
  1. 地理标志是TRIPS协议中予以保护的重要知识产权客体,我国新的商标法也首次引进了地理标志的概念,对其进行了初步的保护。

    GLS are the important intellectual property objects that TRIPS protects . New trademark law posed the concept of GLS the first time and did initial protection .

  2. 知识产权客体基本属性刍议

    On the Basic Attributes of Intellectual Property Right Object

  3. 知识产权客体问题的澄清

    Some Problems'Clarity on Object of Intellectual Property

  4. 地理标志不是独立的知识产权客体,但具有某些知识产权属性。

    Although geographical indications are not independent object of the intellectual property rights , they have the attributes of it .

  5. 域名实体并不具备知识产权客体要求的思想性、地域性等特点。

    Domain name entities do not embody ideological , geographical and other such intellectual characteristics of the requirements of intellectual property objects .

  6. 创意与知识产权客体之间的这种关系,决定了采用知识产权的方式保护创意无疑是最恰当的。

    The kind of relation between creative and the object decided that is appropriate to use the intellectual property right to protect creative .

  7. 他同知识产权客体都属于无形财产但却存在着根本的区别。

    The fictitious property , along with the object of intellectual property , is virtual property , but there is basic difference between them .

  8. 指出计算机软件具有多重知识产权客体属性,主要是著作权客体属性和专利权客体属性。

    This paper point that computer software has multiple attributes of intellectual property rights , the main IP attributes are copyright and patent property attributes .

  9. 对工业品外观设计的保护是不宜将其纳入专利法、版权法或者其他知识产权客体模式之内的,否则有强行捏合之嫌。

    It is farfetched to bring the protection of industrial design into the pattern of patent law , copyright law , or other intellectual property .

  10. 首先,在对计算机软件的不同知识产权客体做出区别划分的基础上,对不同的客体采用相对应的法律进行区别保护。

    Firstly , using the distinct protection by corresponding law to protect the different object , based on distinctly partitioning the different intellectual property rights objects of the computer software .

  11. 析对知识产权客体法律确认性的适度突破&变“法律确认”为“法律确认和法官确认”

    On the moderate breakthrough in the nature of law confirmation of intellectual property right 's objects & changing " law confirmation " into " law confirmation and judge identification "

  12. 文章具体论述了虚拟财产与知识产权客体的区别以及基于虚拟财产所生权利与知识产权的区别,澄清了虚拟财产的非知识产权属性。

    This article discusses the differences between virtual property and the object of intellectual property and between rights based on virtual property and intellectual property in detail , and clarifies the non-intellectual property attribute of virtual property .

  13. 接着,比较分析民间文学艺术与一般知识产权客体共性和差异后,对民间文学艺术应采取民间文学艺术权法和非物质文化遗产保护法相结合的保护模式。

    Third , to compare the general character and the difference of folklore and object of the general intellectual property rights , we should give folklore protecting by Folklore Right Law and Protection of Non-Matter Cultural Heritage Law .

  14. 可以说,知识产权客体一定程度上集中体现了知识产权制度的价值取向,是知识产权制度发展的晴雨表。

    So the objects of intellectual property right , which is the weatherglass of the development of the system of intellectual property rights , embody the value orientation of the legal system of intellectual property rights to a certain extent .

  15. 本文论述了其作为特殊的知识产权客体而受到专门保护的必要性,并阐述了我国集成电路布图设计保护的理论体系,对其中的一些问题提出了自己的一些看法。

    This article explicates the necessity of specialized protection over it as a special object of Intellectual Property and expounds the theoretical protective framework of layout-design of integrated circuits in our country and gives the author 's own opinions about some questions .

  16. 由于知识产权客体具有无形性、专业性、创新性等基本特征,知识产权诉讼也当然的具有侵权对象专业技术性强、案件类型新颖、侵权行为隐蔽的特点。

    Since the intellectual property right object is intangible , professional and innovative , the intellectual property right lawsuits involve in many new kind cases and more professional technologies , the tort of intellectual property right is also more difficult to discover .

