
  • 网络negotiate price;negotiated price
  1. 和主要供应商协商价格、信用条款、校样时间及产品交付时间。

    Negotiate pricing , credit terms , sample lead-time and production lead-time with key suppliers .

  2. 如果客人续租,帮助重新协商价格和准备新的合同。

    Help client to renegotiate price and prepare new contract if client wants to renew .

  3. 声音1:乘客必须在三轮摩托车起步前与司机协商价格。

    Voice 1 : Passengers must negotiate a price with the driver before the tuk-tuk ride .

  4. 与力拓一样,必和必拓销售澳洲铁矿石也不再采用年度协商价格,转而采用基于现货市场的季度价。

    Like Rio , BHP has shifted its Australian iron ore sales from negotiated annual prices to quarterly spot market-based prices .

  5. 它还使得波音能够与紧固件生产商直接协商价格,以确保波音及其生产合作伙伴拿到更加优惠的价格。

    It would also enable Boeing to negotiate a price directly with fastener makers to ensure more favourable pricing , both for itself and its partners .

  6. 知情人士表示,陶氏化学可借入130亿美元过桥贷款(bridgeloan)弥补收购费用,并补充称,这家美国企业很可能会试图重新协商交易价格,以反映罗门哈斯估值在近期的下降。

    People close to the situation said Dow could tap a $ 13bn bridge loan to pay for the takeover and added that the US company was likely to try to renegotiate the price of the deal to reflect the recent drop in Rohm 's valuation .

  7. 但苏伊士管理人员坚称,一直以来,他们都能够通过协商确定价格。从长期来看,这些价格给他们带来的利润水平,将与公司在其它国家的业务相当。

    But Suez executives insist they have been able to negotiate prices that will give them a profit over time in line with their businesses in other countries .

  8. 没有中介干预只以买卖双方协商好的价格出售所有权。

    A sale of property at a price agreed on by the seller and buyer without an intervening agency .

  9. 由于这批寄售的商品中有很多无法使用的,所以请对原来协商制定的价格做一次大幅度的折扣优待为荷。

    As much of this consignment will be practically useless , kindly allow me a liberal discount upon the price agreed uppon .

  10. 论文研究表明,信息费用约束较小时,在市价的基础上协商确定交换价格是将补偿合约交易费用减至最低的主要方式。

    According to this research , when information cost is relatively low , the transaction cost of the contract determined by negotiation can be low .

  11. 任何事物都可以进行协商,如价格、和平、新娘等。多数情况下,协商被认为是谈判双方在遵守基本谈判规则下进行的沟通交流。

    The issue of negotiation can be anything such as price , peace , brides , etc. Most of the time , negotiation as a conversation involves two sides that agree to observe basic communication skills for the negotiation to be possible .

  12. 为此,提出了一种基于不对称Nash协商模型的批发价格契约机制来协调合作双方的收益,并进行了数据模拟与综合分析。

    Therefore , a kind of wholesale price mechanism to coordinate the benefit of both parties based on asymmetric Nash negotiation model is proposed . And the feasibility of the model is manifested by data simulation .

  13. 客户和开发人员协商项目的固定价格。

    The customer and developer negotiate a fixed price for the project .

  14. 行业协会价格卡特尔是行业协会组织协会会员协商后达成的价格卡特尔。

    Trade association price cartel is reached after consulting with members in association .

  15. 甲乙双方另行协商确定产品的价格、数量及商务流程。

    The two parties will negotiate products'price , amount and business flow in another way .

  16. 一些自由主义立法者提议了一些措施,例如,要求政府出面协商更低的药品价格。

    Some liberal lawmakers have proposed measures such as letting the government lower drug prices .

  17. 张弛花了一个月的时间来紧张筹备,包括与教练协商确保最优的价格。

    Zhang spent a month working tirelessly to prepare , including negotiating with the dance instructors to ensure the best possible price .

  18. 关联交易的核心是定价问题,由双方协商而定的价格是关联交易备受关注的最根本原因。

    The core problem of the Related Party Transactions is the pricing problem , because the prices of these transactions are not very fair .