
  • 网络intellectual property trade;TRIPS;Intellectual Property Rights Trade;Trade of Intellectual Property Rights
  1. 在国际知识产权贸易中,如果成员国违反了TRIPS协议的规定,就必须接受国际制裁,导致严重的损失。

    In international intellectual property trade , if a member state violates TRIPS regulation , it must receive international sanctions , which will result in heavy losses .

  2. 知识产权贸易在全球经济竞争中占有重要地位。

    Intellectual property trade plays an important role in global economy competition .

  3. 厘清WTO内知识产权贸易争端的特点,有助于理性认识和解决中外知识产权贸易摩擦。

    The analysis of features of intellectual property rights disputes in WTO are helpful to understand and solve China & The World intellectual property rights conflicts .

  4. 知识产权贸易已经和货物贸易,服务贸易成为WTO体系内的国际贸易的三大支柱。

    As an integral part of international trade , intellectual property trade , trade in services and tangible goods trade has become the three pillars of international trade under the WTO legal system .

  5. 中国加入WTO后,为武术产业在服务贸易、知识产权贸易、货物贸易带来了前所未有的机遇和挑战。

    Therefore , it is more than necessary to probe into the industrialization of the art in respect of service trade , property right trade and tangible trade under the conditions of WTO .

  6. 知识产权贸易是知识产权利用的重要环节。

    Intellectual property trade is the important part of intellectual property use .

  7. 略论知识产权贸易代理

    Brief Discussion of the Agent of Intellectual Property Right Trade

  8. 这些法律为我国知识产权贸易起到了一定的保障作用。

    These laws protect intellectual property trade of our country in certain degree .

  9. 为了保护贸易双方的利益,规范知识产权贸易市场,必须建立配套的知识产权贸易法律制度体系。

    In order to protect the interests of both traders and regulate the fair of intellectual property trade .

  10. 从这个意义上说,知识产权贸易是知识产权转让或许可使用一个动态过程。

    In this sense , intellectual property trade is a dynamic process of intellectual property assignment and license .

  11. 国际知识产权贸易出口额近十年内增长了近两倍,2001-2010年全球知识产权贸易出口年均增长率为12%。

    Last decade exports of international intellectual property trade nearly tripled , and had an average annual growth rate of12 % .

  12. 服务贸易、知识产权贸易与传统的货物贸易一起,构成当今国际贸易的三大领域。

    Trade in services , together with trade in intellectual property and trade in goods , is the main field in international business .

  13. 知识产权贸易与知识产权保护也有着密切的联系,知识产权保护是知识产权贸易的前提。

    Intellectual property trade also is closely associated with intellectual property protection . Intellectual property protection is the premise of intellectual property trade .

  14. 近年来保障措施的运用快速增长,并呈现出从货物贸易向服务贸易、知识产权贸易领域扩展的趋势。

    The use of safeguards grows rapidly these years , and has the trends from goods to services and intellectual property trade fields .

  15. 然而它在传统的技术贸易的基础上,随着版权贸易、技术秘密贸易及其他知识产权贸易的发展而逐步得到了认可。

    However , it has been approved on the basis of technology trade , copyright trade , Know-How trade and other intellectual property trades .

  16. 在知识产权贸易中,知识产权许可协议中普遍存在着限制性条款,这些限制性条款是引起反垄断审查的重要原因。

    The restrictive clauses met in international licensing trade always give rise all kinds of difficulties of negotiation and maybe result in invalidity of contract .

  17. 过去多重视工业产权(包括专利权和商标权)贸易,对版权贸易及其他知识产权贸易重视不够。

    In the past , industrial property trades , including patent right and trademark right trade , were put higher premium than copyright trade and other intellectual property trades .

  18. 入世以来,随着知识产权贸易的日益扩大化,因商标所生纠纷愈发频繁多样化。

    Since accession to the WTO , along with the increasing expansion of trade in intellectual property rights , disputes related to the rights of trademark become more frequent and complex .

  19. 许可贸易是目前国际上普遍存在的一种知识产权贸易模式,而对许可贸易方式中发生的特许权使用费征收税款更是国际上的通行做法。电子商务跨国特许权使用费所得征税与协调

    The licensing trade has become one of the most popular trade models of international intellectual property transfers . On Taxation and Harmonization of Cross-border Royalty in the Context of E-Commerce and Capital Tax Conventions

  20. 并且探讨了中美知识产权贸易争端不断的原因,认为不仅归咎于美国自身经济、政治等多方面因素,中国也存在多方面的责任。

    The reasons for continued Sino-US intellectual property trade disputes are also explored , that blame the United States not only its own economic , political and other factors , China also exist multiple responsibilities .

  21. 我省民营经济还比较薄弱、竞争力不强,入世后在货物贸易、服务贸易以及与货物贸易相关的知识产权贸易等三大贸易领域面临着严峻的挑战。

    The private economy in our province will encounter grim challenges in terms of trade in goods , in services and in goods-trade related intellectual property , as it is still weak and not competitive .

  22. 随着国际间涉及高科技的经贸交往日趋频繁,仲裁作为解决商事纠纷的一种客观、终局的方法,在保护知识产权贸易领域显示出巨大的优势。

    In view of the frequent international commercial contacts involving high tech , arbitration chosen as a means of objective and final adjudication of commercial disputes brings out its advantage to the best in the field of protection for intellectual property commerce .

  23. 在贸易方面,对于中国侵犯知识产权及其贸易顺差规模的怨言一直不断。

    In trade , the big complaints have been over theft of intellectual property and the size of the country 's surplus .

  24. 第三,将加强处理知识产权的贸易和工业部法律事务局。

    Thirdly , the Directorate of legal affairs of the Ministry of trade and industry , which dealt with intellectual property , would be reinforced .

  25. 第四章结合中国当前的实际情况,提出了发展中国知识产权服务贸易的战略和具体对策。

    In Chapter Four , combined with China 's present facts , it puts forward strategy and specific counter-measures to develop China 's trade in intellectual-property-based service .

  26. 综合起来,知识产权的贸易效应体现在贸易创新效应、贸易创造效应、贸易竞争效应、贸易规范效应和贸易扭曲效应。

    In a word , the trade effects bring by IP consist of trade innovation effect , trade creation effect , trade competition effect , trade criterion effect and trade distortion effect .

  27. 中国加入WTO,知识产权纳入世界贸易组织的管辖范畴,知识产权的保护显得非常重要。

    The intellectual property management is the domain of World Trade Organization after China 's entry to WTO , which makes the protection of intellectual property more important .

  28. 随着知识产权与国际贸易关系的愈益密切,平行进口成为WTO多边贸易体制中的一个重要课题。

    With the closer and closer interaction between IP protection and international trade , parallel importation is becoming an important legal issue within the multi-lateral trade system in WTO .

  29. 平行进口(ParallelImports)作为知识产权保护与贸易自由化冲突的表现,是现代知识产权和国际贸易领域理论和实务方面的一个重大问题。

    The parallel imports as the conflicts of intellectual property right protection and trade liberalism , is an important problem of modern intellectual property right and international trade realm on theories and practices .

  30. 伴随着WTO的诞生,不违法之诉覆盖到不仅包括货物贸易领域,同时还包括服务贸易、知识产权等货物贸易以外的新领域。

    Along with the foundation of the WTO , " non-violation complaints " covers not only the trading in goods , but also the trade in services , intellectual property rights and other new fields .