
  • 网络Intellectual Property Litigation;IP litigation
  1. 中国通信设备经销商华为(Huawei)和中兴通讯(ZTE)之间的专利与商标争端升级到了前所未有的水平。两者此前曾卷入欧洲与美国竞争对手发起的知识产权诉讼。

    Huawei and ZTE , the two Chinese telecommunications equipment vendors who have previously been embroiled in intellectual property litigation taken by European and American competitors , are escalating a patent and trademark dispute with one another to an unprecedented level .

  2. 临时禁令是知识产权诉讼中一项重要的制度。

    Temporary injunction is an important intellectual property litigation system .

  3. 但中芯国际在台湾芯片制造商台积电(TSMC)提起的一起引人关注的知识产权诉讼中败诉。

    But it lost a high-profile intellectual property case brought by Taiwan 's TSMC .

  4. 麦考恩证实,根据两家公司签署的“移动应用分销协议”(MADA),谷歌同意帮助三星应对知识产权诉讼。

    In the deposition , Maccoun confirmed that Google agreed to help defend Samsung against some intellectual property claims as part of the ' Mobile Application Distribution Agreement ( MADA ) ' between the two companies .

  5. 浅析知识产权诉讼中的诉前行为保全制度

    The Protection System of Action Before Indictment on Intelligent Property Rights

  6. 浅论知识产权诉讼若干问题

    Review of Some Problems in the Intellectual Property Lawsuit

  7. 中美贸易摩擦的新焦点&知识产权诉讼调查

    New Focus of Sino-American Trade Friction & the investigation of intellectual property lawsuits

  8. 知识产权诉讼几乎适用法定管辖的全部种类。

    The intellectual property lawsuits are almost fit for all types of legal jurisdiction .

  9. 在国际知识产权诉讼中,美国专利诉讼最为典型。

    In the international intellectual property litigation , U.S. patent litigation is the most typical example .

  10. 思科诉华为案展现了知识产权诉讼价值失衡的图景。

    The Prospect of unbalance of procedure value of intellectual property is exhibited within the case Cisco v.

  11. 这家美国律所专做知识产权诉讼,曾连续数年业绩辉煌。

    The American firm , which specialised in intellectual-property suits , had had several spectacular years in a row .

  12. 这一改革目标的提出,必将对我国知识产权诉讼制度产生现实而又深远的影响。

    The objective of the proposed reform , intellectual property litigation system in China will have real and profound impact .

  13. 美国的知识产权诉讼(337条款)及中国企业如何降低专利侵权风险

    American Intellectual Property Law ( Section 337 ) and How to Lower the Risk of Patent Violation for Chinese Enterprises

  14. 第三章我国知识产权诉讼制度的现状与存在问题的分析。

    The third chapter is a review of the current situations and problems in the IP litigation system in China .

  15. 传统的知识产权诉讼解决机制不能满足知识产权纠纷的时效性、保密性及专业性的要求。

    The traditional intellectual property litigation of intellectual property disputes settlement mechanism can not meet the requirements of timeliness , confidentiality and professional .

  16. 在国内,由中国公司申请的专利数量以及提起的知识产权诉讼案件的数量都以两位数的速度增长。

    At home , the numbers both of patent filings and of IP lawsuits brought by Chinese firms have grown by double digits .

  17. 第二章分析华为与摩托罗拉案的知识产权诉讼策略及涉及法律问题。

    In the second chapter , there is analysis of the case from the height of the litigation tactics of the intellectual property rights .

  18. 律师在代理知识产权诉讼案件时,除了与一般的民事案件要经历的相同的程序外,还有一些特别要注意的问题。

    The lawyer has some special problems to face besides the same procedure as the general civil case when they act on such case .

  19. 因为微软一直是知识产权诉讼的起诉对象,所以当要集成来源不清的非纯粹微软代码时,微软会比较谨慎就不难理解了。

    As Microsoft is a constant target of IP litigation , they are understandably shy when it comes to integrating code with a questionable pedigree .

  20. 中国各地都出现了此类争端:中国最高法院表示,知识产权诉讼案件数量去年增加了38%,达到了惊人的6.6万件。

    Such disputes are breaking out all over China : the top court says IP lawsuits rose 38 per cent last year to an astounding 66,000 .

  21. 传统上,中国知识产权诉讼的损害赔偿金额都很小,而且原告通常是外国公司,起诉中国公司侵犯知识产权。

    Traditionally , damage awards in Chinese IP lawsuits have been small , and the plaintiffs have usually been foreigners suing Chinese companies claiming infringement of IP rights .

  22. 因此,我国企业在知识产权诉讼中,应当充分重视和解与诉讼中间裁决的作用,采取正确的措施渡过难关。

    So in the process of Intellectual Property litigation , our corporation should attach importance to compromise and pendente lite verdict and adopt accurate measure to ferry the difficulty .

  23. 现实的知识产权诉讼要求我们必须这样做,知识产权诉讼的发展趋势更是呼唤知识产权上诉法院的建立。

    Realistic intellectual property rights lawsuits need us to do so , the development trend of intellectual property rights lawsuit call on us to establish the intellectual property rights appellate court .

  24. 吴仪警告称,美国提出的知识产权诉讼势必对中美商贸联委会框架下双边知识产权合作带来严重影响。

    Ms Wu warned that the US intellectual property case would " have serious impact on bilateral IPR co-operation " currently carried out through the US-China joint commission on commerce and trade .

  25. 由于知识产权诉讼具有不同于一般民事诉讼的诸多特点,因此,我国民事诉讼法及其司法解释对知识产权诉讼之管辖问题做出了特别规定。

    Because it differs from ordinary civil cases , both the civil procedure law and the judicial interpretation of China have made the special prescription on the jurisdiction of intellectual property lawsuits .

  26. 当权利人滥用权利时,相对人如何进行自我保护、取得救济,在我国知识产权诉讼中实践较少。

    When someone abuses his rights , how could the others protect themselves and how to obtain relief , there is a few example of intellectual property litigation in practice in our country .

  27. 但过去几年,中国公司申请的专利数量激增,中国公司对外国公司提起的知识产权诉讼数量也不断上升。

    But over the past few years , the number of patents filed by Chinese companies has soared and the number of intellectual property rights cases brought by Chinese firms against foreign companies are on the rise .

  28. 在知识产权诉讼中,由于其证据的隐蔽性、易逝性和技术性等特点,当事人取证比较困难。因此,当事人申请法院进行证据保全,法院是否采取证据保全措施往往成为当事人能否胜诉的关键。

    In intellectual property litigation , because the evidence is invisibility , fugitiveness and technical in most cases , so parties tend to apply for evidence preservation and whether protective measures are taken is critical to win the case .

  29. 在本章中,笔者首先从提高知识产权诉讼效率、实现知识产权诉讼司法公正、降低知识产权诉讼成本以及实施国家知识产权战略等方面论述了我国知识产权诉讼制度改革的必要性。

    The first section elaborates on the necessity of the reform of the IP litigation system from the aspects of improving efficiency in IP litigations , realizing judicial justice , reducing IP litigation costs and implementing the national IP strategy .

  30. 多年来,美国一直试图针对中国提起一项知识产权诉讼,但一直受到阻碍,这在一定程度上是由于美国公司拒绝提供相关信息,因为这些信息可能将它们与所采取的行动公开联系起来。

    The US has been trying to mount an IPR case against China for many years , but has been held back in part by the refusal of American companies to provide information that might publicly identify them with the action .