
  1. 债务重组共有五种方式,分别是:以低于债务帐面价值的现金清偿债务;

    There are following five types of debt restructuring : ( 1 ) Satisfaction of a debt by a cash with the amount less than the debt ;

  2. 《企业会计准则债务重组》规定,以非现金资产清偿债务时,债权人受让的非现金资产的入账价值应根据债权的账面价值确认。

    According to Accounting Criteria of Enterprises Debt Reconstruction , in paying debt by non-cash asset , the recording value of non-cash asset transferred by the creditor should be determined by the book value of the credit .

  3. 当一家公司宣布破产时,这表明它的资产和现金流无法清偿债务。

    When a company declares bankruptcy it is saying it cannot pay its debt holders out of assets and cash flows .

  4. 在正常经济条件下,企业如何能适时保持足够的现金,以便清偿到期债务,是企业现金管理及持续经营的先决条件。

    Under the normal economic condition , how to keep enough cash in good time , for the purpose of discharge the obligation , is precondition that business enterprise manage cash and operate in a long term .