
  • 网络intellectual property culture
  1. 明确提出自己的见解,即培养良好观念形态的知识产权文化。

    Clearly put forward my own views , that is , to develop good ideology , intellectual property culture .

  2. 知识产权文化与知识产权制度关系研究&以知识产权制度的困境为视角

    Study on the relationship of intellectual property culture and intellectual property system & the dilemma of the intellectual property system angle of view

  3. 知识产权文化是文化发展战略的重要组成部分。

    Knowledge property culture is the important part in culture developing strategy .

  4. 四是不断推进知识产权文化建设。

    Cultural Construction of Intellectual Property Right Was Constantly Propelled .

  5. 然而,启蒙与革命,也影响了德国的知识产权文化。

    Yet the Enlightenment and Revolution , also affected the intellectual culture of Germany .

  6. 企业专利能力外部影响因素包括区域经济增长、专利制度和政策促进和知识产权文化塑造。

    While the outer factors are the development of local economy , the patent system and policy and the culture of intellectual property .

  7. 结合沿海县域经济发展的现实,论述了知识产权文化对区域发展的促进作用。

    Based the developing situation of coastal county economy , the paper discussed the impact effect of knowledge property culture to region development .

  8. 我国企业知识产权文化建设的现状与对策研究竹产业在新农村建设中的作用、问题及对策

    Cultural Construction of Intellectual Property Rights of Chinese Enterprises Status and Countermeasures Role , Problems and Countermeasures of Bamboo Industry in New Countryside Construction

  9. 不含仿冒部分的山寨产品在性质上是一种模仿创新,符合知识产权文化的要求。

    Non faked parts involved cottage products are innovation of imitation in the essence , which is consistent with the requirements of intellectual property culture .

  10. 它对秘书处在全球范围内、尤其是在发展中国家和最不发达国家中促进知识产权文化所作的努力表示感激。

    It expressed its deep gratitude to the Secretariat for its efforts to promote the IP Culture around the world , and in particular in developing countries and ldcs .

  11. 包括:制度形态的知识产权文化,也就是知识产权的制度体系;观念形态的知识产权文化,其实质是对知识产权的认知与认同的状态和程度。

    Include : the system of intellectual property rights and cultural patterns , that is , systems of intellectual property rights ; the concept of forms of intellectual property culture , and its essence is the awareness of intellectual property rights and the status and extent of identity .

  12. 知识产权文化与和谐社会具有共同的经济理性,而且其协调和平衡的社会功能与和谐社会追求的终极目标不谋而合,因而知识产权文化在构建和谐社会的进程中具有重要的地位。

    Intellectual property culture has common economic sense with harmonious society , and also its social function of harmony and balance happens to have the same view with the ultimate object pursued by harmonious society , so intellectual property culture has important position in the process of constructing harmonious society .

  13. 会议旨在加强各成员国在贸易、知识产权保护及文化方面的交流与合作。

    The meeting is designed to enhance cooperation among member countries in the fields of trade , intellectual property right protection and culture .

  14. 所以我又去学习一些事情。我发现在一份报告,其中显示世界上百分之九十四的商业领袖相信无形资产对于他们企业至关重要,例如知识产权、企业文化、品牌忠诚度等。

    So I went out and studied a bunch of things , and I found a survey that showed that 94 percent of business leaders worldwide believe that the intangibles are important in their business , things like intellectual property , their corporate culture , their brand loyalty , and yet ,

  15. 维护知识产权是我公司文化的一部分,也是毅博生存和成功的要素。

    This is part of our corporate culture and is essential for our survival and continued success .

  16. 具体措施是推行和落实行政执法责任制、探索知识产权综合执法模式、营造新型的知识产权法文化环境。

    The practical measure is to implement the responsibility system , explore the comprehensive mode of implementation of IPR and create a brand new environment for the IPR protection law .

  17. 该提案建议,应该把努力的重点集中于并针对有关知识产权的知识和认识的传播,并巩固有关知识产权的文化。

    The proposal suggested that efforts be concentrated and directed towards dissemination of knowledge and awareness regarding intellectual property , and that an intellectual property culture be consolidated .

  18. 社会知识产权意识大幅提高,以“尊重知识、崇尚创新、诚信守法”为核心的知识产权文化正在逐步形成。

    The IP awareness of the public was significantly promoted and an IP culture featuring " respecting knowledge , encouraging innovation , and fostering honesty " was on the rise .

  19. 多边贸易谈判乌拉圭回合达成的《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》,标志着世界知识产权进入了高标准、高水平的国际化保护阶段,知识产权由传统文化领域向国际贸易领域渗透。

    《 Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights 》( TRIPs ) made on Multilateral trade negotiation Uruguay Round indicates that world Intellectual Property comes into a global protection stage with high standard and high level , Intellectual Property has penetrated into international trade from traditional cultural field .