
yuán yànɡ fù zhì
  • Copy as is;reproduce with complete fidelity
  1. 罗伊斯大厅是位于米兰的圣安布洛乔大教堂的原样复制建筑。

    Royce Hall was an exact replica of the basilica of Sant Ambrogio in Milan

  2. 《原样复制》(CertifiedCopy)则以法国女星朱丽叶·比诺什(JulietteBinoche)为主角。

    and " Certified Copy , " featuring the French actress Juliette Binoche .

  3. 站点是按原样复制的。

    The site is copied as-is .

  4. 文件剩下的部分基本是自解释的,将它们原样复制到自己的仓库目录中即可。

    The rest of the file is largely self-explanatory ; you can simply copy it verbatim into your repository directory .

  5. 对于格式字符串中的任何其他文本,数据按原样复制到结果字符串中。

    For any other text in the format string , the data is copied as is to the result string .

  6. 横店影视城是个庞大而离奇的地方,占地8000英亩,其中一比一原样复制的北京故宫是主要建筑。

    Hengdian World Studios is sprawling and surreal , covering 8000 acres and featuring a one-to-one scale model of Beijing 's Forbidden City .

  7. 在满足了遵循对封皮改动的限制、文档标题保护等这些条件下,副本在某方面上可以被视同原样复制的副本。

    Copying with changes limited to the covers , as long as they preserve the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions , can be treated as verbatim copying in other respects .

  8. 该药几乎原样复制了最被人看好的埃博拉疗法,也就是被称作ZMapp的抗体综合剂,后者是美国与加拿大合作的成果。

    It is a near copy of what many believed was the most promising Ebola therapy : a cocktail of antibodies known as ZMapp , the result of a collaboration between the United States and Canada .