
  • 网络Intellectual Property Assessment
  1. 知识产权评估、策划、无形资产资源整合;

    Intellectual property assessment , planning , intangible asset and resource integration .

  2. 因此,折现率的确定对知识产权评估意义重大。然而折现率的确定方法尚待完善。

    Thus , determining the discount rate of income approach has a significant effect to intellectual property assessment .

  3. 企业知识产权评估的经济增长模型

    An Economic Growth Model for the Evaluation of Corporate Intellectual Property

  4. 数字图书馆的知识产权评估方法研究

    Study on Evaluation of Intellectual Property Right in Digital Libraries

  5. 知识产权评估是知识管理的基本问题之一,适应市场经济和国际合作的要求,在军工领域知识产权评估意义日益凸显。

    Intellectual property evaluation is one of the basic issues of intellectual management similarly in the military industry .

  6. 但是在那期间,国内的知识产权评估和认证仍是个问题。

    But during that time the evaluation and certification of intellectual property rights remained an issue within the country .

  7. 本文研究了农业知识产权评估的特点、目的和方法选择。以期为农业知识产权评估的理论研究和实践提供参考。

    This paper aims at the characters , objection , methods of agriculture intellectual property valuation and gives some proposes for intellectual property valuation research .

  8. 作者在全面分析比较现有知识产权评估方法体系优点与不足的基础上,提出建立新的知识产权评估方法体系的设想。

    The author bring forward the imagines of building a new evaluating system of intellectual property under the base of analyzing the excellence and shortage of evaluating system of intellectual property in existence .

  9. 目前中国的知识产权评估体质尚未完善,体制存在一定的问题,本文对评估的客体对象及法律规定作出了分析,提出了相应问题。

    At present , intellectual property rating system in China is not perfect , and the system still has some problems . Aiming at the objects of assessment and legal rules , this paper makes an analysis and puts forward the corresponding problems .

  10. 以我国现行法的相关规定为依据,集中探讨了高校知识产权评估的对象和影响知识产权评估的法律因素两个问题,以期纠正长期以来对知识产权评估工作的一些模糊认识。

    On basis of the current laws and regulations in China , a discussion is conducted in the paper on the object of intellectual property evaluation in higher learning institutions and the influence of legal factors , in the hope of clarify some misleading conceptions .

  11. 知识产权价值评估选择方法具有灵活性,要根据特定的时间和背景场合做出适当的决定。

    The choice of intellectual property valuation method has the flexibility to make the appropriate occasion decision which is based on the specific time and context .

  12. 第二部分对传统价值评估方法在知识产权价值评估中的应用进行了评价和改进,并讨论了实物期权法和模糊综合评价法在知识产权价值评估和价值纠偏中的应用。

    In the second part , appraisals are given to and improvements are made for the application of traditional valuation methods in the valuation of intellectual property . In addition , real option method and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method are discussed for the intellectual property valuation .

  13. 影响知识产权商品价值评估的因素是多种多样的。

    There are varied factors that affect the value evaluation .

  14. 军工知识产权的价值评估思考

    Study on worth assessment of military industry intellectual property

  15. 知识产权商品价值评估中影响因素综述

    A Summaries of the Factors that Influence the Evaluation of Intellectual Property Value

  16. 在这些问题中,评估方法是核心问题,评估方法的选择和运用是影响评估结果质量的主要原因,也是知识产权质押价值评估实务中需要迫切解决的问题。

    In these problems , the evaluation method is the core problem , evaluation method choice and use is impact assessment results , but also the main reason quality of intellectual property right impawn value evaluation practice need urgent to solve the problems .

  17. 知识产权战略实施绩效评估中的专利质量指标及其作用研究

    A Study on Patent Quality Indicators and Their Important Roles in Performance Evaluation of Intellectual Property Strategy Implementation

  18. 提出科技资产评估的不确定因素,对于知识产权的资产价值评估有着重要的参考意义。

    Uncertain factors which are of great value to the evaluation of scientific and technical assets are presented .

  19. 在知识产权信托中,评估贯穿始终,在信托设立及存续期间都需要独立公正且精确的评估机制参与。

    Evaluation runs through the whole intellectual property trust , because in the establishment and duration of trust , independent , impartial and accurate evaluation is necessary .

  20. 其次,对知识产权交易过程中的知识产权资产价值评估问题进行了深入讨论,分析了多种模型的使用与改进。

    Second , the paper discusses the issue of IPRs assets valuation , analysis the improvement and use of multiple models .

  21. 随着2008年《知识产权战略纲要》的公布和知识产权评估制度建立,以专利为主的知识产权的运用是知识产权力量的表现,也是知识产权战略实施的落脚点。

    With the publication of National Intellectual Property Strategy and the establishment of intellectual property evaluation system in 2008 , the use of that based intellectual property is the performance of the power of intellectual property and the ultimate goal of the implementation of IP strategy .

  22. 本文认为知识产权价值由其效用决定,影响知识产权价值评估的因素众多,既有经济、技术等因素,也有法律因素,评估时候要全面考虑。

    Many factors have great effect on the valuation of intellectual property , both legal factors , but also economic , technological and other factors .

  23. 讨论了知识产权所具有的经济特征,提出了知识产权的价值评估模型&综合加权法。

    This paper discusses the economic features of intellectual poverty , and advances the value evaluation model for intellectual poverty , the synthetic weighted method .

  24. 商业银行知识产权质押贷款业务发展缓慢的主要原因是:知识产权价值评估难,而知识产权的价值是决定商业银行是否放贷以及放贷规模大小的关键因素。

    The main reason for the slow development of intellectual property rights pledge loan is the difficulty of its appraisal . The appraisal of intellectual property rights is the key factor that determines whether the bank lending and the lending size .

  25. 因此,本章的结论是:知识产权出资比例的多少留给公司根据其营业需要来确定如何呢?3.知识产权出资评估。

    This chapter arrives at the conclusion that is it workable for the company to designate the proportion of intellectual property investment according to its operational needs ? 3 .

  26. 最后对我国目前知识产权信托存在的一些问题提出了相应的法律制度角度建议,在知识产权信托登记、评估及监管方面均有所涉及。

    At last , this paper makes some corresponding suggestions in existed problems of intellectual property trust in China from the perspective of legal system , in which intellectual property trust registration , evaluation and supervision are involved .

  27. 我国已经认识到知识产权已经成为影响后发国家现代化进程的关键因素,并且着手实施知识产权战略,这就对知识产权资产评估工作提出了新的更高要求。

    China has recognized that intellectual property has become a key factor in the process of national modernization , and the " Intellectual Property Strategy " has been brought into effect . It makes strict demands on intellectual property evaluation because of such situation .

  28. 本文从企业知识产权管理机构的设置,相关管理制度的制定和完善,企业知识产权管理信息平台的构建以及企业知识产权管理评估体系等方面探讨我国企业知识产权管理体系的构建。

    This article aims to analyze how to set up the intellectual management system from the establishment of the management institution , the relative management rules , the information infrastructure and the valuation of intellectual property .