
shēnɡ chǎn zī liào sī yǒu zhì
  • Private ownership of means of production;private ownership of the raw material for production
  1. 在完成生产资料私有制的公有化改造之后,继续提升公有化的程度。

    After having finished transferring to public ownership , he continued to promote socialization .

  2. 公正的具体实现途径是消灭阶级,消灭生产资料私有制。

    The specific ways of realizing justice is the abolition of classes and private ownership of production material .

  3. 两极分化的生成与扩张需要存在商品经济、生产资料私有制、资本积累等社会经济条件。

    Commodity economy , private ownership of the means of production and capital accumulation are the necessary conditions for the formation and expansion of polarization .

  4. 资本主义社会生产力发展的基本矛盾是生产资料私有制与社会化大生产的矛盾。

    The basic contradiction of the development of the social productive forces of capitalism is the contradiction between the private ownership of means of production and socialized production .

  5. 一九五六年召开的党的第八次全国代表大会,分析了生产资料私有制的社会主义改造基本完成以后的形势。

    The Eighth Congress of the party , held in1956 , analysed the situation after the socialist transformation of private ownership of the means of production had been basically completed .

  6. 生产资料私有制的社会主义改造已经完成,人剥削人的制度已经消灭,社会主义制度已经确立。

    The socialist transformation of the private ownership of the means of production has been completed , the system of exploitation of man by man abolished and the socialist system established .

  7. 而自由自觉劳动的获得需要解放劳动,解放劳动就是要改变生产资料私有制的生产方式,唯有如此才能消除异化劳动,消除社会的种种异化现象。

    Conscious labor and free access to the labor needs liberation , the liberation of labor is to change the private ownership of production mode of production , the only way to eliminate the alienation of labor , elimination of all sorts of social alienation .

  8. 生产资料公有制和生产资料私有制的和谐要在所有权排他性的制度安排和市场均衡、法律法规健全的条件下才有可能实现。

    The harmony between public ownership and private ownership of production means can only be realized under proper system-arrangement , balanced market , and clear laws and rules .