
  • 网络Production;production mode;production pattern;mode of production;Build ToOrder-BTO
  1. 精益生产模式下汽车零部件业电子商务和ERP整合

    Integration of ERP and E-Business under the Lean Production Mode in Automobile Part Industry

  2. EM生产模式下的驻厂代表制度

    A System of Stationed Represent at a Company Based on OEM Production Mode

  3. 探讨了在分布式生产模式下,解决生产排程问题的新技术&APS(AdvancedPlanningandScheduling)系统。

    A new technology : the Advanced Planning and Scheduling ( APS ) is discussed to resolve the scheduling problem in the distributed manufacturing environment .

  4. 传统的供应链在IC生产模式下存在缺陷与挑战,我们应该提升对供应链的管理。

    Firstly , this paper analyzes the limitations of and challenge to the traditional supply chain management which requires improvement .

  5. 由于不同的行业生产模式不同,通用的ERP软件无法满足特定行业的特殊需求。

    Due to the different production modes for different industries , the universal ERP software could not meet the special need of special industry .

  6. 第三章研究MC生产模式下产品的成本组成结构,分析不同客户定制需求对产品成本的影响。

    In the third chapter , the author analyze the cost composition brought by customer 's individual requirements and product cost .

  7. 在新的市场环境中企业迫切需要一种新的生产模式,大规模定制(masscustomization,MC)由此产生。

    Enterprises urgently need a new mode of production in the new market environment , that is what mass customization ( Mass Customization , MC ) resulting from .

  8. ATO系统是经过实践检验的,能够提高企业效率的生产模式。

    ATO system is a production model that proved by experiment that it can improve enterprise efficiency .

  9. 因此,大规模定制(MC&masscustomization)迅速发展,逐渐成为21世纪制造业的主流生产模式。

    Therefore , mass customization ( MC ) has developed quickly and has gradually become one of mainstream production modes of manufacturing industry in the 21st century .

  10. 企业要获取更好的生存和发展空间,其生产模式必将向大批量定制生产模式(masscustomization,MC)转变。

    Therefore , in order to obtain a greater space to survive and prosper , production pattern of the corporation is bound to shift to Mass Customization ( MC ) mode .

  11. 有机生产模式西红柿的Vc、总糖、可溶性固形物含量分别比常规生产模式高11.9%、14.1%、3.9%;

    ( 3 ) V c , total saccharide , dissoluble solid of tomato in organic produce were respectively more 11.9 % , 14.1 % , 3.9 % than conventional ;

  12. 随着世界经济和科技的发展,全球经济一体化环境要求企业与企业之间形成供应链(SUPPLYCHAIN,SC)式的生产模式。

    With the development of economy and science in the world , it is necessary for companies to form a model of product following Supply Chain with each other in the environment of globe economic integration .

  13. 文中首先给出了汽车零部件行业供应链结构和生产模式,介绍了MRP和GT的相关知识;

    In this paper , the supply chain structure of automotive parts industry is summarized , the theories of MRP and GT are introduced .

  14. 目前中国家电行业的OEM生产模式普遍注重生产过程监控和产品检验。

    Generally , it pays more attention on monitoring whole production process and product inspection in OEM mode for home appliance production in China now .

  15. 介绍了在单件小批生产模式的制造企业中实施CIMS技术时,车间生产管理系统的生产要素建模的一种新方法。

    This paper is involved with a new approach established to create the productive factor model of Shop Production Management System , while CIMS is applied in a manufacturing industry of single-part production mode .

  16. 文章结合特钢行业生产模式的特点,阐述了在CIMS环境下建立集成化质量信息系统(QIS)的必要性。

    With the characteristic of production pattern for special steel industry , the necessity of integrated quality information system ( QIS ) in CIMS is expounded .

  17. 为此,本文就单件小批生产模式下的MRP系统的研究做了以下的工作:分析物料需求计划系统原理,研究了物料需求计划系统中BOM的设计和建模以及提前期设置柔性化等几个关键技术;

    The efforts of the paper are as follows . Material requirements planning system theory is analyzed and key technologies of MRP system are researched including designing and modeling BOM and lead time flexibility ;

  18. 阐述了先进的自动化生产模式出现的原因以及在国内外粉末冶金企业中的应用现状,探讨了计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)技术在国内粉末冶金企业中应用的必要性、可行性和前景。

    The occurrence reason for the advanced automatic production mode and application status in foreign and domestic PM enterprises were presented . The necessity , feasibility and prospects of CIMS application to domestic PM enterprise were discussed .

  19. 作为一个先进的生产模式,精益生产(LP)已取得伟大的成就,尤其是在发达国家如日本和美国,同时对于中国企业它也是一个巨大的机会。

    As a advanced style of production , LP ( Lean Production ) has acquired great achievement , especially in developed-country such as Japan and America ; While it is also a great opportunity for Chinese enterprise .

  20. 本文针对多品种小批量的生产模式,以eM-Plant软件为基础,设计开发了基于仿真的车间作业计划系统。

    Job shop scheduling system based on simulation is developed with eM-Plant according to the manufacturing mode of many kinds and little batch in this article .

  21. 本课题研究的重点是FMS的一部分,即在当前多品种小批量生产模式下服装生产管理中工序编排与质量管理如何达到快速反应。

    This paper is a part of FMS what is to say how to realize the quick reaction on garment quality control and procedure arrangement in the production management under the mode of " many variety , small quantity " .

  22. 针对特定的企业和应用背景,开发和实现了一个CIMS环境下,以信息集成为重点、较适用于多品种、小批量、柔性生产模式的车间级生产管理系统。

    Aimed at unique enterprise and application background , developed a production management system based on workshop , which served the turn under multiple breeds , small batch , flexibility production mode , and is based on CIMS environment and information integration .

  23. 有机、无公害生产模式芹菜NO-3含量分别较常规模式低30.6%和25.9%。

    The nitrate contents of the plants in the organic and integrated patterns are 30.6 % and 25.9 % lower than those in the conventional pattern .

  24. 传统的生产模式,其质量控制方法与质量管理过程一般为进货检验、过程检验及产品终检三阶段模式。OEM模式的质量控制与管理方法与传统的生产模式既有联系又有较大的区别。

    Generally , quality control and management process can be divided into three periods , such as incoming inspection , process inspection and final inspection in tradition operation mode There are relation and difference for quality control between OEM and tradition mode .

  25. 介绍了数字技术以及服装定制生产模式,讨论数字技术对服装批量定制的推动,重点分析了三维人体测量、MTM技术和虚拟试衣可视技术以及在服装未来发展中数字技术的应用前景。

    This paper introduces digital technologies and Garment customization research . Basic application and new development of these digital technologies in the mass customization are reviewed , especially in researches of 3D human body measurement , made to measure , virtual try-on .

  26. 基于两类典型生产模式的供应链性能分析

    Performance analysis of supply chain based on two typical production models

  27. 混流装配已经成为当前众多汽车企业的装配生产模式。

    Mixed-model assembly has been widely introduced in automobile manufacture enterprises .

  28. 转炉炼钢生产模式分析及对应调度模型建立

    Analysis on Production Mode and Schedule Model Design of LD Steel-making

  29. 外包生产模式及其对市场结构影响的分析

    A Study of OEM and Its Impact on Market Structures

  30. 为了应对这些挑战,新的管理方法和生产模式层出不穷。

    New management methods and production style are emerging continuously .