  17. 外观设计是一类重要的知识产权客体,外观设计将工业实用性与艺术美感结合在商品上,提升了商品的交换价值,其在商业上所能带来的利润甚至高于技术创新。

    Appearance design is a kind of important object of intellectual property , the appearance design is practical and artistic , combined with industrial goods , which promote the Commodity Exchange value in business which can bring even higher profits than the technology innovation at times .

  18. 这是因为作为知识产权客体的知识产品是一种典型的无体财产,而知识产权制度经过几百年的发展已经相对成熟,其为无体财产保护积累了丰富的经验。

    Because the Intellectual products , as the subject of the Intellectual property right , is a kind of typical intangible property , and the Intellectual property system has developed for several hundred years and becoming relatively mature , it has accumulated rich experiences in intangible property protection .

  19. 而上述区别保护模式得以实现的重点在于从计算机软件的外在表现、设计精神以及开发过程的每一方面和每一环节来定义对应的知识产权客体,然后由相应的法律法规进行保护。

    The emphases of implementing the distinct protection mode are : defining corresponding intellectual property rights objects of the software from the external expression , the scope of design , every aspect and every step during the development process , then protecting them by corresponding law and rule of law .

  20. 体育知识产权的客体与法律保护

    Objects and legal protection of sports intellectual property right

  21. 知识产权权利客体析疑

    Analysis on the Right Object of IP

  22. 虽然同为知识产权的客体,作品、专利和商标也存在一定的区别。

    They are all the objects of the intellectual property , but works , patents and trademarks are different .

  23. 数据库作为知识产权新客体颇为重要,而在我国目前主要用版权法和反不正当竞争法进行保护,但这种保护具有局限性和不确定性。

    As an important object in intellectual property protection , Databases in our country is mainly under the protection of Copyright Law and Anti-unfair Competition Act .

  24. 商业秘密不是传统知识产权的客体,在我国财产法中,缺少对商业秘密法律属性的确认。

    Commercial secret is not the subject of traditional intellectual property . In our country there is no regulation on the right of commercial secret in property law .

  25. 作为人类智力活动的产物,昆曲被联合国教科文组织宣布为人类口述和非物质文化遗产代表作,是知识产权的客体。

    It has been announced as the intangible cultural heritage by the United Nations Education , Science and Culture Organization , and is the object of intellectual property rights .

  26. 在我国,知识产权的客体一般认为是无体物,从而认为无形性是其基本属性。

    In our country , the intellectual property rights object is not generally considered to be three-dimensioned , and therefore , is regarded as invisible in terms of its basic attribute .

  27. 知识产权权利客体具有无形性与易复制性特征,此特征导致知识产权极易被侵害的同时,也导致该权利极易被滥用。

    The characteristic of Intangibility and easy reproducibility different from the general property rights lead that intellectual property rights is easy to be infringed and also easy to be abused in practice .

  28. 信息产权以及知识产权之客体为信息的系统理论,中国学者早在20世纪80年代即已提出;

    As early as in the 80 's of the last century , Chinese scholar had raised the systematic theory on information property and persisted that all subject-matters protected by intellectual property are information .

  29. 因为非物质文化遗产本质上就是一种文化,可以带来经济利益,其与一般知识产权法客体的契合性大于差异性,并且这种差异性可以通过对法律的调整来弥补。

    The intangible cultural heritage is a kind of culture in nature . It will bring economic benefits . There are more similarities than differences ; all the differences will be compensated by amending the law .

  30. 对知识产权的客体认为是利益,这种利益可分为原生性知识产权利益和衍生性知识产权利益,并分别进行了论述。

    About the objects of intellectual property rights , I summarize it is interests . This interest can be divided into the original nature of intellectual property interests and the interests of intellectual property derivatives and discussed them .