
lǜ shī shì wù suǒ
  • lawyers' office;law firm;law office
  1. 论律师事务所的工商登记

    On the Industrial and Commercial Register of Lawyers Office

  2. 他是芝加哥一家律师事务所的合伙人。

    He 's a partner in a Chicago law firm .

  3. 她与律师事务所签了约当见习律师。

    She was articled to a firm of solicitors .

  4. 他一毕业就进了一家小型律师事务所。

    Upon graduation he joined a small law firm .

  5. 两家很有名的律师事务所准备向烟草公司提起诉讼。

    Two leading law firms are to prepare legal actions against tobacco companies .

  6. 近百家律师事务所被送上律师纪律法庭。

    Nearly 100 law firms are being referred to the Solicitors ' Disciplinary Tribunal .

  7. 各公司往往偏爱那些在伦敦金融城的大律师事务所受过培训的律师。

    Companies tend to favour the lawyer who has trained with a good quality City firm

  8. 你知道,我的律师事务所不是我生活里最重要的事情。

    My law practice isn 't the most important thing in my life , you know .

  9. 在被临时派往伦敦的一家律师事务所工作前,我在斯特拉斯堡大学学习了一年。

    Before coming on my attachment to a City law firm , I spent a year at Strasbourg University .

  10. 这一举措符合让公司的法律专员在单位内部做更多的工作,而不是将工作分包给律师事务所的趋势。

    The move is consistent with a trend for corporate legal staffs to do more work in-house , instead of farming it out to law firms

  11. 这是一个律师事务所。

    This is a lawyer 's office .

  12. 李小平,重庆大工律师事务所副主任、合伙律师,西南政法大学经济法系法学学士毕业,现为西南政法大学在册硕士研究生。

    Xiaoping li , vice chair of dugong law firm , bachelor of law , graduated from Southwest University of political science and law ( swupl ), and a present master in swupl .

  13. 1952年,桑德拉•戴•奥康纳以全班第三的好成绩在斯坦福大学法学院(StanfordLawSchool)毕业,可由于她是女性,没有律师事务所愿意雇她。

    When Sandra Day O'Connor finished third in her class at Stanford Law School , in 1952 , she could not find work at a law firm because she was a woman .

  14. 他是律师事务所的合伙人。

    He is a partner in a law firm .

  15. 她拥有硕士学位,在伦敦金融城(TheCity)的一间律师事务所获得了一份新工作。也是在那里,她结识了她的男朋友。

    She had a masters degree and a new job with a legal firm in the City , where she had met her boyfriend .

  16. 作者是国际性律师事务所众达(JonesDay)并购部门主管

    The writer is head of the merger department of Jones Day , a global law firm

  17. 金杜律师事务所管理合伙人王玲(WangLing)拒绝对此置评。

    Wang Ling , managing partner of King & Wood , declined to comment .

  18. 律师事务所的规模化发展是我国加入WTO的迫切需要,也是我国律师业发展的内在要求。

    It 's not only emergent for the law firm to develop in scale after China enters WTO , but also an inherent require to the development of lawyer profession .

  19. 西盟斯律师事务所(Simmons&SimmonsLLP)是另一家获奖单位。

    Law firm Simmons & Simmons LLP was another award winner .

  20. 如今,诺德豪斯是环境律师事务所VanNessFeldman的高级合伙人。

    Today Mr. Nordhaus is a senior partner at the environmental law firm Van Ness Feldman .

  21. 但是,众达律师事务所(JonesDay)在上海的合伙人王智平(PeterWang)表示,许多公司在提交合并交易的反垄断评审时,仍习惯于不把中国当一回事。

    But Peter Wang , a partner at Jones Day in Shanghai , said many were still used to treating China as an afterthought when submitting mergers for antitrust reviews .

  22. 高伟绅律师事务所(CliffordChance)金融监管专家西蒙•葛里森(SimonGleeson)对此更为清楚。

    Simon Gleeson , an expert on financial regulation at Clifford Chance , the law firm , is clearer still .

  23. 今春,《纽约时报》(theNewYorkTimes)指出,2005年,在美国主要律师事务所中,仅有17%的合伙人是女性。鉴于法律专业男女毕业生人数大致持平,这一比例十分可悲。

    This spring The New York Times pointed out that only 17 per cent of partners at leading American law firms in 2005 were women , a woeful figure given the roughly equal numbers of male and female law graduates .

  24. 本文作者是跨国律师事务所英国欧华律师事务所(dlapiper)驻北京代表处合伙人。

    The author is a partner in the Beijing Office of international law firm DLA Piper .

  25. 中国领先律师事务所君合(junhelawoffices)的律师杰弗里威尔逊(jeffreywilson)表示,新规的出台与中国劳动法改革的大方向是一致的。

    Jeffrey Wilson , a labour lawyer with Jun He , a leading Chinese firm , said the reforms were consistent with the broader evolution of Chinese employment law .

  26. HodgeJones&Allen律师事务所与伦敦大学学院(UniversityCollegeLondon)的科研人员合作,开发了评估人身伤害案件是非曲直的软件。

    Hodge , Jones & Allen , a law firm , has worked with academics from University College London to create software that assesses the merits of personal injury cases .

  27. 要想控告这些克隆企业很难,来自美国律师事务所的知识产权专家davidgoldstone认为。

    Suing clones is hard , says David Goldstone , an intellectual-property specialist at Goodwin Procter , an American law firm .

  28. TMZ网站声称,43岁的朱莉已聘请另一律师事务所接手该案。

    TMZ claims the 43-year-old actress has already hired another law firm to take over .

  29. 安理律师事务所(Allen&Overy)为发行方汇丰(HSBC)和中银香港提供了服务。

    Allen & Overy worked on behalf of the issuers , HSBC and Bank of China ( Hong Kong ) .

  30. 卡斯商学院(cassbusinessschool)的研究员路易丝阿什利(louiseashley)在专业服务机构工作,她经常与大律师事务所的初级年轻律师交谈。

    Louise Ashley , a research fellow at Cass Business School who works with professional services firms , speaks regularly with young lawyers at entry level with the largest law firms .