
  1. 地方政府安全生产管理绩效评估指标体系初探

    The Elementary Exploration of the Guideline System of Performance Evaluation of the Safe Production Management in Local Governments

  2. 国内有些研究机构和大中院校的知名教授已经针对精益生产管理的绩效指标提出了一些评价方法,例如:精益会计(LeanAccouning),价值流成本管理等。

    Some domestic research institutions and colleges and professors has provided a number of ways , such as : Lean Accounting ( Lean Accouning ), cost management , value stream .

  3. 最后,本文概括性地说明了构建和运用发电企业中层生产管理人员绩效素质模型应该注意的几个问题,并指出了研究中存在的不足和需要进一步研究的内容。

    This article introduces some points which needs to be taken care of while using the middle level production manager performance competence model at the end , and also points out some insufficient areas in this study .

  4. 并建立健全精益生产管理的评估绩效系统,保障企业持久长期的持续改善以满足客户的最大需求。最后总结研究的成果和实践效果,并将所应用到精益生产方法推广到类似的EMS生产企业。

    Create and complete the measurement system for keep lean production system running smoothly and make sure the enterprise developing continuously to meet customer demand . The final part is summarizing the success and study result and spread the lean production to the similar EMS enterprises .

  5. 国外的许多研究学者和研究咨询公司从不同角度对精益生产管理进行了深入研究,但并未提出完整的精益生产管理的绩效指标体系。

    Many foreign scholars and research consulting firm from a different perspective have a deep research on lean production management , but has not yet made a complete performance evaluation model of lean production management .

  6. 本文通过一个小型汽车零件制造企业&伟敏公司的生产管理诊断分析案例,为汽车零件制造商提供一个如何改善生产管理绩效的方法。

    The author diagnosis production management in a SME – Weiming company , which supply parts for auto manufacturers .