
  • 网络abuse of intellectual property rights
  1. 我国限制知识产权滥用的法律思考

    A Lawyer 's Consideration of the Ban on Abuse of Intellectual Property Rights in China

  2. 论规制知识产权滥用与相关竞争法的制订&从本土化的视角

    Regulating the Abuse of Intellectual Property Rights and Establishing the Competition Law Concerned & From the Perspective of Localization

  3. 许可协议中的知识产权滥用及其规制&由DVD事件引发的法律思考

    Abuse of Intellectual Property Rights in Contractual License and Its Regulation & Legal views from DVD Conflicts

  4. 对知识产权滥用实行反垄断规制;

    Regulation of anti-monopoly of the abuse of intellectual property ;

  5. 反垄断法视野下知识产权滥用规制问题研究

    Study on Controlling of Anti-Monopoly Law of Intellectual Property Abuse

  6. 知识产权滥用会阻碍社会进步。

    Abusing intellectual property will impede the advance of society .

  7. 知识产权滥用及其法律规制

    The Abuse of Intellectual Property Right and Its Legal Regulation

  8. 试论行政垄断&兼评《行政许可法》对反垄断的重大意义知识产权滥用行为的反垄断法规制

    Regulation of Anti - Monopoly Law for the Abuse of Intellectual Property Right

  9. 知识产权滥用反垄断制度的理论初构与立法思考

    Theoretical Construction and Legal Reflection on Abuses of Intellectual Property Right in Antimonopoly

  10. 浅谈反垄断法对知识产权滥用的规制

    Regulating Abuse of Intellectual Property Rights by Anti-monopoly Law

  11. 当前,技术标准化中的垄断行为,主要表现为知识产权滥用行为。

    The current technical standard monopoly mainly finds expression in the intellectual property abuse .

  12. 第一章是知识产权滥用的基础理论。

    Chapter one is about the general legal theories of the abuse of IPRs .

  13. 反垄断法规范知识产权滥用的特点与局限&以欧美微软案为视角

    The Characteristics and Limit of Regulating Abuse of Intellectual Property Rights under Antitrust Law

  14. 简论知识产权滥用行为的反垄断法规制

    Brief Introduction to the Antitrust Law Regulating of the Behaviour of Intellectual Property Abusing

  15. 反垄断法视野中的知识产权滥用及其法律规制

    Abusing of Intellectual Property Rights and Legal Rules in the Vision of Antimonopoly Law

  16. 第四部分:关于我国知识产权滥用反垄断规制建议。

    Part IV : The suggestions on the abuse of intellectual property by anti-monopoly regulation .

  17. 对知识产权滥用说不

    Say No to Intelligence Rights Abusing

  18. 中国限制外国企业对知识产权滥用的立法思考

    A Legislative Thinking of the Restriction of the Intellectual Property Abuse After China 's Joining WTO

  19. 反垄断法对知识产权滥用的规制有利于维护竞争、创新和社会公众利益。

    The antimonopoly law ruling that may be benefit to competition , creative and social public .

  20. 许可是可能形成知识产权滥用的一种重要方式。

    Permission is one of the possible way that may bring in intellectual property right abuse .

  21. 第二部分,规制知识产权滥用的相关国内立法。

    The second section , analysis of relevant domestic legislation that regulate intellectual property rights abuse .

  22. 跨国公司在华知识产权滥用

    Multinationals ' Intellectual Rights Abuse

  23. 那么我国应如何规制日益严重的知识产权滥用行为?本文对诸如此类的问题所涉及到的各方面进行了分析研究,并提出了自己的一些观点和看法。

    So how should our regulatory system deal with the increasingly serious abuses of intellectual property rights ?

  24. 这部分考察和分析美国、日本规制知识产权滥用的法律制度,总结知识产权滥用立法经验。

    This section investigate and analysis the Law of United States and Japan , summarizes the legislative experiences .

  25. 在权利外部,反不正当竞争法构成对知识产权滥用的限制。

    Outside the right , anti-unfair competition law makes the restriction to the abuse of intellectual property law .

  26. 第三,对知识产权滥用的产生根源进行了全面而且深刻研究和阐述。

    Third , a comprehensive and penetrating research on the origin of abuse of intellectual property right is done .

  27. 有必要借鉴有关国家和地区的经验建立反垄断法及其对知识产权滥用的规制制度。

    It is necessary that China establish antimonopoly law and corresponding legal system to prevent the abuse of IPRs .

  28. 进而提出了完善我国知识产权滥用反垄断规制的具体建议和构想。

    Then proposed concrete proposal of the improvement of antimonopoly rules and regulations of the intellectual property rights abuse .

  29. 因此,在我国建立一套完善的有关知识产权滥用的反垄断法律体系是必要而且迫切的。

    Therefore , it is necessary and urgent to establish a developed anti-monopoly legal system regarding the abuse of IPR .

  30. 知识产权滥用主要包括专利权滥用、著作权滥用和商标权滥用。

    The abuse of IPR mainly includes abuse of patent right , abuse of copyright and abuse of trademark right .