
  1. 但当前我国知识产权的利用仍主要集中于知识产权使用价值的发挥上,知识产权交换价值的利用相对滞后。

    But the current utilization of intellectual property in our country is still mainly in the field of intellectual property usage value while exchange value of intellectual property is neglected .

  2. 本文从货物贸易、服务贸易、知识产权、利用外资等方面,探讨了中国法律与世贸组织规则的主要差距,并对世贸组织规则的国内实施进行了一定的研究。

    The paper approaches the difference between China 's laws and rulers of WTO from commodities trading , server trading , intellectual property rights , using foreign capital , etc , and studies internal implementation of rulers of WTO .

  3. 我国知识产权保护和利用的现状与对策

    The Status and Countermeasures of Intellectual Property Protection and Utilization in our Country

  4. 许可是知识产权转让和利用的主要法律形式。

    Licensing is the most important legal method in transfer and usage of intellectual property .

  5. 我们不得不在确保知识产权和促进利用传统知识之间达成平衡。

    We have to find a balance between assuring intellectual property and promoting access to traditional knowledge .

  6. 在我国,知识产权的实施利用是国家知识产权战略推进工程中最薄弱的环节。

    In our country , the use of intellectual property has become the most weak section of the national intellectual property strategy .

  7. 平衡这两种利益关系需要明确如何行使知识产权、如何利用反垄断法对知识产权滥用行为加以规制。

    The balance of this two kinds of interest relationship needs to be clear how the exercise of intellectual property rights , how to make use of antitrust law to regulate the abuse of intellectual property right .

  8. 举例说明企业对知识产权制度的有效利用。

    With some examples to explain efficiency usage of the enterprises for IPR .

  9. 我国企业要提高知识产权保护意识,利用与世界经济互补的机会,在企业有优势的领域得到发展。

    In order to develop in the dominant fields our enterprises should be aware of protecting knowledge proprietary and make use of helping each other with foreign enterprises .

  10. 印度生物技术部已经起草了两个法案,准备于2008年提交给印度国会表决。其中的一个议案涉及到知识产权的保护、利用和管理。

    The DBT has drafted two bills to be taken to the Indian Parliament in2008 , one of which relates to protection , utilisation and regulation of intellectual property .

  11. 图书馆工作旨在通过知识产权保护提供信息利用的法律环境,并采取积极措施实现保护读者权利的最终目标。

    The final objective of library work is to provide information utilization environment for the users through protecting intellectual property right and adopt active measures to realize the protection of reader 's right .

  12. 知识产权贸易是知识产权利用的重要环节。

    Intellectual property trade is the important part of intellectual property use .

  13. 日益激烈的商业竞争使企业越来越迫切的希望全面了解竞争对手的知识产权和将这些知识产权极大化的利用。

    With the growing commercial competition , enterprises urgently want to know the patent information of their business competitors and use these information maximum widely .

  14. 将于今年完成的该项审计,指明了知识产权的发展方向以及建立一项支持知识产权发展与利用的国家制度的方式。

    The audit , which was completed this year , ascertained IP trends and patterns as well as a national framework to support IP development and utilization .

  15. 而在这些科学技术中,就包括了知识产权。农民必须学会如何保护自身的知识产权,学会如何利用现有的权益来实现自身的发展。

    The farmer should learn how to protect their own intellectual property rights and learn how to use these rights to develop rapidly .

  16. 在新的世纪,知识密集型产业迅猛发展,除了传统的技术贸易外,其他各类知识产权的利用都得到极大的加强。

    In new century , the industry concentrated knowledge is quickly developing and other intellectual property use as well as technology trade all are greatly enhanced .

  17. 知识创新正在成为经济发展的主要动力,世界范围内对知识产权的保护与利用都日益重视。

    The knowledge innovation is becoming the main driving force for economic development , so all countries in the world are putting increasing emphasis on protection and using of intellectual property .

  18. 其次,知识产权制度的最终目标是满足人类的生存发展需要,而这依赖于知识产权制度对知识利用所带来的利益如何在公共利益与独占利益之间进行合理的利益分享。

    The ultimate value target of the intellectual property system is how to satisfy the needs of human being to survive and develop , which depends on a reasonable benefit sharing of intellectual property system as a result of knowledge utilization which brings about both monopolization benefit and public benefit .

  19. 第四章在概括描述国际投资中知识产权保护现状基础上,结合第三章分析的知识产权保护对国际直接投资的影响,对完善我国知识产权保护,加快利用外资提出了对策建议。

    The fourth chapter in general descriptions of international investment in the current intellectual property protection based on analysis of the third chapter of intellectual property protection on the international direct investment , perfecting of intellectual property protection , accelerate the utilization of foreign capital , and proposes countermeasures .