述了准时化生产方式、质量管理体系和5S现场管理方法的理论。

    New management methods This part describes the definition and theory of JIT , Quality Control System 's establishment , 5S workshop management methods .

  9. 运用IE方法的理论,进行了客车生产现场管理改善方案的设计并对客车焊装线、底盘线生产现场进行了改善。

    The paper used IE theory to design the improvement of the Passenger Car Production Site and improve the production site of the Welding production line and the chassis production line . 3 .

  10. 现在全球推行的7S管理模式是提高企业现场管理水平、降低制造成本的一套有效手段。

    Now the global carrying out 7S management pattern is raising the enterprise scene management level , and reducing the production cost set of effective measures .

  11. 而TMT案例具有一定的前瞻性,为今后国内企业特别是通信制造业企业国际化海外项目管理的流程、现场管理提供参考。

    Even though they have some basic theory knowledge , but there is scarcely some relevant case for reference especially in overseas project management process and on site management .

  12. ERP软件企业能够借用工业工程的管理方法,例如产品生命周期管理、现场管理等。这些方法能够加强软件企业的管理,提高软件质量,降低软件企业运营成本,提高工作效率。

    ERP software enterprises can learn from industrial engineering management methods , such as product life-cycle management , on-site management etc. These methods can enhance the management of software enterprises to improve software quality , software enterprises to reduce operational costs and improve efficiency .

  13. 介绍贵阳磷化工总厂在生产过程控制方面应用稳健性设计之一的SPC技术的实践经验,探索如何提高现代化现场管理的可操作性。

    This paper introduces the practical experiences in production process control to apply the SPC technology of one of the robust designs , and how to improve the operation on field management of modern chemical industry is probed .

  14. 本文介绍了设备综合效率的计算方法,分析了全员生产维护中的5S、工装管理、快带换模和减少设备速度损失等主要活动在现场管理中的作用。

    Method to calculate comprehensive efficiency of equipment is introduced in the article . Functions of main activities , such as 5S , equipment management , quick model change and reducing speed loss of equipment in site management , is analyzed .

  15. 5S管理起源于日本,是最基本、最有效的现场管理方法,是其他管理活动有效展开的基础,大量应用研究表明它的成功实施能给企业各方面绩效带来显著的改善。

    It is the most basic , most effective site management method , and serves as one of the cornerstones of other management activities . Extensive applied research has proven that its successful implementation improves enterprises significantly in their performance of all aspects .

  16. 6S管理作为企业现场管理的一个最基本要素,由于其操作步骤的具体性,实施成本的低廉性以及部署效果的明显性,正得到越来越多企业管理层的重视。

    As one of the most basic elements in the enterprise field management , " 6s " management is increasingly obtain the attention from enterprise management layers , because of its specific operating procedures , low cost implementation and obvious deploy effect .

  17. 着重介绍了新华XDPS系统的自动调节装置和热工保护装置的现场管理,得出通过加强管理可以提高分散控制系统运行可靠性的结论。

    The field management of the both stress introduce know clearly xinhua xdps systemic automatic regulating device and heat engineering protector , drawing through the medium of intensify management could advance decentralized control system operational safety ' conclusion about up .

  18. 制造业企业生产现场管理问题刍议

    A Brief Discussion of On-the-spot Management of Enterprise for Manufacturing Industry

  19. 安全生产现场管理的四个三

    The four " threes " in on-site management in safe production

  20. 石油化工设备维护保养与企业现场管理

    The Petroleum Chemical Equipment Maintenance and the Enterprise Site Management

  21. 公路工程施工现场管理应注意的问题

    Attention a Few Problems in Scene of Administration in Road Engineering Construction

  22. 论企业生产现场管理的现状及改进

    The current status and improvement of enterprises production locale management

  23. 以车间主任为中心的现场管理体制与方法

    Setting Up Fieldwork Management System with Workshop Director as Its Focus Core

  24. 多媒体网络技术在施工现场管理中的新应用

    The application of multimedia network technology in construction site management

  25. 丰富的现场管理经验,计划执行能力强;

    Abundant work shop site management experience , powerful in schedule implement ;

  26. 世界银行贷款项目的新疆农村公路工程的施工现场管理

    Construction Field Management of World Bank Load Project Xinjiang Rural Highway Engineering

  27. 变电检修现场管理电子签名系统

    Electronic Signature System of Administration on Set on Substation Maintenance

  28. 现场管理与效率管理任务;

    The task of scene & efficiency management for works and production ;

  29. 施工现场管理人员(尤其是质检人员)是否到岗到位;

    Whether management personnel at construction site is in position ;

  30. 工程现场管理是对工程施工现场内的活动及空间所进行的管理。

    Construction site management is the management of the activities and space .