
  • 网络Intellectual Property Services
  1. 文化创意服务–包括设计服务、商标著作权转让服务、知识产权服务、广告服务和会议展览服务。

    Culture and creative services – this includes design services , trademarks and copyright transfers , intellectual property services , advertising services , and convention and exhibition services .

  2. 知识产权服务是新兴的高技术服务服务业,专利交易服务是知识产权服务中的一项重点和难点工作,目前在行业内也没有形成成熟的服务机制。

    Intellectual Property Services is the emerging high-tech service industry . Patent trading service is very important and difficult in the intellectual property services industry . At the present time perfect service delivery model has not yet formed .

  3. 温州知识产权服务园标志设计的符号学应用

    The Application of Semiotics in Logo Design of Wenzhou Intellectual Property Service Park

  4. 第四章结合中国当前的实际情况,提出了发展中国知识产权服务贸易的战略和具体对策。

    In Chapter Four , combined with China 's present facts , it puts forward strategy and specific counter-measures to develop China 's trade in intellectual-property-based service .

  5. 其中,区域知识产权服务体系作为区域创新体系的重要支撑系统之一,建立与完善东北老工业基地的技术创新具有重要的现实意义。

    It has a realistic significance to set up and perfect the technological innovation in the Old Northeast Industrial Baes , as the service system of regional intellectual property is the important part of regional innovative system .

  6. 分析了自助式知识产权信息服务的必要性、内容、特征及其优点。

    ANALYZE Feature : Analyze necessity content feature and its strong points .

  7. 我国目前知识产权信息服务的现状。

    Status quo of nowadays IP information service .

  8. 自助式知识产权信息服务研究

    Research on Self-help Service of Intellectual Property Information

  9. 网络时代知识产权信息服务的创新与发展

    On the Innovation and Development of Intellectual Property Information Service in the Era of Internet

  10. 知识产权信息服务与中小企业科技进步发展科技中介服务促进中小企业技术创新

    The Information Service of Intellectual Property and the Scientific-technical Progress of Small and Medium Enterprises

  11. 本文认为,首先要建立知识产权综合服务体系,搭建交易平台。

    This paper argues that we must first establish an integrated service system for IPRs and build trading platform .

  12. 社会要完善知识产权中介服务体系,提高公众知识产权素养。

    The whole society also needs to perfect the service system of intellectual properties and improve the qualities of the public readers .

  13. 中国参展企业知识产权保护服务站是一个全新的有益尝试,可以有效帮助参展企业加强他们参展期间的知识产权保护工作。

    The China IPR Desk is a brand-new and beneficial attempt which may help exhibition enterprises strengthen their IPR protection during exhibition period .

  14. 立足实际,突出重点,努力增强知识产权审判服务大局的针对性和有效性。

    I.Based on reality , highlighting the key points and striving to enhance the pertinency and effectiveness of intellectual property trials in serving the overall objective .

  15. 必要时,可以邀请有关社会团体、企业和知识产权专业服务机构列席联席会议。

    Where necessary , relevant social groups , enterprises and professional intellectual property service institutions may be invited to attend the Joint Meeting as nonvoting delegates .

  16. 。该中心为中国中小企业提供金融、投资、法律、财务、人力资源、知识产权等服务。这些领域更好的信息共享有利于降低中小企业海外投资的风险和成本,提升国际竞争力。杨立新是该中心的主任。

    The center provides services including finance , investment , law , human resources , and intellectual property . Improved information sharing in these fields helps to reduce the risks and costs of overseas investment , and strengthens international competitiveness . Yang Lixin is the director of the center .

  17. 青海省保护知识产权举报投诉服务中心

    Qinghai Province reporting , complaint and Service Center for IPR protection

  18. 本文在分析知识产权对情报服务工作影响后,就情报工作中具体涉及到的与知识产权有关问题进行了初步探讨。

    After the discussion , the article discussed the issues concerned with the right of knowledge in the working of intelligent report .

  19. 创新产品开发院致力提升本港在创新及发明方面的能力,并提供知识产权的相关服务;

    The Product Development and Innovation Institute promoted Hong Kong 's capability in innovation and invention , covering also intellectual property rights services .

  20. 公司为中国及境外公司提供专业的投资咨询、企业注册代理、企业变更及注销、知识产权注册等服务。

    We can provide services of investment consultation , enterprise registration , enterprise alteration & cancellation , intellectual property right registration , etc , for China and oversea companies .

  21. 图书馆信息服务中应遵循公共存取、客观公正、尊重隐私权与知识产权、精益服务及人文关怀等基本伦理原则。

    The author thinks that the basic ethic principles for library information services should include public access , fairness , privacy , intellectual property , perfect services , humanistic concerns , etc.

  22. 加入WTO后知识产权与图书信息服务的几点思考

    A Thinking of Intellectual Property Library and Information Service After China 's to WTO Entry

  23. WTO环境下,高校院(系)资料室落后的组织结构与管理方法、淡薄的知识产权保护知识与服务意识将面临严峻的挑战。

    In the environment of WTO , the backward organizational structure and management method in university reference room , weak sense in protecting intellectual property and serving will be met with severe challenge .

  24. 2001年以后,WTO组织的谈判议题不断增多,涉及的事项有:非农产品关税、知识产权、农业、服务业、贸易与环境、电子商务、贸易便利化、争端解决、补贴和反倾销等。

    Since 2001 , issues of WTO negotiations are on the increase and touching upon fields such as non-agricultural products tariffs , intellectual property , agriculture , service industry , trade and environment , e-commerce , trade facilitation , dispute resolution , subsidy and anti-dumping .

  25. 对创造与革新加以扶持,推进涉及知识产权领域产品与服务项目的贸易;

    FOSTER creativity and innovation , and promote trade in goods and services that are the subject of intellectual property rights ;

  26. 专利产业化基地是促进我国自主知识产权转化的新型服务平台,其构建和运作模式尚处于探索阶段。

    Patent industrialization base is a new-style service platform to promote the industrialization of the intellectual property in China , and its modes of construction and are in the period .

  27. 在这个一日千里的知识时代,如果不能普及知识产权信息服务,降低知识产权保护成本,无疑会阻挡我国经济建设前进的步伐,因此,加强我国知识产权信息服务工作时不我待。

    With the development at a tremendous pace , if IP information service could not be popularized and the cost of IP protection would not be decreased , the pace of our economic construction would be hampered .

  28. 为此,本文以产权理论为基础,阐述了服务贸易与知识产权的关系,并引入了知识产权服务贸易的概念,强调了知识产权在服务贸易中的地位与作用。

    For this part , this thesis , based on the Theory of Property , explains the relationship between trade in service and intellectual property . The introduction to concept of trade in intellectual-property-based service lays stress on the status and function of intellectual property in trade in service .

  29. 第二章以产权理论为基础,分析了服务贸易与知识产权的关系,并讨论了知识产权在服务贸易中的作用及与服务贸易的冲突。

    In Chapter Two , on the basis of the Theory of Property , it analyzes the relationship between trade in service and intellectual property and also discusses the function of intellectual property in trade in service and conflicts hereof with trade in service .

  30. 重庆市知识产权局与重庆市对外经济贸易委员会共同签订了《共创重庆市涉外知识产权服务“绿色通道”备忘录》;

    Together with Chongqing Foreign Trade and & Economic Relations Commission , Chongqing IPR Office signed the Memo of Co-construction for Green Channel of Foreign IPR Services .