
  1. 在中国,出口商的原材料消费正被日益上升的国内需求所取代。

    In China , consumption of raw materials by exporters is giving way to rising domestic demand .

  2. 原材料消费价格差异

    Material usage price variance

  3. 出现这一阶段是本国在同一时期内原材料消费强度高涨导致的,而原材料消耗强度高涨是社会发展全面转向机械化大生产和工业时代的现代家园建设带来的。

    This is caused by the increase of material consumption intensity , which is the direct result of mechanized production and domestic modernization construction in an industrial time .

  4. 上述研究结果也突显了以下一点:中国购买量一旦回落(比如夏季的季节性放缓),可能会对原材料消费及价格造成冲击。

    The research also highlights that any pull back in Chinese buying - such as a seasonal slowdown during the summer - could hit raw materials consumption and prices .

  5. 然而,与此形成抵消的是,中国和其它能源以及原材料消费大国的进口额会相应减少,这往往会扩大其经常账户盈余。

    Yet there is an offset in that the reduced import bills of China and other big consumers of energy and raw materials will tend to increase their current account surpluses .

  6. 中国是个填不饱的原材料消费大国。例如,它是全球铜、钢铁、铝、锌和铅等金属用量最大的国家。

    China is a voracious consumer of raw materials - for example , it is the world 's biggest user of metals including copper , steel , aluminium , zinc and lead .

  7. 急剧上涨的原材料成本迫使消费品厂商进行提价。

    Surging raw material costs are pressuring consumer product makers to hike prices .

  8. 介绍了热固性粉末涂料的品种、产品结构、原材料供应、消费方面的现状和今后发展方向。

    : Status quo and development orientation of types , product structure , raw material supply , consumption situation of thermo - set powder paint are introduced .

  9. 事实上,能源、原材料和非必需消费品板块本季度的表现仍明显落后于大盘,而且这种表现今年以来简直是家常便饭。

    Indeed , energy , materials and consumer discretionary sectors remain notable laggards during the current quarter , a performance that also typifies their behaviour this year .

  10. 持续的原材料、机械和消费品需求有助于亚洲经济&这一地区预计明年可以躲避经济衰退。

    Continued strong Chinese demand for raw materials , machinery and consumer goods is expected to prop up other Asian economies & the region as a whole is projected to dodge a recession next year .

  11. 江西长期以来以出口手工业初级产品和矿业的原材料、进口生活消费品为模式,没有形成良好的优势转换,从而阻碍了江西近代工业化的发展历程。

    In the long way in Jiangxi , exported crude products , mining of raw materials , but imported consumer goods . All this were the primary mode . A good advantage conversion has not been formed in there , thus impeding the process of development of modern industry .